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"Excuse me?"

K: We're going to do this mechanically. Oikawa or Bokuto? They're both clearly in love with you; you clearly have feelings for both of them and they're offering different things; it's up to you.

"Okay, 'mechanically speaking' have you considered what would happen if I don't want either of them?"

K: We found you on top of Oikawa and if you didn't have any feelings for Bokuto then you wouldn't have kept yelling at him to try and make him understand you.

"I don't have to like Tooru to be on top of him. He's hot, he knows it, I know it, we all know it. I don't need any more reason. As far as Bokuto, he spent a lot of time making me miserable, if he understood where I was coming from MAYBE HE'D STOP BEING SUCH AN ASS!"

O: I'm not sure if I should feel complimented or objectified.

B: I'm pretty sure I just feel insulted.


K: (P/N), I'm tired of the drama and the circles and I know so are you.

"How about you stop trying to tell me how I feel?"

K: Now you're just arguing for argument's sake.

"You two are completely okay with him talking for you?"

O: I keep saying the wrong things and he's the only one you're listening to. I don't have a choice.

B: Oikawa's right. We mess things up and Kuroo's the only one who knows how to talk to you.

"And don't you two think that's important in a relationship?"

O: We can learn how to talk to each other after, but what's important right now is getting you to understand how we feel.

*scoff* "That's rich. As if you've ever tried to understand how I felt."

K: Listen take some time to think about it and go consult the council. Talk to Kageyama or Aiko-

"Why? Because I'm incapable of making decisions on my own?"

K: Because you're incapable of doing what you want if that means hurting someone you care about.

"I - "

K: Go ahead and tell me wrong. Waste some more of our time.

O: We told you.

B: The man always knows just what to say.

O: Shame he cheated on you and isn't vying for your attention anymore.

"Seriously? You had to bring it up again."

K: It's not important.

O: Especially because it makes it easier to choose!

"Yeah? Since you know so much, go on and tell me who I should choose?"

O: No. I sense I've made a mistake of some kind.

B: Look at you having a brain.

"Well this has been fun, but like Kuroo said I'm going to take some time to 'think about this' and then I'll get back to you." Annoying, arrogant, condescending *mutter, mutter, mutter* Where the hell was stomping to you ask? Well, I think we all know the answer to that. "TOBIO!" Kuroo knew me like the back of his hand, what can I say?

K: Yeah?

"Oh good, you're home! Because BOY DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU!" After I slammed the door I sat Tobi down and told him the entire story, well entire minus the whole Bokuto finding me and Tooru half naked on the couch together part. "CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? The audacity of those idiots! Asking ME to choose? Who did they think are? How dare they assume I still want to be with any one of them! And Kuroo, where does he get off assuming I don't know how to decide what I want on my own."

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