What is this place?

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__"Ugh..." Sonic groaned. His head was throbbing excitedly in pain. Did he hit his head on something hard? He kept his eyes closed as he sat up and rubbed his head where it hurt. He definitely hit his head. He felt the soft grass around him and was confused. He didn't remember the grass around his house being this flat. He brought himself to open his eyes, keeping them squinted as the sunlight hurt them. Once they adjusted he looked around his surroundings in shock. The world was so bright. There were no jagged edges on the ground and the far mountains; they were round and smooth. There were random blocks that were somehow floating in mid-air. Most of them were brown bricks while others were yellow blocks with a white question mark on them. He then looked up to the sky and saw the clouds. He thought he was seeing things when he saw black eyes on the small clouds.
__"Where the hell am I?" Sonic mumbled to himself. He looked around and saw a castle in the distance. He had never seen this castle before, and he had visited all the castles on Mobius. He decided to walk towards there. While walking he remembered something and began looking around more frantically. The last thing I remember is being with Tails. Where is he? He shook his head and continued onward. He figured he could find his fox friend if he asked the people in that castle.
__All seemed well when he heard someone screaming "Ah! Mario, help!"
__Sonic immediately ran towards the fear-struck screaming. He stopped and stared in confusion as he saw a weird white mushroom running away from three brown mushrooms. The brown mushrooms only had feet and looked very angry while the white mushroom had red spots on his head with his little arms flailing about. What are they?
__Sonic curled himself into a ball and used his homing attack on the three brown mushrooms. When he untucked he turned to look at them. To his surprise, they trembled in place before simply poofing out of existence. He didn't have time to comprehend what just happened before the white mushroom immediately hugged his legs. "Uh!?"
__"Oh, thank you, Mario!" Yelled the mushroom, his voice rather high pitched, strong, and annoying. It made Sonic uncomfortable enough to flatten his ears. It wasn't until the mushroom looked up at him that he jumped back and gasped. "Wait, you're not Mario!"
__Sonic took a step back and shook his head. "I'm not. I'm Sonic."
__The mushroom was examining Sonic with interest. "What are you?"
__"I could ask you the same thing," Sonic said promptly. "I've never seen anything like you."
__"Huh!?" The mushroom looked rather shocked. "You don't know who or what I am!? I'm Toad! I'm from the Mushroom Kingdom!"
__Sonic tilted his head. "Mushroom Kingdom? You mean that castle over there?" He pointed towards the castle.
__Toad nodded. "You don't know the Mushroom Kingdom either? Have you been living under a rock all your life?"
__Sonic shook his head. "Not necessarily. I believe there's been some mistake. Who runs this Mushroom Kingdom?"
__Toad smiled and stood proudly. "That'd be our lovely princess: Princess Toadstool!"
__"Princess Toadstool?" Sonic crossed his arms and nodded. "Like I said, Toad? There's been a mistake. Perhaps you could take me to the Mushroom Kingdom so I could talk to the princess?"
__Toad wore a skeptical look as he stomped his foot. "I don't know. You haven't even told me what you are yet. I've never seen a blue creature such as you."
__Sonic chuckled awkwardly as he scratched the side of his head. "I'm a hedgehog." He then gestured to his quills. "See?"
__"Oh." Toad looked intrigued before nodding. "Okay. Since you did save me, I suppose I could take you to talk to the princess."
__"Wonderful. Thanks," Sonic said brightly. He began following Toad to the castle and began asking questions. "So, have you by any chance seen a yellow fox with two tails?"
__Toad's feet were squeaking as he walked. He then shook his head and looked at Sonic. "Nope, I have not."
__"Dang," Sonic sighed. He then recalled the mushrooms he poofed. "By the way, what were those brown mushrooms that were chasing you?"
__"Wow, you really don't know anything, do you?" Toad questioned.
__"I guess not."
__"Those were goombas, one of Bowser's minions. Bunch of little baddies they are."
__Sonic narrowed his eyes in confusion. All right, am I dreaming or something? He pinched himself to be sure and winced. Nope. Not dreaming. He looked back at Toad. "Who's Bowser?"
__"Only the most horrible being in the world!" Toad shrieked, making Sonic flatten his ears. "He's the baddest of the bad! He's always trying to kidnap our beloved princess to force her to marry him! I haven't met anyone worse than that monster!"
__Sonic snorted and rolled his eyes. "Is that all?"
__Toad looked up at Sonic in confusion. "Why?"
__"I've dealt with worse people than this Bowser character," Sonic explained, trying not to sound like he was gloating. "I've fought with so many people who wanted to rule the world, destroy the world, and destroy time and space. All this Bowser wants is a wife? Tell him to get a dating app."
__"What's a dating app?"
__"Eh... Never mind that then."
__"I've got you now! Mwahahahaha!"
__Toad suddenly jumped and gasped. "Oh no! That's sounds like Bowser Jr.!" He shrieked. "He must have the princess!" He then started running away from the castle.
__"Hey!" Sonic ran after Toad.
__After a little while of running, they saw some small turtle-looking thing that was wearing a bib inside this clown airship. Next to him was a blonde human girl in a pink dress. She looked rather calm.
__"Hey, you brute!" Toad shouted to the turtle. "Put the princess down this instant!"
__Sonic was staring at the turtle. He was very confused. He could tell that this was a little kid. What was he doing with that woman?
__The turtle had glared down at Toad. "No! You can't tell me what to do! I finally got the princess!"
__The girl, who Sonic assumed was Princess Toadstool, now started to look worried.
__Toad began panicking as the flying airship began leaving. "Oh no! Oh no! OH NO! This is bad! Where's Mario!?" He then looked at Sonic. "Oh! You! You can take Bowser Jr. down, can't you?"
__Sonic's eyes grew wide. "Take him down? He's just a little kid!"
__"Bowser Jr. is also a monster!" Toad insisted. "He's going to try and take the princess to Bowser!"
__Sonic sighed in defeat and looked at the flying airship. "All right then. But I'm doing this my way."
__Sonic once again curled into a ball and leaped for the airship. When he got close he grabbed the rim and pulled himself up. Bowser Jr. didn't seem to notice him so he tapped him on the shell. "Hey, kid! I'm here to pick something up from you."
__"Huh?" Bowser Jr. looked at Sonic and gasped. "Wah!? Who are you!?"
__The princess looked at Sonic in confusion, but interest.
__Sonic returned the look while smiling. "Going my way, Princess?"
__Before she could even answer Sonic picked her up and jumped off the airship.
__"What!? Hey!" Bowser Jr. looked down as they fell. "Give her back! I caught her fair and square!"
__Sonic gracefully landed on his feet and looked at the princess. "You all right, Your Highness?"
__The princess nodded. "Mmhm. Thank you very much."
__Sonic then turned to look as Bowser Jr. flew down to their level. He looked really angry.
__"You dumb, stupid, pin cushion!" He yelled. "Who do you think you are, challenging the Crowned Koopa Prince, huh!? You just wait until I unleash my..."
__Something was ringing inside the airship. Bowser Jr. suddenly looked frightened. He nervously pulled out a weird looking phone and gulped before answering it. "Hi, papa," he began. "No! I promise I wasn't acting without your say so!" Bowser Jr. looked down at Sonic before slowly flying away. "Don't worry, I'm coming back now... No, I didn't necessarily finish my homework... I'm sorry! I'll get it done! Promise!" He was then out of sight.
__"What the hell was that?" Sonic mumbled.
__"Um, excuse me," the princess started kindly. "Could you put me down, please?"
__"Yes, of course." Sonic carefully set the princess down on her feet and grinned at her. "I'm told that you deal with being kidnapped often."
__The princess giggled. "I suppose so. It's basically a part of my routine now."
__Sonic looked down as Toad ran over to him in excitement. "Wow! That was amazing! It didn't even take you any effort at all!"
__Sonic tittered. "Like I said, I've dealt with things worse than kidnapping."
__"Princess Peach!" A man yelled.
__They all turned and saw two men running towards them. One of them was taller and wearing green while the other was shorter and wearing red. They were both panting as they stopped and looked at them. The man in red looked at the princess before resting his gaze on Sonic.

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