Chapter 16: FROM THE ASHES

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We walked further and further away from my house in silence. Suddenly Tetsuro had stopped walking. I turned to face him, but I couldn't read what he was feeling. "I'm so sorry. He wasn't supposed to be here tonight and I thought it'd be okay if I just ignored him, but I should've known better. And he's annoying, don't get me wrong, but I've never seen him this bad. He just kept pushing and pushing and" *kiss* "You kissed me.... why did you kiss me? I mean it's not like I didn't like or want the kiss it's just that it was a little unexpected" *kiss*

*chuckles* K: You talk a lot when you're nervous.

*Smiles, wraps around Kuroo * "I like this new way of telling me to shut up." Tetsuro bent down again and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. All the tension from the events that perspired tonight seemed to all drift away. We broke our kiss only because we lacked the air to breathe. Tetsuro placed his forehead on mine and looked me in the eyes.

K: I've been waiting to kiss you like that all night.

*blushes and smiles* "Well, it was worth the wait." Tetsuro and I continued walking until we stopped at a bench in a nearby playground. "I guess park benches are kind of our thing."

K: We could sit on the floor if you want?

"No, it's okay. *smiles* I like sitting here. It brings back memories. When I was little, my mom and Mrs Oikawa used to sit here and watch us play. Sakura, Oikawa's sister, would always be challenging the boys. Who could swing higher? Who could come down the slide faster? Who could stay on the monkey bars the longest? Of course it was never either us, but it was always fun to try.*Laughs* This one time Tooru and Hajime.... I'm sorry."

*looks up at the sky* K: It's okay, really. I like seeing that smile on your face even if I'm not the one giving it to you.


K: Oikawa, he's important to you isn't he?

"I.... He... We... have a lot of history."

K: Do you still love him?

"You said it yourself, it was a middle school crush. I barely knew how to tie my shoes let alone what love was.."

K:*sigh* That's not what I asked.

"I DON'T... I think....He's...complicated. I know I have a lot of feelings towards him, I just can't describe them."

K: Which is why you protected him back there and called me Kuroo?

"Tetsuro, the feelings I have for Oikawa, they"

K: I get that this is your first relationship. And it can feel like a lot, but if we're moving too fast you need to tell me.

"No I"

K: I'm not some second choice.

"I know, but if"

K: When I looked you in the eye that night at the lake, I knew you had me hooked. I was in so deep and so fast. I got this, this, feeling, like I needed to protect you, like I needed to keep you away from every other guy, and constantly keep you by side. And then I kissed you and then I knew, the fact was, this feeling I had, it was going to destroy me. I love you, but if ...

*smiles* "What did you just say?*

*blushes and looks away * K: I didn't say anything.

"No, no, you definitely said something. You said you"

*kiss* K:"You're talking too much." *kiss, pulls away laughing*

" If you're done rambling, can you please listen to me? *nods* Tetsuro Kuroo, the feelings I have for Oikawa, they're confusing and complicated and I refuse to think about them. But it isn't because he's important to me, it's because there's only one person on my mind at all times.

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