Venture onward

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__After three days Sonic's legs were feeling a lot better, so everyone began their travel to the Darklands. Princess Peach managed to convince Toadsworth to stay at the Mushroom Kingdom while she and Princess Daisy joined with the others. He was very much against this, but the princess ended up making an executive order. Princess Peach and Princess Daisy were grouped up with the Mario Brothers, Yoshi, and Toad at the front of the entire group. They were all leading the mobians.
__Sonic, Shadow, and Silver made sure to stay close to the Mario Brothers, ready to execute the plan when it was time. Tails, Knuckles, and Amy were right behind them with Cream and Cheese, Gemerl, Rouge and E-123 Omega tailing them. The remaining Chaotix, Big and Froggy, and the Babylon Rogues brought up the rear while Mighty and Ray filled the gap in the middle. They were about to leave Sunbeam Plains and make their way to Dry Dry Desert.
__Sonic had given the walkie-talkie to Tails. The two-tailed fox would keep everyone updated whenever Blaze brought up more news. Sonic was just happy he could walk normal and run again. He definitely no longer felt like a burden to the group.
__The journey through Dry Dry Desert was taking a while. They didn't want to use any vehicle because it would definitely draw the enemies' attention. It took a whole day for them to reach Dry Dry Outpost, which was inhabited by Nomadimice (small blue mice who wore black masks over their eyes). One of them named Moustafa greeted Mario and allowed them to camp out for the night. A purple mouse named Little Mouser had also came to greet them. He mainly wanted to mention his shop, but he was also saying there have been other purple Nomadimice who have gone rogue and been stealing others' belongings.
__They set up camp and began eating before dark. When the sun was setting Sonic noticed that one by one all of the girls (except Cream) kept on hiding behind E-123 Omega and leaving with something filling their bags. Amy was the last one to do this, so he went up to her and asked what they were doing discreetly. Any immediately hid her bag from Sonic after he asked.
__"You don't need to know," she muttered shyly.
__Sonic tilted his head. "Why not?"
__Amy shook her head. "Girl stuff!" She then walked past Sonic and went to sit with Rouge. Sonic decided it wasn't important and went to join Tails.

__In the morning it appeared that all of the girls had made sure they woke up first. Sonic knew this when he saw Wave had walked from behind E-123 Omega again. Sonic then looked as Amy was looking frantically around for something and went over to her. "What's wrong?"
__Amy promptly covered her chest when everyone looked at her. "My bag is gone! How did we let a thief in here!?"
__Rouge seemed to have immediately understood. "All right, time to find this rat!"
__Everyone was fully awake and packing up everything before they started looking around Dry Dry Outpost. Amy stayed right behind Rouge the entire time while they were looking as if she was trying to hide something. Little Mouser saw them all searching and asked if they had something stolen from them. When they answered he said he saw another purple Nomadimice running east with a pink bag just minutes ago. They all then left Little Mouser and hurried over east.
__Sonic slowed down his pace until he was next to Amy and Rouge and looked at them. "What's so important in that bag?"
__Both Amy and Rouge glared at him and shouted "None of your business!"
__Sonic took this opportunity to stop and let them go on ahead. Yeesh.
__After a few minutes Yoshi suddenly yelped. Everyone looked and saw that Yoshi was glaring at a purple Nomadimice that was standing on a small boulder. It was holding a satchel.
__"Give that back!" Yoshi barked. "That has all of Yoshi's precious food!"
__The Nomadimice shook his head. "You've obviously have something of value in here!" He then began shaking the bag and saw that only fruit had fallen out. "Aw... well maybe this has something better." He then pulled out a pink bag and pulled something out. "Ah ha- wah?"
__Sonic immediately understood. The purple theif was holding a black adhesive bra. He couldn't help but feel a little flustered as he looked away.
__Amy then shrieked. "That's mine, you little creep! Give that back!"
__The Nomadimice continued to examine the bra. "What even is this thing?"
__Amy's hammer appeared in her hands as she charged at the mouse. The little mouser hopped away before Amy crushed the boulder into bits and hopped onto another rock.
__"Ha ha! Missed me!" The mouse laughed as Amy continued to glower.
__Shadow teleported behind the mouse and snatched the bra from it. The Nomadimice immediately tried getting it back. "Hey! I stole that fair and..."
__Shadow just thrusted his free hand close to the mouse's face as Chaos Energy began forming at his palm. "We don't have time to deal with such a nuisance. If you don't wish to perish, then leave." Shadow sounded so calm, yet it made everyone feel nervous.
__The Nomadimice pouted as it shook. "Fine! You're all a bunch of trash anyway!" It then hopped off the rock and ran away as fast as it could.
__Amy let her hammer disappear as she ran over to Shadow. She quickly grabbed her bra and ran back.
__"You're welcome," Shadow muttered in annoyance.
__Amy then ran behind Rouge, who faced her back toward everyone and spread her wings to block their view. Cream went over to help as well.
__Sonic and Mario looked at each other awkwardly. "What an... obstacle..." was all Sonic could bring himself to say.
__Mario nodded slowly. "Your friend is also a bit... intense."
__"Shadow? That's just how he is. What he said was just an empty threat," Sonic reassured him. "He wouldn't have actually killed that mouse. He just knows that smaller enemies will think he's serious."
__Mario still looked concerned. "How do you think he would react with Bowser?"
__"Shadow won't try and kill Bowser if that's what you're worried about," Sonic assured. "Not unless he absolutely has to, but that's never the case with us."
__"Ah, but you forget," Knuckles interrupted as he joined the two. "Shadow did kill Black Doom, who was his own father."
__Sonic glared at Knuckles when Mario looked horrified. "Shut the fuck up!" He hissed to where Knuckles could barely hear him. He then giggled awkwardly as he waved his hands at Mario's face to keep him from looking at Shadow. "Black Doom was destroying our world while we were immobile from the Black Comet's nerve gas. Shadow was left by himself to deal with Black Doom trying to stop him from destroying the Black Comet. But that was a long time ago! You needn't worry about him! Honest!" He continued to chuckle nervously as Mario slowly backed away and went to join the princesses.
__Sonic then frowned before punching Knuckles's arm. "Nice going! We needed him to trust and work with Shadow!" He growled.
__"Sorry..." was all Knuckles said.
__While the girls finished what they were doing Sonic went over to Shadow, who had his arms crossed as he looked at him. Sonic lowered his voice when he got close enough. "Hey, promise you won't go killing anyone... especially Bowser."
__Shadow narrowed his eyes and snorted. "Who the hell do you think I am?" Shadow asked loudly enough for Mario to turn and look. "I don't go around asking for trouble like you. Even if I wanted to, the enemies of this world aren't worth my time to even think of killing." He then uncrossed his arms and went to join Silver.
__"Okay!" Mario shouted. He seemed to have calmed down. "Let's-a-go!" He and Luigi continued to lead everyone as they continued their travel through Dry Dry Desert.

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