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A/N: I want to say reader adversary, but like some of you may be like this is soft stuff SO I'M JUST GONNA SAY BE AWARE. I also want to say for those of you more thirsty people I  hope you like this. For those or you who are quenched just skip it. This is the furthest in detail it's gonna go! Also mark you calendars because my last exam is December 5th which means that day I'M GONNA ANSWER ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND LOOK AT ALL YOUR THOUGHTS AND I'LL BE BACK AND I'M SO EXCITED CAUSE I LOVE AND MISS YOU. But that means from 20th to the 5th I may or may not update so unclear, which is why I've been putting in longer chapters. ALSO: I was thinking of switching the story to mature cause I feel like there's a lot of mature concepts in here like depression, self loathing, anxiety, and of course sexual innuendos, but it might just be me because you're all my babies but let me know what you think and then I'll make the switch on the 5th after seeing your reactions! Anywho BOKUTO SIMPS, COME GET YOUR DRINK.

The sun was shining on this beautiful Saturday morning as my eyes fluttered awake. I went to get out of bed but the grip around my waist tightened and brought me closer to his chest. I turned around and looked up at a peaceful Bokuto whose eyes were still closed.

B: Don't go. It's too early.

*giggle* "Taro, you've got to let go."

B: Five more minutes.

"Everytime you say five more minutes we end up in bed for another couple of hours. You see what happened last night, we almost got caught." Bokuto smirked with his eyes still closed.

B: I didn't hear you complaining last night. I hear a lot of things came of you, but a complaint was not one of them.

I wrapped my arms around Bokuto's neck and put on a smirk of my own. "What can I say, you're good at what you do." Bokuto let out a little chuckle, but still refused to open his eyes. "You also put your hand over my mouth so there's not much I could say."

B: I very much so beg to differ.

My own smirk found its way onto my face. My special pure perfect boy, where did all that purity go? I leaned up and pressed my lips against Bokuto's and within seconds his lips were moving against mine. When I pulled away, Bokuto lids opened to relieve those beautiful golden irises that were being hidden away. Bokuto leaned down and gave me a little kiss on my nose. Then another one on one of my cheeks and then another one on the other. Bokuto.. I -

B: That's my favorite way to be woken up.

"Oh yeah?  Not the way I woke you up a few weeks ago?"

B: Birthday head is great, but waking up with you in arms is a lot better. Plus we do it more often, so...

"You just can't turn off."

B: Not when I'm around you.

"It could've been birthday sex, but someone is sentimental."

B: I already told you, we could have sex, but it's your first time and it needs to be with someone that you love.

"Taro, can we please not have this argument again so early in the morning?"

B: You're the one who brought it up.

My relationship with Bokuto was... complicated to say the least. You see we were together, kind of, but not actually together. He has this thing where he wants to be exclusive and we are, we just.. haven't told anyone about it yet or used any titles. Wakatoshi found out because he saw me kiss Bokuto goodbye after dropping me off at my date, but Aiko and Hajime weren't in loop yet. We initially hadn't told people because he and Kuroo are friends and he didn't want to hurt Kuroo's feelings, but the thing is they're also roommates. We have a system that works. We both stay hidden when we're at each other's apartments and it's nice and drama free. But Bokuto, he's got all these feelings and principles and in the year we've been together, he's been trying to get me to say it for about five months now.

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