A dramatic meet up

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__The airship had landed in what Luigi called Wakeport in Pi'illo Island. Mario had told everyone that they should go through Mushrise Park and head to the Pi'illo Castle to ask if they've seen Shadow. All of the toads except for Toad were told to stay on the airship. Sonic had to hold Cream's hand as they walked off the airship. He looked around and saw that Wakeport looked like a normal seaside town. Sonic was told that they would see shelltops and pi'illos as soon as they were in Wakeport. The shelltops were similar to toads, but they had shells on their heads and mainly inhabited in Wakeport. The pi'illos were an ancient species with pink skin and wore hats that inhabited all over Pi'illo Island. Sonic could immediately see the shelltops resemblance to toads as they ran around Wakeport.
__"Wow!" Cream gasped. "They're so cute!"
__Sonic giggled in response as he watched Mario walk up to a small group of shelltops. He greeted them in a friendly fashion as the shelltops began hopping up and down in joy. They began to speak one at a time.
__"It's Mario!"
__"He's back!"
__"With Luigi!"
__"And some friends!"
__Sonic started walking when he felt Luigi push him and went to join Mario. The little group of shelltops looked up at Sonic in confusion and began speaking one at a time again.
__"When did Shadow get here?"
__"Did you find your robot friend already?"
__"You seem more chipper now."
__"Who's the bunny?"
__Mario, Luigi, and Toad looked at Sonic in confusion as he groaned and shook his head. "Why does everyone think Shadow and I look alike!?"
__Cream walked up to one of the shelltops and smiled. "My name is Cream, and this is my chao Cheese. Mr. Sonic is not Mr. Shadow. We're looking for Mr. Shadow. He's our friend."
__"Oh!" the shelltops replied in unison.
__Sonic leaned in closer to them. "So you know Shadow then? Do you know where he is?"
__One of the shelltops pointed to the mountain, which was rocky at the bottom and snowy at the top. "Rumor has been going around saying he's still up on Mount Pajamaja."
__Another shelltop nodded. "He's apparently looking for his robot friend up there."
__"All right, thank you," Mario said as he began walking. "Let's-a-go."
__"Why does he say it like that?" Sonic whispered to Luigi.
__"It's mainly his accent, but it's his catchphrase," Luigi explained.
__Sonic just nodded and began following Mario to Mushrise Park.

__They finally made it to Mount Pajamaja. They were at the bottom of the mountain and making their way up. They had to walk through many bridges and paths as they progressed upwards. It was taking a long time and they had to stop and rest a few times. Sonic didn't like this slow pace. He could easily run around the whole mountain to find Shadow, but he didn't want to leave everyone else behind. Plus, he wanted to enjoy the walk with them. He just wished they could move a little faster.
__Later on they came upon another bridge. But the bridge was broken. It had snapped in the middle and both ends were hanging down by the cliffs they were tied to. Mario was examining the area and sighed. "We have to find another way around. It's too far for us to jump."
__"Not so fast," Sonic interrupted. He then looked down at Cream and Cheese. "Can you carry them across, Cream?"
__Cream immediately nodded and started flapping her large ears until she was flying. She grabbed Toad's hands first and flew him over the cliffs with Cheese flying after them.
__"She can fly?" Luigi gasped.
__Sonic nodded. "Yep!"
__Luigi then looked doubtful. "We'll she be able to carry all of us? Mario here is packing some extra weight."
__In response, Mario glared at Luigi and punched his arm.
__Sonic stifled a laugh. "She definitely can. She's a strong little girl. We have a huge friend who's as big as Eggman and she's able to carry him along with Amy."
__Cream then came flying back. She left Toad and Cheese at the other side. She was looking at Luigi and motioning him to give her his hands.
__"Eh, I don't know..." Luigi said nervously.
__Mario rolled his eyes and pushed Luigi.
__Cream quickly grabbed Luigi's hand and carried him over while Luigi began making scared noises.
__Sonic had tilted his head and barely looked at Mario. "You'll always treat him like that?" he asked carefully.
__"As his older brother, I kinda have to," Mario replied without looking at him. "Luigi tends to be scared of a lot of things and he wants to be able to push through them. But he can't bring himself to push, so I do the pushing for him."
__Sonic then sighed and turned his face to Mario. "Look, we need to brake this tension between us. We're both just trying to help our friends and each other in any way we can. I am sorry for offending your ways, all right?"
__"Forget about it," Mario sighed. "I already feel bad enough. I just want to help you get all your friends back so you'll be able to get home safely."
__Both Mario and Sonic watched as Cream flew back over to them and reached out for Mario's hands. Sonic nodded to Mario as he grabbed onto Cream's hands. Cream smiled at Sonic before flying back to the other side. When she set Mario down she landed on the ground, making the others look down at her.
__"Don't you need to get Sonic?" Toad asked.
__Both Cream and Cheese shook their heads. They then moved out of the way of the bridge as Sonic backed up. Mario and Luigi showed a sign of recognition on their faces as they followed Cream. Toad took a while before he followed them, too.
__When it was clear Sonic ran until he was right at the edge of the cliff. He then jumped and spin dashed to the other side and crossed his arms. "Too easy!"
__Cream, Cheese and Toad went up to Sonic and began hopping up and down while the Mario Brothers just grinned and rolled their eyes.
__"Okay, time to continue on!" Sonic said brightly as he began walking along the path.

__It took a while but they managed to reach the top of the mountain. It was very cold. Sonic was disappointed that they hadn't found Shadow along the way up. He didn't even see Shadow at all when they made it to the top. Instead he looked down and his heart sank as he saw lava inside the mountain. He backed up and grabbed Cream. "You be careful here, Cream."
__Cream hugged Sonic and nodded.
__Toad suddenly began screaming, making everyone turn to see what was happening. There was a large herd of small yellow pterodactyl looking creatures, blues spheres with with spikes on top of their heads, and small red guys with masks (which Sonic remembered hearing that these were shy guys). 
__"What are those things!?" Cream exlaimed.
__"Pi'illodactyls, fleebis rs, and shy guys!" Mario growled. "Come on, Luigi!"
__Mario ran straight towards the enemy and began attacking them. Luigi was shaking for a bit. But he did force himself to move when Mario called for him again. The two began jumping on top of the shy guys and pi'illodactyls whenever they flew down to the ground, poofing out of existence as they did. As for the fleebis rs, they had to kick them back since they couldn't jump on top of them. 
__Sonic grew tense as some of the enemies went past the brothers and headed towards them. Toad, Cream and Cheese had been hiding behind him. Sonic took the opportunity to use his homing attack on any enemy that drew too close. He had to be extra careful because he knew the enemies were forcing them back to the opening of the mountain. He gritted his teeth and started growling. "Cream, Toad, run!"
__Both had hesitated before they began running away.
__Sonic immediately used his homing attack on the pi'illodactyls that tried to fly after them and watched them poof. But as soon as he landed on the ground, a shy guy had charged at Sonic and knocked him into the volcano. Both Mario and Luigi gasped and tried to get to him but more enemies closed in on them. Sonic tried to calm down as he fell towards the lava. If he was quick enough, he could use his dash and grab onto the rocky wall beside him. But he then felt someone grab him and in less then a heartbeat, he found himself back at the top of the mountain after seeing a blue flash. The Mario Brothers and the enemies had stopped what they were doing and looked at Sonic in shock. Sonic had blinked in confusion a few times before he looked to see who his savior was. To his surprise, it was none other than the black hedgehog they had been looking for.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now