A challenging start

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__Sonic found that his heart was beating fast under the stare of the short man in red. The man was staring at him in what looked like anger to Sonic. Sonic already knew where this was going. He backed up a little bit and braced himself. He was about to speak to reassure the man but he had yelled first.
__"It was you!" He shouted right before charging at Sonic, leaving the man in green to stare in confusion.
__Sonic immediately jumped back as the red man punched the ground and raised his own fists. "Woah, man! Chill!" He watched as the red man jumped up high and attempted to land on him. He managed to dodge him before he could. Sonic acted quick and slid his leg at the man's, making him fall on his face. Sonic grabbed both of his arms and pinned them on the man's back as he struggled. "Calm down, will ya!? I'm not the one who took the princess."
__"Wait!" The princess shouted. "Don't hurt him!"
__Sonic held the man in place as he looked at the princess. "Friend of yours?"
__The princess nodded. "Yes. Please get off him."
__The man stopped struggling as Sonic let go of him. They both stood up and carefully backed away from each other. Sonic was the first to speak. "Sorry about that. I'm too used to other people attacking me for the wrong reasons."
__The man ignored him and walked over to the princess. "Are you all right, Peach?"
__"Of course," she reassured him. "This man saved me." She pointed at Sonic.
__"Hm?" The red man looked at Sonic.
__"Ah, Mario," the green man began. "Maybe you should apologize to this...blue thing."
__"Hedgehog," Sonic corrected.
__The man called Mario cleared his throat and fixed his cap. He didn't make eye contact with Sonic. "I apologize for attacking you, sir. Thank you for saving our princess."
__"Yeah," Sonic said awkwardly. "Always happy to help."
__"Who is he anyway?" The green man asked.
__That's when Toad stepped in and began hopping excitedly. "This is Sonic! He's really cool! You should've seen how he got the princess away from Bowser Jr.! He barely did anything and made him go away!"
__Sonic shook his head. "Didn't he get a call from his dad? Pretty sure that's why he left."
__Toad continued to jump up in down. "But you were graceful!" He then stopped hopping and looked at the humans. "He's really weird, though. He doesn't know anything about us or the Mushroom Kingdom."
__"Heh?" The green man looked at Sonic. "How do you not know the Mushroom Kingdom? Everyone knows this land."
__"I'm not entirely sure," Sonic said while tapping his foot impatiently. "I mean, I can say the same thing to you since none of you seem to recognize my name."
__"Why would we know anyone called Sonic?" Mario asked with one eye narrowed.
__"Wait." Sonic started rubbing his temples as his head began throbbing again. "I know what this is then. I'm not from this world."
__"Huh!?" Toad exclaimed. "You mean you're from another world!?"
__Sonic nodded. "The world I'm from is called Mobius."
__"Mobius?" Peach grabbed her chin. "I've never of such a world. Perhaps Professor E. Gadd will know more than us."
__"Oh no," the green man whined.
__"Relax, Luigi," Mario said as he put his hand on Luigi's shoulder. "He isn't going to put you through yet another hunt."
__"Jinx," Luigi muttered.
__"So," Sonic interrupted. "I don't know how I got here, but I need to find a way to get back home. Would it be too much to ask you guys for help?"
__"Not at all. Come, Sonic," Peach said as she began walking towards the castle. "We'll try to help you as best we can."
__"We will?" Luigi asked.
__Mario sighed. "Let's-a-go, Luigi."

__Sonic looked around the throne room of the Mushroom Kingdom. The castle was much more bright than the outside world. But it was still very beautiful none the less. Sonic and the others stopped in the middle of the throne room as a whole herd of toads surrounded them. They were all cheering for the princess happily.
__"Everything is all right, toads," Peach said brightly. "I'm sorry again for worrying you all. I was saved by this blue hedgehog."
__Sonic flattened his ears as some of the toads turned to look at him. Some of them were really excited as they crowded him and began hugging him. Sonic was very uncomfortable. "Hey! Come on!"
__Mario quietly giggled, but he didn't look at Sonic. "They can be clingy. Just shake them off."
__Sonic groaned before curling up into a ball and spinning in place, knocking the other toads away. For some reason they squeaked as they landed on the ground. When Sonic stood up he started dusting himself off. "Sorry, lil' dudes. I already get enough hugs from another girl."
__"Princess Peach!" An old, brown toad was running to the princess. He immediately bowed to her and began bawling. "Thank heavens you're okay! I don't know what I would have done if something horrible happened to you!"
__"Never heard him say that before," Luigi said sarcastically, earning a laugh from Mario.
__"Toadsworth," Peach helped the old toad stand back up. "Would you please call in Professor Elvin Gadd for me? We need his assistance."
__"Of course, my princess! Right away!" Toadsworth then ran out of the throne room with all the other toads following after him.
__"So, Sonic?" Mario began.
__Sonic turned to look at Mario. "Wassup?"
__"Are you here alone?" Mario asked.
__Sonic grunted as he felt his head throbbing again and started rubbing it. "I remember I was my friend Tails. I don't know what was going on, but I do know we were together before I woke up in this world."
__"Is this Tails the two tailed fox you were telling me about?" Toad asked.
__Sonic nodded. "Yes. He's my best friend. I need to find him."
__"I'm sure we'll be able to find you're friend," Peach reassured him. "Toad and I will be here with E. Gadd. You can feel free to have a look around. Mario and Luigi will accompany you."
__"Of course," Mario nodded.
__Sonic sighed in relief. "Thanks." Once again Sonic's head was throbbing. Man this headache is a pain. It better go away soon.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now