Time to go again

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__"Don't forget the medication," Tails reminded Sonic as he, Knuckles and Sonic ate their breakfast. They were in their room.
__"I know," Sonic yawned. He made sure to finish his breakfast before opening the container E. Gadd had given him. Inside were white pills. He was told to take two every morning, so he had two in his palm and set the container down. He put the pills in his mouth and then drank his coffee with it.
__Tails then looked a little worried. "Shadow's right, you know? I know the container in your head is sealed tight. But if it somehow opens, you could die."
__"Everything's fine!" Sonic assured him. "This isn't the first time I've been in a life and death situation with something in my body."
__Knuckles just sighed and shook his head. "Can't you just say you're too scared of your head being cut open?"
__"I'm not scared!" Sonic retorted.
__There was knocking on the door and Tails went to open it. To everyone's surprise, Shadow was standing there with his arms crossed. Sonic and Knuckles went to stand next to Tails.
__"Blaze is here," was all Shadow said before uncrossing his arms and walking down the hallway.
__Sonic looked at his friends before quickly following after Shadow.
__When they entered the throne room, Princess Peach was hugging a girl with brown hair and a yellow dress. When they pulled away the brown hairs girl immediately hugged Luigi tightly. Luigi had this awkward smile as he hugged her back. Mario just sighed and rolled his eyes. Sonic brought his attention to the purple cat that was standing near the brown haired girl. Both Amy and Cream were hugging the cat, saying how much they missed each other. Shadow went to join Rouge and E-123 Omega. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles then decided to join Amy and Cream.
__"Blaze!" Sonic called out to the purple cat.
__Blaze pulled away from the girls and looked at the boys. "Hey, Sonic. What's going on?"
__"You want the long answer or the short answer?" Sonic groaned.
__"Short answer I guess."
__"Eggman was trying to make a doomsday device and I bet the Chaos Emeralds were what brought us to this world," Sonic explained. "We've been scattered around and somehow Omega lost his core processor and I have the mutated plutonium stuck in my head."
__Blaze flattened her ears. "Plutonium? Oh boy."
__"Sonic." Peach was walking up to him with the brown haired girl. "This is Princess Daisy of Sarasland."
__Sonic smiled bowed his head respectfully to Princess Daisy. "Nice to meet you, princess. Thanks for bring our friend here."
__"Ah, quit it!" Daisy said with a large grin. "Call me Daisy. And I'm always happy to help. No need to thank me."
__Sonic tittered and walked back to his friends awkwardly.
__Tails had already begun working on E-123 Omega's core processor while Shadow began telling Rouge what happened when he found the robot. Knuckles and Amy had went to help Professor E. Gadd along with a few toads. Cream and Cheese apparently got used to Yoshi as they began playing with each other. Sonic looked over as Blaze walked up to him.
__"How many of us are left?" She asked.
__"Twelve," Sonic uttered. "Plus Eggman, too."
__"Who should I be expecting to find then?"
__"The Chaotix, the Babylon Rogues, Silver, Mighty, Ray, Gemerl, and Big and Froggy." Sonic began rubbing his temples as he felt his headache melting away. "We also have to look out for the CCO. They're trying to capture us mobians. Also, these guys are having trouble with someone called Bowser who started working with some humans. If it comes to it, we might have to help them with that."
__Blaze just nodded and went to join Tails to help him.
__Sonic joined them as well and listened to the conversation happening.
__"How many times have I fixed Omega now?" Tails grumbled. "It's always me. Does no one else know anything about this kind of tech? Honestly!"
__Shadow snorted. "Please. It's not like this is difficult. I could do it."
__Tails suddenly scooted back and looked up at Shadow as he gestured his hand to the mess he was working with. "Then why don't you do it then, Mr. Ultimate Lifeform?"
__Shadow shook his head. "Nah. Don't feel like it."
__Tails growled and began muttering to himself as he continued working on the core processor.
__"Mr. Sonic!" Toadsworth was frantically walking to Sonic. "One of our toads just called. He said he saw a really big purple cat being put into one of the CCO vans. Any relation?"
__Sonic flattened his ears. "That's Big!" He then turned to look at his friends. "Anyone wanna help?"
__Blaze was about to speak when Amy stood in front of her. "You just got here, Blaze. Take the time to rest. I'll help get Big."
__Cream stopped playing with Yoshi and walked over to Amy. "Can I come, too?"
__"No, Cream," Amy said while shaking her head. "I need you to stay here. Shadow will watch you."
__Shadow straightened. "What? No. I told you too many times already that I don't babysit."
__Amy glared at Shadow. "Too bad! You're not doing anything to help our scientists, so you're watching her. Now suck it up!"
__Shadow was about to reply but Amy kept speaking.
__"And you better keep a close eye on her and keep her safe!" Amy threatened. "Otherwise I'm ripping that fur off your chest and shoving it down your throat! Got it?"
__Shadow had narrowed his eyes and snorted. "Whatever. Just go."
__Amy then smiled as she looked down at Cream. "You do what he tells you, all right?"
__Cream nodded and went to stand next to Shadow as he rolled his eyes.
__As Amy stood next to Sonic, he looked over at Mario. He felt a bit awkward knowing what happened with the CCO last time. "All right. Another one of my friends has been captured by CCO. What say you, Mario?"
__Mario pondered for a little bit before looking at Sonic. "We do this my way this time. We want to try and avoid fighting with the humans, especially since we're trying to find the humans working with Bowser anyway."
__Sonic nodded slowly. "Okay. But... if it comes it, I protect my friends no matter what."
__Mario sighed. "Only if you necessarily have to."
__"I'll send you the coordinates!" Toadsworth blurted.
__Mario then motioned for Luigi to come over before walking away. "Let's-a-go."

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now