Much more to come

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__"Rouge!" Amy immediately hugged the white bat and began shaking her violently. 
__Rouge smiled awkwardly as she tried to pull away from Amy's strong grip. "Good to see you, too, Amy!" she rasped. 
__Both Tails and Knuckles looked up and slowly made their way to them. 
__"So you're here, too," Tails inferred. 
__"And I thought I could get away scott free," Knuckles said sarcastically. 
__"You're never free from me," Rouge teased as she pulled away from Amy. She then held up her sack of jewels and began shaking it. "I'll always be here to show you how much better at treasure hunting I am compared to you."
__"You little..." Knuckles trailed off in annoyance.
__"Ah, leave him be, Rouge," Sonic began with a smirk. "The poor baby misses his darling Master Emerald."
__Tails suddenly put his hands on his face and leaned his head towards Knuckles. "Oh, woe is me!" he mocked. "My poor Master Emerald, cold and alone! I may never find slumber again knowing the Master Emerald is missing my company!"
__Knuckles was not amused. "I hate you both."
__Both Sonic and Tails began giggling to themselves before trying to hug Knuckles. 
__"Lighten up!" Sonic reassured.
__"You know we love ya!" Tails added.
__Knuckles snorted and lightly tapped both of their heads before pushing them away. He looked at Rouge. "Is it just you?" He groaned.
__Rouge crossed her arms and looked away. "Hmph! Why don't you pretend you're happy to see me?"
__Sonic looked at Knuckles. "She was with Shadow. They split up to look for Omega."
__Knuckles looked back at Sonic. "Shadow?"
__Both Mario and Princess Peach came walking into the throne room. Peach immediately walked towards the group. "What's going on?"
__Cream stood proudly with her hands cupped behind her back. "We found Ms. Rouge!"
__"How did you find her?" Amy had asked.
__Cream began giggling. "She dropped a gem on Mr. Sonic's head."
__Sonic rubbed the top of his head upon hearing that. "She apparently flew across this Oho Ocean from Mount Pajamaja."
__"You flew all the way from Mount Pajamaja?" Peach asked in astonishment.
__Rouge nodded. "Our friend Shadow should still be there. He's looking for our other friend."
__The princess looked at Sonic. "I can organize an airship to take you to get your friend."
__"Really?" Sonic tilted his head. 
__"Yes." Princess Peach then left the throne room.
__Mario went to talk to Luigi as Sonic watched Rouge squint her eyes at him.
__"What's that bump in your head?" She asked in disgust.
__Sonic put his left hand carefully on the bump. "Plutonium."
__Rouge flattened her ears as her wings drooped down. "Please tell me you're joking. Is that the contained plutonium Eggman had?"
__Sonic nodded. "Do you remember why he wanted it? All we got was he wanted to make something dangerous with it."
__Rouge shook her head slowly. "I'm sorry but no. I barely remember anything." She then perked up. "Maybe Shadow knows. He was the one who remembered Omega was with us before we woke up near that mountain. He didn't tell me anything else, though." 
__Princess Peach had walked back into the throne room with Toadsworth on her way to Sonic. "My Toads are preparing our airship. It's not very big, but it can fit enough people." She then looked at the Mario Brothers. "You two are to go with him. You know the mountain better."
__Both of them nodded.
__Sonic turned and was about to ask Rouge is she could come when she spoke first.
__"Sorry, but I can't go," she apologized. "I haven't slept in a while and I'd like to relax."
__Sonic smiled and nodded. "All right, that's no problem. You rest up."
__"Can we go with you?" Cream asked while holding Cheese. They both looked very eager.
__Sonic frowned. "I don't know. I'd feel better if you stayed with Amy."
__Cream looked very disappointed as she looked at the ground. "Aw... okay..."
__Sonic suddenly felt bad and sighed. "Oh, all right. As long as you stay close to me, I guess you'll be safe."
__Cream smiled and began jumping up and down. "Yay!" Cheese had flew to Sonic and hugged his neck while Cream grabbed Sonic's hand and continued to jump in excitement. 

__They were on the castle roof right in front of a ramp that led into a small brown airship with red mushroom flags at the top. There were a few red toads running around in the airship while the same yellow and blue toads from before were standing at the steering wheel. Toad had joined the Mario Brothers, Sonic, Cream and Cheese. He had wanted to come along, too. 
__Mario had led everyone onto the airship. Once they were all off the ramp, some other toads on the castle roof had detached the ramp and pulled it off the airship. The airship suddenly bounced, making Cream and Cheese hug Sonic tightly. It took a bit before the airship started flying away from the Mushroom Kingdom. 
__Sonic looked down over the railing as the land was moving and showcasing the parts that Sonic didn't get to see. After flying away from the island, he saw a smaller island. There were lots of trees with weird berries on them. What caught his eye was a bunch of trees huddled together with a chimney sticking out of it. He was very confused.
__Luigi suddenly stood next to Sonic and pointed to the trees. "That's Yoshi's house!"
__Sonic looked at Luigi. "Yoshi?"
__Luigi pointed again, making Sonic look down as Mario, Toad, and Cream and Cheese looked as well. A small green dinosaur had walked out from under the grouped trees and looked up. The dinosaur began waving at them and Mario, Luigi, and Toad waved back. 
__As the airship moved past the dinosaur's house, Luigi looked at Mario. "Maybe we should pick him up on the way back and explain what's going on."
__Mario nodded. "Mmhm."
__"What is he?" Sonic asked carefully.
__Mario had finally spoken to Sonic. "He's a yoshisaur. We call him Yoshi. There one of our smaller dinosaur species."
__"Huh," Sonic looked as the ocean came into view. "You guys still have dinosaurs apparently."
__"You don't?" Toad asked.
__Sonic tilted his head. "Eh, kind of. There used to be actual dinosaurs on Mobius and then after a major attack on the planet, we had Mobosaurs who evolved from the dinosaurs. They soon came to extinction with only three Ancient Walkers surviving. We currently have dinosaur-like creatures, like the Terapod."
__"Aren't the dinosaurs our ancestors, though?" Cream asked.
__"More so to the reptile and bird mobians than us," Sonic corrected.
__Cream look down at the ocean as well. "Do you think Mr. Shadow will be glad to see us?"
__Sonic scoffed. "Pfft! Doubt it. That grump ass can't smile to save his life."
__"Sorry." Sonic put his hand on Cream's head and started slowly rubbing it. "Even if he could show he was happy, he'd be happier to see you than me."
__Cream smiled and hugged Cheese.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now