Moving forward

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__Everyone grouped back in the throne room of the castle. Some of the others had to explain to Silver what's been going on with the CCO and the plan so far. Silver said that he did encounter the CCO more than once on this island. But they could not catch him since he simply held them down with his telekinesis and flew away without any problems. Mario had remarked by saying it probably didn't help the mobians, though.
__Tails was checking Sonic again before letting him join in with the others. Sonic smiled as Silver looked at him. "You know the plan?"
__Silver nodded. "But they said something about you wanting me especially?"
__"You, me, and Shadow." Sonic tried not to laugh when he saw the realization glimmer in the white hedgehog's yellow eyes. "I'm still working on it, but I want the three of us and the Mario Brothers as the main offense."
__Luigi suddenly wailed as he jumped to his feet. "You want us to what!? Nope! No, no, no, no, no!" He began walking away and shaking his head when Mario cut him off.
__"Luigi," he groaned.
__The tall brother continued to shake his head.
__Sonic felt awkward as he flattened his ears. "I mean... he doesn't have too..."
__Mario forced his arm around the back of Luigi's neck as he pulled his head down to his own. "No, he'll do it!"
__"Oh hu hu hu!" Luigi cried.
__Sonic perked his ears back up when he heard the walkie-talkie click in his hand. He heard Blaze speak.
__"We have information about who we're dealing with," she began. "Lots of Bowser's minions, Eggman's robots, and ghosts."
__"Ahhh!" Luigi got out of Mario's grip and tried to run. But Professor E. Gadd already forced a weird looking red vacuum onto his back.
__"Good thing I still have this!" He laughed as Luigi shivered and whimpered.
__"Not again!"
__"How the hell has he lived this long?" Shadow mumbled.
__Sonic brought the walkie-talkie as Blaze continued. "Espio also said that there are CCO agents in the castle."
__Everyone exclaimed in surprise upon hearing that. Sonic pushed the button. "So I was right?"
__"Yes, you were."
__Princess Peach shook her head, as if defeated. "So the CCO are the humans working with Bowser."
__"But that doesn't make-a sense!" Mario exclaimed. "The CCO are supposed to protect the humans from Bowser!"
__"Maybe at first," Tails remarked. "Eggman can be persuasive and act like the good guy when he wants to be." Tails then looked Knuckles, causing Sonic and a few of his other friends to look at him.
__Knuckles nervously looked at everyone before growling. "That was a long time ago, god dammit! I'm not that gullible anymore!"
__"I beg to differ," Rouge giggled.
__Knuckles then glared at the bat. "Not another word from you!"
__Rouge continued to giggle. "How many times have I snatched that precious Master Emerald from you?"
__Knuckles continued to growl in anger but looked away, keeping quiet.
__Shadow rolled his eyes before crossing his arms. "Humans are typically weak; they only rely on their technology. If all they have is those long distance type weapons, then they're just scorpions waiting to be stepped on as they try to aim."
__Sonic enthusiastically wrapped his free arm around Shadow and laughed. "Look at this faker! Got brains and brawn!"
__Shadow narrowed his eyes as he brought up one hand close to Sonic's face and started letting out Chaos Energy, causing Sonic to jump back so it wouldn't burn his face. "Don't touch me."
__"Bruh!" Sonic huffed. "So fucking pissy..."
__Shadow just let out an annoyed snort as Sonic continued. "The soldiers will be easy to get through. It's the king we have to worry about."
__Charmy flew up in excitement. "Oh! Oh! You mean Eggman, right?"
__Sonic shook his head. "The king in this case is the doomsday device." He then looked at Shadow for confirmation who just nods.
__"Oooh!" Charmy sank to the floor. "Yeah, that makes much more sense."
__"Still, we need to put a lot of focus on Eggman and this Bowser," Tails added. "They'll do whatever they feel is necessary to protect that machine, and they have the power for it."
__"So, you just need to make sure Bowser at least can't get to it." Princess Peach continued.
__"Don't underestimate Eggman," Sonic said promptly. "His strength doesn't just revolve around his robots. He's got smarts; an IQ over three-hundred."
__Professor E. Gadd perked up. "Hm. Fascinating."
__"His smarts allow him to manipulate anyone," Sonic said in a darker tone. "He's fooled me and Shadow more than once."
__Shadow shuts his eyes and turns his head away, as if trying to hide a bit of shame.
__"So Bowser may have the power of brute force, but Eggman has the power of deception. Both are very dangerous, especially together. We have to be able to predict what they're going to do."
__"Usually Eggman will find a way to betray any ally he's made when he knows they're no longer needed." Amy also informed.
__"Well, it would be no problem for Bowser to team up with us temporarily then," Mario said with a little relief. "He doesn't forgive those who've betrayed him."
__"She said something about ghosts?" Knuckles groaned.
__"You don't need to worry about that!" E. Gadd said in excitement. "I've been in the ghost catching business for years, and I've taught Luigi everything I know!" He wraps a hand around Luigi's shoulder and pats it. "He's actually better at it than me now!" He chuckled.
__Luigi was still shaking and whimpering.
__"Why are you still-a-scared of them?" Mario groaned. "You've been doing this for nine years now."
__"Ghosts are scary!"
__"At least you've never been possessed by one," Amy grumbled.
__"Or had a ghost try and flirt with you," Sonic added.
__Mario continued to pat his younger brother, calming him a bit. "You'll be fine! You know what to do."
__Luigi sighs before pulling out a flashlight connected to the vacuum and pushed a button that turned it into the floor tool. "Okay... I'm ready," he grumbled.
__"Now that we have everyone," Sonic spoke again, bringing everyone's attention back. He then looked at Mario. "We need start making up a strategy that'll work for everyone."
__Mario smiles and nods.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now