Chapter 23: A NEW LIGHT

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The day was going amazing. We got some pizza, played at the arcade, watched a movie and now we were walking to get some ice cream. We walked up to the sweet old lady. "Two cones please. One (favorite flavor) and One Vanilla!" I pulled out my wallet to pay, but Tobi handed her money first. She gave us our cones.

Ice Cream Lady: You two make a lovely couple, but don't be afraid to hold her hand young man.

Tobi blushed and stared intently at my hand. I giggled, but decided to humor the old woman and intertwine my fingers with his. He still hadn't said anything, but his face was about to match his sweatshirt if he didn't calm down. We thanked the old woman again and started walking down the street hand in hand. This felt... nice? It was different than holding hands with Tetsu, but it wasn't like when Hajime held my hand either. This felt right. Even though his hand was bigger than mine, the two fit like puzzle pieces. I looked up at Tobi licking his cone. His face had almost returned to its normal color. The small dust of pink that he wore, he wore with beauty. Whether it was the light of the moon or that of streetlights both reflected off of Tobi making him look perfect. His eyes were sparkling and he was smiling. Give the boy some dairy and he'll be happy. I started giggling at the thought of my silly best friend. Tobi looked over and blushed again. I noticed he had some ice cream on his nose and stopped walking.

K: Everything okay?

"You have a little something right here" I said as I wiped the dessert off his nose with my pinky, while trying to keep my cone from spilling. It didn't work, but I didn't care because all I could focus on were his eyes. Our hands were still laced with one other, but we both stood there. Those eyes that I've seen so many times displaying so many different emotions. They've never held this one. What was it?

??: Well, well, well if it isn't the King of Court? Did you finally get a girlfriend?

I turned around to see Kindaichi and Kunimi. Just great. I know they gave him trouble back in middle school, but they were Hedge's teammates. I smiled at the two. "Hey guys, are you out enjoying the weather too?"

Kindaichi: (P/N) *blushes* It's nice to see you again. What are you doing out here and with the King?

Kunimi: She just said enjoying the weather.

"Tobi and I are on a little date." I kept my smile on and showed the two our conjoined hands. It's easier to catch flies with honey, I reminded myself. Tobi just ignored them.

K: I should get you home. Let's go.

Kindaichi: (P/N), does Iwaizumi-san know you're dating this Dictator? Oh gosh what about Oikawa- sama?

Kunimi: They're going to freak out.

Kindaichi: Kageyama, maybe you should let us walk her home just in case.

This playing nice is getting annoying and this constant insulting of Tobi, even more annoying. I giggled causing Kindaichi to blush. "Don't be silly you two. Tobi is perfectly capable of walking me home safely. After all" I leaned up and kissed Tobi on the cheek. " he's the most perfect person in the whole universe. At first, he may come off a little scary, but underneath that reserved nature is a sweet, considerate, protective, passionate person who's very important to me. He's not the same as he was in middle school and that name you call him isn't nice, so can you please stop, for me." They both nodded, shock still radiating out of them. I turn to look at Tobi, who was still frozen in place equally as shocked. I smiled up at him. " I think it's time to go." We started to walk away. " Bye boys." I waved off with my free hand. "Oh and I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to either Hajime or Oikawa. *wink*" Once we were a safe distance away I let go of my rage. "CAN YOU BELIEVE THOSE ASSHOLES?"

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