A misunderstanding?

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__Sonic and Amy were carefully following after the Mario Brothers towards the city. They figured since the CCO has their company building there that they would be able to find their friend Big. As the brothers continued walking into the city, both Sonic and Amy stopped and turned around when they heard Toad screaming and running towards them.
__"Put these cloaks on," Toad heaved as he handed Sonic and Amy two brown hooded cloaks.
__"What are these for?" Amy asked as she put hers on.
__Toad was still panting and heaving. "The princess wants any of you who leave the castle to stay in disguise now that you're trying to get into contact with the CCO. She doesn't want anything bad to happen to you while you're saving your friends."
__"Well, as long as I don't have to wear pants," Sonic muttered as he put his on as well. He made sure to pull the hood over his face a bit before leading Amy and Toad after Mario and Luigi.
__Many people were staring at them as they walked, mainly at Sonic and Amy. Sonic could even sense Amy's uneasiness and allowed her to grab his left arm. Luigi had a weird looking device that served as a GPS. It was what was leading them to their desired location. 
__"It's-a not too far," Luigi told everyone. "It's around the middle somewhere."
__Mario nodded and looked back at Sonic Amy. "Remember, when we meet with them let us talk to them. Stay behind us, too. We don't want them to recognize you two."
__"You got it!" Amy grinned. 
__Sonic didn't say anything and just nodded.

__Sonic groaned as Amy and Toad held onto him tightly when they went inside the CCO company building. All of the staff and customers were all looking at Mario and Luigi in awe. The secretary immediately stood up and smiled as they walked up to the front desk.
__"Mr. Mario and Luigi! What a surprise! How can we help you two today?" She asked excitedly.
__Luigi was carefully examining the place while Mario replied. "We want to know about your recent captures."
__The Lady frowned as she sat back down and began looking through her computer. "Sure... but why, may I ask?"
__"We believe there's been a mistake," was all Mario said.
__There were some CCO agents in the building right now. They were looking at Sonic and Amy.
__Sonic made sure to keep his face hidden as he pulled Amy's head to his. "Don't let them see your face," he whispered.
__Amy only pulled her hood down over her eyes slightly.
__"Um." The lady turned her body towards them but kept looking at her computer screen. "All we've caught today were some goombas, bo-bombs, shy guys, and koopas for the norm. But we've just caught a giant purple cat who was accompanied by a weird frog with a tail and what we assumed is a black robot."
__Gemerl, Sonic to himself. He forced himself to stay quiet, though.
__"Could you possibly show us those last three?" Mario asked calmly while being friendly. 
__The lady looked confused. "Uhh... sure." She then looked at another CCO agent. "Marcus! Could you show these people our most recent catch?"
__The agent looked puzzled. But he then looked eager when he saw Mario and Luigi. "Of course! Follow me gentlemen!" 
__They all followed the agent carefully into another room that led into a long hallway. At the end of the hallway was a locked door. The agent pulled out a keycard and was able to open the door. As soon as the door opened, there were loud shouting from many creatures stuck in cells with electrifying bars that prevented them from escaping.
__Sonic had flattened his ears as they walked past all of the little monsters that tried to scare them through the electric bars. He recognized the goombas and shy guys. There were little black bombs and yellow turtles that Sonic assumed were bo-bombs and koopas. From what Sonic learned, Bowser's minions didn't need to eat or drink. But the way these monsters were contained still made Sonic uneasy. 
__"Here they are." The agent stopped and gestured his hand to the cell next to him. 
__Sonic stayed behind Mario while he tried to look into the cell. He bit his lip as he saw Big the Cat sitting down in a corner with his ears drooped forward with a frog with a tail sitting on his head. In the middle of the cell was the black robot Gemerl. It was lying down on its side and it appeared to be shut off. Sonic growled quietly as Mario began explaining some things.
__"We would really appreciate it if we could have these three come back with us," Mario said calmly with a straight face.
__The agent had narrowed his eyes. "With all do respect, these colorful animals are dangerous. We've been given orders to keep these things contained. Unless my superiors say otherwise, I cannot allow these animals to be let out."
__While Mario and Luigi tried to make the CCO agent reconsider, Big had slowly looked over at them in excitement. Both Sonic and Amy had to put their fingers over their mouths to tell him to stay quiet. Big only smiled as the frog began jumping up and down on his head.
__Mario and Luigi had nearly convinced the agent when another agent came in from behind and pulled him back.
__"What do you think you're doing here, Marcus?" The other agent growled. He then eyed the group as he continued to pull Marcus away and began whispering.
__Mario, Luigi, and Toad were very confused, but Sonic and Amy could still hear them with their ears.
__"We are not to associate with the Mario Brothers, remember?" The other agent hissed. "We have orders."
__"What do you mean? This is the first I've heard of this."
__"That's because you're always busy slacking off when you're not working! Get them out of here! These heroes will ruin our bosses plans!"
__Sonic then brought his mouth over to Mario's ear. "You've proven too trusting with these people, Mario. They're plotting something. Whatever it is they want to make sure you and your brother aren't here to know."
__Mario looked at Sonic. "How do you know?"
__That was when Amy gestured to her ears under her hood and began twitching them.
__Mario then looked as the agents looked at the group with a serious gaze.
__"Forgive me, but I must humbly ask that you leave," Marcus said. "These colorful animals must stay here with us."
__Mario had narrowed his eyes and scowled. "What is the meaning of this? We've been given orders by Princess Peach herself for these creatures. You dare go against the princess?"
__The agents looked at each other before pulling out their advanced weapons and glaring at Mario.
__"Final warning," the other agent warned. "Leave or we'll have to resort to extreme measures."
__Luigi and Toad began shaking as Mario looked at Sonic.
__"All right then. What do you supposed we do?" Mario asked.
__Sonic smiled and looked at Amy. Amy smiled back and removed her cloak causing the agents to back up in surprise. Amy's hammer had appeared in her hands as she began her attack. Sonic took off his cloak too as more agents came running in. Mario and Luigi decided to help Amy and began fighting the other humans while Toad hid behind Sonic. 
__Sonic had stayed calm as he looked over at Gemerl. He had hoped it wasn't in the same state as E-123 Omega as he began speaking to it. "Gemerl! Activate voice recognition: Sonic the Hedgehog! Power on!"
__The robot's dim eyes immediately lit up to a light blue. "Voice recognition Sonic the Hedgehog accepted. Powering on." Gemerl then stood up and walked over to the electric bars and looked at Sonic. "Where is Cream? I can sense something is wrong with this world."
__"Cream and Cheese are fine," Sonic assured it. "Break through this and help me get everyone out of here in one piece."
__Gemerl had grabbed onto one of the bars with its hand and started to absorb the electricity, causing the bars to disappear. It then turned towards the humans and began attacking them.
__Sonic grabbed Mario's arm and pointed to the door they came from. "Let's get out of here!"
__Mario nodded and led everyone out of the hallway with Big struggling to follow after them.
__Sonic used his homing attack to knock all of the CCO agents back before looking at Gemerl. "Follow them back to the castle!"
__Gemerl nodded and began flying after them while Sonic ran. They caught up to the group and they all ran out of the building leaving all the other humans to stare at them in shock. When they were outside more humans began screaming. The agents had followed them out of the building and began their chase. 
__"Don't let them get away!"
__Gemerl suddenly stopped, making Sonic stop as well. Gemerl had set its arms behind its back and popped its chest out. Sonic knew what it was doing and stood in front of it.
__"Don't launch your missiles!" Sonic shouted. "We're not trying to kill anyone, and there are innocent people here!"
__Gemerl pulled its chest back before flying after the group again.
__Sonic then turned around punched the first agent that tried to grab him before running around the group in repeated circles until they all lost their balance and fell. He then stopped in front of one of them and grabbed him by the vest. "What the hell is going on with you guys!? What made you think we were a threat to the humans, and why are you suddenly against Mario and Luigi!?"
__The man, which was Marcus, was shaking a bit. "I-I don't know! I swear! All I know is that we got information from a doctor who said you animals attack humans!"
__"Doctor?" Sonic started growling in anger. "That damn old man!" He then dropped Marcus and began running again until he caught up to his friends who were all hiding in the woods.
__"Where have you been!?" Amy snapped.
__"What's-a going on?" Mario asked as Sonic walked up to him.
__Sonic stopped right in front of Mario and crossed his arms. "I may have a theory about what's really going on."
__Mario suddenly perked up. "Really? What?"
__"I'll tell you when we get back to the castle," Sonic said as he caught the frog before it could run away from Big. He then gave the frog back to Big. "We need to get Big, Froggy, and Gemerl back to the others first."

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now