Sort of an amazing start

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__By nightfall not everyone came back. Three of the groups had returned, but Mario's group with Shadow, Rouge, and E-123 were still gone. Sonic just figured that Shadow didn't plan on returning until he found something and was dragging his group along. When he explained this to Luigi and Princess Peach they were both worried. But Sonic had to reassure them that Shadow wouldn't let Mario get hurt and might let them camp out if they didn't come back tonight. Of course, they were still concerned.
__Right now everyone was eating dinner in the castle's dining room. Sonic had Tails sitting on his left side while Amy sat on his right. The food in this world always looked a little cartoony and weird, but the taste was pretty much the same as the food back home. Sonic stayed silent as he had the walkie-talkie sitting on his lap while everyone else was chatting up a storm. Amy was faced towards Cream as she was cleaning her face with a napkin while Tails was conspiring with Professor E. Gadd. The Chaotix were talking amongst themselves as well as Mighty and Ray. Knuckles was just sitting quietly as he pretended to listen to whatever Big was talking about.
__Sonic kept his ears flattened as he focused his attention on the walkie-talkie. He was becoming impatient with the reports (not worried since he knew Espio and Blaze wouldn't get caught so easily).
__Amy took notice of his impatience and took the walkie-talkie off his leg to get his attention. "How 'bout you relax and eat?" She suggested with her eyes narrowed.
__"How can I when the world could end?" Sonic retorted quietly. "I feel like we just brought danger to someone else's world when it was supposed to be ours."
__"If it was meant to be our world, then why would Eggman bother teaming up with the bad guys here and have an army?"
__"Maybe he knew we would end up here, too," Sonic infered. "and he's trying to make sure we don't get in his way."
__Amy shook her head. "Mm. Mm. Can never do things simple," she said jokingly.
__"Us kids have given him a hard time," Sonic laughed.
__"Yeah, no parent would ever envy him. That's for sure." Amy then set the walkie-talkie aside. "Now eat. You've been through a lot."
__Sonic turned towards his food. "You talk like you're my girlfriend," he pointed out in disappointment.
__"I'm surprised you aren't used to it by now," Amy sighed. "Whether we ever get together or not, I'll always help take care of you the best I can."
__Sonic smiled. "Thanks I guess."
__"Oi! No flirting at the dinner table!" Tails blurted out. This earned laughter from everyone else at the table.
__Sonic shot Tails an angry look while Amy giggled behind him.
__Click! Beep!
__Sonic perked his ears and turned as Amy brought up the walkie-talkie.
__"We've made it in," Espio whispered. "I'll have Blaze and Captain Toad keep the walkie-talkie while I blend in and watch what's happening."
__Amy pushed the button. "That's good. Stay safe Espio."
__Sonic felt sort of relieved. Now things were starting to pick up a bit.

__In the morning everyone made their way to the throne room, which was filled with noise for some reason. They were all shocked to see three birds (a green falcon, a purple swallow, and a gray albatross) messing around with everything in the room. In some of the chairs Mario, Shadow and Rouge were sleeping while E-123 Omega was sitting close by while recharging. The falcon and albatross were inspecting some of the castle's items while the swallow was checking out the portal and gear.
__"What's with all this junk?" The purple swallow mocked. "Is this what's supposed to take us home?"
__Tails's eyes narrowed as he stomped over to the swallow and shooed her away. "Don't touch, Wave! I don't want your thieving little hands anywhere near it!"
__Wave looked hurt, but it was obviously sarcastic. "Wow, you think that I would even want your science to contaminate mine?" She then cackled as Tails began growling.
__This was when Amy went to join them and glared at Wave. "You wanna cause problems? Then square up!"
__Wave laughed again. "You still act like a stupid kid."
__Sonic groaned. "All right, enough!" He called out. "You're all acting like kids." He then went over to the hawk as he picked up a vase. "Honestly, Jet. You're like my brother. Don't touch any of this stuff."
__Jet smirked as he set the vase back down. "Calm down, slow poke. We're just looking." He then looked at the albatross name Storm in disappointment. "This stuff probably wouldn't cost much back in our world anyway."
__"What's wrong with your legs, spikey?" Storm asked Sonic in a mocking tone.
__Sonic just rolled his eyes and went over to Shadow since he saw he was awake. "Why didn't you bother telling us they were here?"
__"We just got back moments ago," Shadow muttered. "Everyone needed to rest again."
__Sonic scanned the entire room looking for Silver, but there was no white hedgehog in sight. "Couldn't find Silver?"
__"I've searched the entire island," Shadow groaned. "He wasn't anywhere. Either somehow he's still on Mobius or he's on another island."
__"Dammit," Sonic whispered.
__Rouge stirred a bit before opening her eyes. She flattened her ears as she sat up and stretched. "These rogues are such a pain, like watching over hyperactive spoiled brats."
__Shadow nodded in agreement with her.
__"We heard that!" Storm shouted, making Mario wake up as well.
__"Yeah, well, I was hoping you would!" Rouge barked back at the albatross. She then sighed. "When we found them they were trying to make off with every shiny thing they could get their talons on. Unbelievable."
__Sonic grinned. "Weren't you making off with this world jewels?" He reminded.
__"I harvested those gemstones legally myself!" Rouge huffed. "Don't bring me down to their level!"
__Mario had finished his stretching and got Sonic's attention when he started speaking. "Those three were really hard to convince to come with us. They wouldn't even listen."
__Sonic held out his hands. "They're called rogues for a reason." He then smiled as he set his hands on his hips. "Great news, though! The portal works. But once we have our world's coordinates it's going to take us to a random place in the world."
__"Just have Amy call in an airship then if we end up that far," Rouge suggested.
__Sonic nodded and turned as everyone grouped up. "I hope you all heard that. We're one step closer to getting home. Espio, Blaze and that toad have already made it into Bowser's Castle and we're only missing one of our friends."
__Sonic then looked around the people who left the other day. "You haven't had any problems with the CCO, did you?"
__Luigi was the only one who raised his hand. "My group ran into a patrol. After we calmed them down we questioned them about harboring a white hedgehog. But they said they never seen one."
__"And they definitely weren't lying," Knuckles added. "I made sure of that."
__"Then while we're waiting on Espio and Silver we need to prepare," Sonic was about to continue when Tails spoke out.
__"You need to focus on resting those legs," he said promptly. "Plus, you don't know if the side of your head is infected yet."
__"Not possible!" Professor E. Gadd interjected. "I made sure to clean out any bacteria..."
__"I'm talking about the plutonium," Tails interrupted. He then mumbled "Old man," before looking back at Sonic. "You don't need to be overworking yourself right now since we don't know if any kind of small drop could have leaked."
__Sonic buzzed his lips. "I'm fine!"
__"No you're not, dammit!" Tails hissed through his teeth, his fur starting to stand. "You'll let me look at you first and then I'll conclude if you're fine or not!"
__Sonic could only smile as he tried not to laugh. "All right, all right."
__"Ooh! Someone's got a serious booboo!" Jet snarked as he walked past.
__This earned an aggressive growl from Sonic before he carefully walked after Tails.

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