Here we go again

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__Sonic was staring up at the black hedgehog that was holding him. He felt a sense of relief as he held his hands open to him and began cheering. "Yay, Shadow! You always gotta save me at the last second! My hero!"
__Shadow groaned and ignored Sonic's gesture. "Don't make me throw you back in there." He then dropped Sonic, making him grunt.
__"Ow! Rude!" Sonic retorted as he sat up and rubbed his quills.
__Mario and Luigi were very much confused. That confusion quickly turned to fear when the pi'illodactyls, fleebis rs, and shy guys began closing in on them.
__Shadow shook his head and slowly walked towards the enemies. "Step aside, humans."
__Mario and Luigi looked at Shadow and got out of his way immediately.
__"What's he going to do?" Luigi questioned.
__Sonic smirked as he stood up and ran after Shadow. He watched as Shadow lifted his palms up and began releasing a green energy (which Sonic knew was Chaos Energy). The bright green energy turned into lots of spears and they all were shot at all of the pi'illodactyls. There was a large puff of smoke as the yellow dinosaurs had poofed. There were only fleebis rs and shy guys left. Mario and Luigi had their mouths open. Sonic and Shadow glanced at each other before they both curled up in balls and began using their homing attacks on the remaining enemies. When they weren't using their spin dash, they used their fists. Sometimes Shadow would activate the rockets at the bottom of his shoes and kick any fleebis r that dared to run to him and set them on fire before they poofed. Sonic rolled his eyes at the sight of this as he continued fighting.
__The number of enemies was decreasing. Sonic and Shadow began to play around with what was left. Sonic had grabbed onto two shy guys and whistled to Shadow. Shadow turned to see what he was doing before forming two Chaos Spears and shooting them at the shy guys as Sonic dropped them and ran. Shadow was then growing noticeably impatient. He used his super-speed to circle the remaining enemies. The enemies were all spinning and growing dizzy as Shadow left his circle and ran towards Sonic. Sonic immediately grabbed Shadow's hands as he lifted Sonic up and began spinning him around before throwing him at the dizzy enemies. Sonic had curled up into a ball and smashed himself against them. They had all poofed when Sonic landed on the ground.
__Sonic felt hyper as he ran back to Shadow and held out his fist to him. "I counted thirty-three!"
__Shadow did not accept Sonic gesture and rolled his eyes. "I got forty-seven."
__Sonic retracted his hand and crossed his arms as he pouted. "Whatever! It doesn't need to be a competition all the time."
__Shadow snorted. "That's my line."
__"Mr. Shadow!" Cream was running towards them. She and Cheese hugged Shadow tightly.
__Shadow didn't hug them back. He just narrowed his eyes at Sonic when he started giggling. "Shut up."
__Toad had joined them too and was looking up at Shadow. "So you're Shadow, huh?"
__Shadow looked down at Toad in confusion before looking up when the Mario Brothers walked over to them.
__"That was amazing!" Luigi exclaimed. "Do you fight like that all the time?"
__"Every week or so," Shadow responded blandly.
__Mario grinned and tilted his head. "You and Sonic make a great team. No doubt about that."
__Shadow suddenly scowled. "We're not a team." He then gently pushed Cream and Cheese off of him and began walking away.
__"Shadow!" Sonic groaned as he ran after him. "Come on, man! We went through all this trouble to come look for you. The least you can do is be more cooperative."
__Shadow turned to look at Sonic as he kept walking. "Did I ask for you to come look for me? No. I don't need your help to get out of this world."
__"But we need to group everyone else up," Sonic insisted. "We're working on a portal to get us home. Rouge was even the one who flew across the ocean and told us where you were."
__Shadow stopped walking, making Sonic stop, too. This gave time for the others to catch up to them. Shadow had his arms crossed. "She's already with you're group?"
__"Yes. She told us you two were looking for Omega. So we came here to find you two."
__Shadow sighed and looked away. "I guess you could help me with something."
__Sonic nodded. "We'll help you find Omega."
__But Shadow shook his head. "I already found him. But somehow his core processor is missing. I've checked the whole island too many times already and couldn't find it. I need help carrying him."
__Sonic smirked. "You can't carry him yourself?" He teased.
__Shadow just growled in response before leading everyone down the mountain.

__The Mario Brothers and Toad gasped when they saw a big robot lying on its side. The red bulbs around the face area were dim. The robot was E-123 Omega; the friend Shadow and Rouge had been looking for.
__"Aw! Poor Omega!" Cream said as she put her hands on the robot's giant claw hand.
__Sonic looked around the area. They were back in Mushrise Park, but in an area that wasn't very inhabited by any people. He looked back at the robot and put a hand on its head. "So Omega can't turn himself on at all?"
__Shadow nodded. "We have to replace his core processor."
__Sonic retracted his hand and looked at Shadow. "We have Tails back at the castle we're staying at. He'll fix him."
__"Good. Now help carry him." Shadow went to E-123 Omega's waist and lifted it up. "Who's leading?"
__"Those guys." Sonic pointed at Mario, Luigi, and Toad. He then went to the robots waist on the other side of Shadow and lifted that side up.
__Cream had went to the back and picked up one of its legs while Toad joined her and picked up the other leg. Mario and Luigi looked at each other before they picked a shoulder for them to carry. Once everyone had their side of the robot off the ground, they began walking back towards Wakeport.

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