An interesting battle

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__Sonic couldn't help but bare his teeth through his scowl as he glared back at Bowser. From here, even with the whole castle shaking and screaming, he could hear the Koopa King's angry growl. Sonic knew for sure that once he took one step, Bowser would be ready for him. Sonic was ready, though. But as he started to run Knuckles was thrown back and knocked him over, both of them rolling away from each other. Both of then were growling and rubbing their heads as they glared af each other.
__"Watch it, Knux!"
__"You watch it!"
__Sonic stood up and ran immediately when he saw a CCO agent aiming their weapon at Knuckles. He grabbed Knuckles' arm as soon as the echidna stood up and swung him over to the agent where he punched the human and knocked him out. After landing he looked back at Sonic and gave him a thumbs up before returning into battle.
__Sonic looked over at Bowser and ran towards him, but it wasn't Bowser who charged back at him. Metal Sonic left Dr. Eggman's side and ran straight for Sonic, raising its clenched hand. Sonic skidded to a halt and made sure to dodge all of its punches and kicks; first left, right, and then down before jumping into a flip and kicking the robot's face, causing it to stumble back. When Sonic landed he began rolling in place before using his homing attack on Metal Sonic, but the robot also used the spin dash. The two kept on colliding with each other, knocking the other away only to bounce right back. Eventually Metal Sonic was able to overtake Sonic, pinning him to the ground. It held Sonic down with both hands and was preparing its plasma beam. But Mario then came from nowhere, wearing the boomerang uniform Sonic learned, and threw a boomerang at the robot's back. When Metal Sonic turned around to face Boomerang Mario it revealed that it's back was open, the Super Star just chilling. Sonic took this opportunity to grab the star and jump back as Metal Sonic threw the boomerang back at Mario and made him lose his power-up.
__While Mario continued to dodge Metal Sonic, Sonic was examining the Super Star. Enemies would try to attack him during this but his friends would always cover for him. Eventually Sonic gave in and looked to Mario. "What the hell am I supposed to do with this!?"
__Tails came in to fight with Metal Sonic while Mario went to join Sonic. "You just absorb it; use its power! It should be the same like your-a Chaos Emeralds!"
__Sonic then pretended he was using a Chaos Emerald in order to absorb the star. As soon as it disappeared in his hands, he felt weird. As he felt all this power racing around his body, his body was glowing in so many flashing colors. He felt dizzy, like he was on ecstasy. He had no control as he rolled into a spin dash and began attacking every enemy while his friends and the humans made sure to stay out of his way.
__"Oh boy," he heard Mario say. "I did not think he would-a-react to it this way..."
__Sonic could not stop no matter how much he tried. This was a new power he was not used to. He was invisible. He was worried he would end up touching one of his friends. "I can't stop! How do I stop!?"
__"You have to wait for the time limit!" Princess Peach shouted.
__"What time limit!?" Knuckles exclaimed as he barely dodged Sonic. "He almost hit me!"
__Immediately everyone was trying to avoid Sonic as he crashed and slammed around the throne room. No one had the courage to try and stop him, except for Shadow. The black hedgehog was following in pursuit of the out of control Sonic while Princess Peach yelled at Shadow to come back and not touch him. Shadow was able to get in front of Sonic and held out his hands. He managed to catch Sonic, still rolling and burning Shadow's gloves. Shadow grunted as sparks were flying all around them, freaking everyone else out. Eventually Sonic could feel all the immense power leaving his body as he still rolled against Shadow's hands. Shadow would then punch Sonic onto the ground. Sonic untucked from his spin dash and sat up, his head was spinning and he was trying to fight off the nausea.
__"Man...! I feel sick!"
__"What the heck!?" Bowser Junior had exclaimed. "How did that black hedgehog stop the invisibility!? That's not supposed to happen, is it, papa!?"
__Bowser was silent.
__Sonic then stood up and looked at Shadow. "How did you do that?"
__Shadow showed him his burnt gloves. "I used my Chaos Force to cancel out the effect. I'm not the Ultimate Lifeform for nothing." He then slipped off his gloves, keeping his rings around his wrists. "You owe me a new pair of gloves now."
__Sonic nodded. "Of course man!"
__At that moment, the battle continued again. Shadow left Sonic's side to help Rouge while a bunch of CCO agents surrounded Sonic, all holding a bunch of weird looking guns. Sonic was looking around at all of them, feeling rather calm after what just happened. "I'm warning you, I don't want to have to fight a bunch of humans. You will get hurt."
__One of them smirked. "We know how to deal with you!" He then shot his gun, which shot bolts of electricity. Sonic was barely able to dodge it.
__"Wuh oh..." Sonic looked as the rest aimed their guns. He then turned and ran back to Shadow. "Yo! Switch with me!"
__Shadow stopped what he was doing and ran towards Sonic. When Sonic raised his hand Shadow made sure to slap it as they traded places. Now Shadow faught with the CCO while Sonic helped Rouge.
__"Fire your weapons!"
__All of the agents were shooting their guns at Shadow. Shadow was able to barely dodge them as well. Sonic was fighting alongside Rouge, keeping the robots and minions off of her. When they were in the clear they stopped and watched Shadow.
__Dr. Eggman was frantically looking around the agents as they continued to shoot at Shadow. "Don't shoot those at him, you fools!"
__"Why not?" One of them, who Sonic recognized was Marcus, asked worriedly.
__Shadow then stopped moving, allowing all of them to shoot him directly. But something was off. Shadow did not move, nor did he yell out in any way. The agents all looked frightened as they put their guns down. Everyone stopped once again to see. Shadow did not looked phased at all as he popped his neck and started stretching his arms. "You ever heard of an anime called Hunter x Hunter?" The humans all looked at each other in confusion. "Yeah, your electric-torture method doesn't have any effect on me. In fact..." Shadow raised his hands up and shot all of the electricity back at the CCO agents. They were all shocked before they passed out and collapsed where they stood.
__"Yeah, Shadow!" Rouge cheered beside Sonic.
__Shadow then looked towards Dr. Eggman. "You're grandfather made sure to make no mistakes when he made me."
__The human was growling. "Of course I know that, traitor!"
__"This one is special indeed." Bowser remarked.
__"I was built into the perfect Ultimate Lifeform, the strongest of the strong. Professor Gerald Robotnik is the one who made me into this persona. I was made for that purpose only." He then looked away.
__This was when Sonic smirked. "But the Ultimate Lifeform isn't who you choose to be, now is it? You've become your own person! You made yourself this strong!"
__Shadow smiled back for once. "I protect those who need protecting, and not just because it was Maria's dying wish." He glared back at Dr. Eggman. "This plan of yours is done! With all these companions by my side, we'll put you down once again!"
__"Yeah!" Amy shouted, causing all of their other friends to cheer.
__Sonic saw Mario look at him with this shocked face and smiled. "That's who Shadow really is."
__Mario smiled back. "A worthy friend to have indeed!"
__Sonic nodded and the battle started again. All of the robots made sure to take Shadow on while all of Bowser's minions faught the rest. Sonic and Mario stuck together as they faught back. Sonic used his homing attacks on the koopa troopas while Mario bounced on the goombas. Luigi was seen in the distance fighting and catching all of the boos. When more ghosts came the green substance came out of the Poltergust G-00 and formed into another Luigi: Gooigi. The two together fought all of the boos. Rouge, Tails, Ray, Cream and Cheese, and Charmy were fighting all of the flying koopa paratroopas and paragoombas. Knuckles, Mighty, Vector, and Amy were fighting against the hammer and boomerang bros. Silver, the Babylon Rouges and the rest of Mario's friends fought with bob-ombs and bullet bills. Some of the CCO agents did wake up and immediately began fighting again.
__During all of this, Sonic stopped and was looking around for Metal Sonic. The robot was running back towards the machine. Sonic was confused until the robot grabbed something from the machine and pulled it away. Espio had appeared in its hand and was being held by the neck. Dammit! He was so close! The robot then threw Espio into the crowd and looked directly at Sonic. They both ran towards each other, their right hands out ready to punch. Sonic smirked as he leaned back before Metal Sonic could hit him and quickly punched its head, throwing it back.
__All of the minions, robots, and humans were slowly backing away. They were winning, or so Sonic thought.
__"Enough!" Bowser shouted. He jumped up and slammed his feet in the middle of the room. It shook the entire castle and caused everyone to fall down. The Koopa King was bellowing before he opened his mouth and shot a long line of fire and spun around. Everyone got up and managed to dodge his flamethrower.
__Dr. Eggman began cackling as he pushed a button on his remote. The doomsday device made a vzooooooom as the Chaos Emeralds started to glow. The tubes connecting the cage to the machine began extracting power as Dulcy started breathing out fire, apparently being forced out, and was screaming in pain.
__"Dulcy!" Sonic cried out. He glared at the doctor. "You bastard! This has to stop!"
__Dr. Eggman grinned. "You can't stop this. Bowser will make sure of that."
__"You are all done interfering!" Bowser shouted. He then jumped out and slammed back onto the ground, making everyone fall again.
__"No we're not!" Sonic faced Bowser, showing no fear whatsoever. Shadow and Silver were immediately standing next to him. Mario was looking at Luigi. Luigi looked over at Gooigi before taking off the Poltergust G-00 and tossing it over to Princess Daisy. The Mario Brothers then went and stood next to the male hedgehogs.
__"You're-a-done this time, Bowser!" Mario shouted.
__Sonic couldn't help but chuckle at Bowser. "I'm excited for this!"
__"That excitement will quickly turn into fear." Bowser growled before breathing fire at them once again.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now