Here we go

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__Sonic made sure to block his face with his arms when Metal Scourge tried punching him. The impact caused him to skid backwards a bit before he spin dashed over the robot and kicked it from behind. The robot fell on its knees before turning around and shooting its plasma beam at Sonic, throwing him back to the wall. But he made sure to quickly get back up and run before Metal Scourge could get to the Mario Brothers. Sonic was starting to get a little anxious fighting Metal Scourge. Shadow and Silver were too busy keeping other larger robots away from the Mario Brothers and soon the Chaos Emeralds would cancel out their invisibility. He would have to keep Metal Scourge away in order to get to the Chaos Emeralds. Then both Tails and Knuckles came to his aid. Knuckles punched Metal Scourge and knocked it off its feet while Tails kicked it up in the air before flying up to grab it and throwing it across the room. Both looked at Sonic and gave him a thumbs up and chased after the robot. It's always like those two can read my mind, Sonic thought happily.
__Sonic quickly ran over to the doomsday device. He made sure to keep enough distance from the flashing humans as he placed his hands on the force field. He looked up at Dulcy when he saw her poking her head out through the bars of her cage and looking down at him pleadingly. "We're gonna get you out Dulc'! Don't worry! Just hang in there!" He then looked at the Chaos Emeralds before closing his eyes. He kept his focus on pleading for their power. You know you're being used for evil. I want to fix this. Lend me your power. Lend me your power! The Chaos Emeralds began flashing and the force field quickly vanished. The seven Chaos Emeralds were trying desperately to escape the capsules they were being held in against their will.
__Sonic was about to tell the Mario Brothers to quickly grab Dulcy's cage, but the flashing colors stopped and they were back to normal. Damn! He tried jumping up and grabbing the cage but immediately realized his mistake when he was shocked with electricity and was forced to let go as he fell back down on his side. He coughed as he felt the burning sensation throughout his body. Mario ran over to Sonic and helped him sit up while looking at Shadow and pointing to the cage. Shadow nodded and teleported as Silver grabbed the robot the black hedgehog was fighting with his telekinesis and appeared inside the cage with Dulcy. As he grabbed onto the bars Dulcy was trying to move away. "Warn me before teleporting in here! I'm in pain, ya know!?"
__Shadow didn't say anything as the cage emitted with electricity. He began absorbing the electricity until there was nothing left. He kept his hands on the bars as he started to charge them with his Chaos Force. Then the cage bars burst out of place and fell. Shadow made sure to teleport out of the way when Dulcy let out a roar as she busted out of her chains and quickly flew out. She began flying in circles before flying straight down and landed on her face, which shook the ground. She then lifted her head up and it started swaying. "I'm okay, ma!" She then shook her head and stood up. "Man! That feels so much better!"
__"Well, this isn't good," Sonic heard Doctor Eggman mutter.
__The Chaos Emeralds were finally able to bust themselves out and all of them were floating over to Sonic as he stood up, making Mario back away. He looked at the doomsday device and flattened his ears when another force field appeared around it. "Oh come on!"
__Suddenly Princess Rosalina was knocked away by Fury Bowser and crashed into the middle of the castle throne room. All of the lumas quickly retreated and flew down by the sorceress's sides. They all looked at her and began sobbing. Sonic quickly ran over to her, the Chaos Emeralds followed suit. He knelt down and checked her pulse. She was still alive but he wanted her to get up just to be safe.
__"Move aside," Knuckles said sternly. Sonic got up and moved and allowed the Chaos Emeralds to circle around Knuckles. The echidna knelt down on both knees and put his hands together as he closed his eyes. The seven Chaos Emeralds started circling around the princess and began glowing. As the emeralds spun faster Princess Rosalina's eye opened. When she sat up Knuckles stood up and the emeralds circled him again.
__The lumas were cheering happily as Princess Rosalina smiled at Knuckles. "Those Chaos Emeralds of yours are really something, aren't they?"
__Knuckles crossed his arms and snorted. "They're even older than you, Princess."
__"Yes, I believe Tikal told me so one time," she recalled.
__"All right," Knuckles turned towards Sonic and the Chaos Emeralds began circling the hedgehog again. "Go and do your thing."
__Fury Bowser began roaring before shooting down more giant fireballs. Silver had acted quickly this time and formed a barrier around the entire castle. The white hedgehog collapsed on his knees as he struggled to keep his hands up. "You better do it soon! I'm almost out of energy!" A large robot was about to crush him beneath its foot when a CCO agent shot something at it that caused it to malfunction.
__Sonic was looking around frantically. There were too many robots, the force field was still active, and Silver wouldn't be able to keep Fury Bowser off of them for long. Dulcy looked like she was back to normal, but these conditions were extreme and the device was almost ready.
__"Can't you do a Chaos Blast at that giant monster thing!?" Ray shouted at Shadow.
__The black hedgehog shook his head. "That would kill him! Are we all of a sudden okay with killing Bowser!?"
__"NO!!!" Bowser Junior and Kamek shrieked in unison.
__Sonic didn't have time to second guess himself. He looked straight at Dulcy. "Dulcy! I need you to help Rosalina with Fury Bowser!"
__Dulcy stomped her foot and slapped her tail against the floor. "You got it!" She then smirked. "You wanted me to fight that other dragon all along, didn't you?"
__Sonic chuckled. "You know it!" He then got serious and looked at Tails. "Once we get that shield down again, I'm gonna need you to deactivate the doomsday device. Have Wave and anyone who can help you, too."
__Tails just nodded as the Babylon Rogues and a few CCO agents stood behind him.
__Sonic pointed at the other hedgehogs. "Shadow, Silver, you already know." Shadow nodded as Sonic turned to look at Mario. "I'd like for you and Luigi to help us out, too."
__While Mario nodded Luigi looked around before pointing at himself and looking confused. "Who? Us?"
__Sonic raised up his arms as the Chaos Emeralds began circling around the group. "It's gonna feel weird at first, but we need you guys to turn super, too. Mario, you know Bowser the best. I'll allow you to take over."
__Mario grinned before he hopped up and punched the air. "Let's-a-go!"
__Luigi suddenly looked excited as he did the same thing. "Okey-dokey!"

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now