Everything's settled?

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__By the time they made it to Wakeport they set E-123 Omega down in the middle of the town to rest their arms again. A lot of shelltops came running to them and were staring at both Sonic and Shadow in confusion. Once again, they started talking one at a time.
__"Shadow's back!"
__"Is that your robot friend?"
__"Wow! Look at these hedgehogs!"
__"They really look the same!"
__That's when both Sonic and Shadow groaned in annoyance. "We do not look the same!" they retorted in unison.
__Sonic then looked away from Shadow and smirked. "I'm way too handsome and good looking to look like this faker!" He started laughing when Shadow slowly turned his head to look at him.
__"I see you still have a healthy ego," Shadow muttered.
__"Ugh!" Toad suddenly whined. "I don't wanna keep carrying this robot! My tiny little arms are done!"
__"I second that," Luigi groaned as he started stretching his arms.
__Mario then sighed as he looked down at Toad and pointed to where the airship was in the short distance. "Go get the others."
__"Okay!" Toad started running to the airship, his shoes squeaking. He later came back with all the other red toads that were on the airship. He told them all to carry E-123 Omega and they all eagerly picked it up and carried it to the airship.
__Shadow had one eye narrowed as he looked at Sonic. "Where did you find these people?"
__Sonic made a big smile, showing his teeth. "I found Toad here when he was being attacked by goombas. He mistook me for Mario, though."
__Shadow didn't reply. He started walking after the toads. This made Sonic, Cream and Cheese follow him with Mario, Luigi, and Toad trying to catch up to them.
__When they made it to the airship the toads set E-123 Omega down in the middle of the ship and scattered around it. The yellow and blue toads were still at the steering wheel. Mario had led the group onto the airship and they all waited for it to get in the air. As they slowly went up, all the shelltops were running and waving to them goodbye. Everyone on the airship, except for Sonic and Shadow, had waved back to the locals.
__Shadow had crossed his arms and stood next to the sleeping robot. "We're going straight to this castle you were talking about, right?"
__Sonic nodded and then immediately shook his head. "Wait, they said they wanted to pick up a friend on the way back."
__Shadow just growled and rolled his eyes.

__They arrived to what Mario called Dinosaur Land; Yoshi's Island. The airship landed near Yoshi's house, to which the green yoshisaur immediately ran out from under his trees to see what was going on. As soon as the toads dropped down a ramp, Mario began motioning for the yoshisaur to come.
__"Wahoo!" Yoshi jumped in the air in excitement before running up the ramp. He ran over to the Mario Brothers and hugged them. "Mario!" He then looked at Luigi and smiled. "Mama Luigi!"
__Luigi then frowned and sighed. "Stop calling me that!"
__Sonic tried his best to keep himself from snickering. "Mama Luigi?" He giggled.
__Even Shadow let out a titter. 
__The toads pulled the ramp back into the airship as it began going into the air.
__Yoshi then started asking questions as they made their way to the Mushroom Kingdom. "So, what's going on?"
__Mario pointed at Sonic, making Yoshi turn to look at him. "Sonic and his friends are trapped in our world, so we're trying to find everyone and help them get home. But Bowser has also somehow recruited some humans to work with him."
__Yoshi whipped his head to face Mario. His face was showing surprise and disbelief. "Bowser with humans!?" he exclaimed.
__Luigi nodded. "Not only that, but the CCO is now trying to capture the mobians. They've labeled the colorful animals as dangerous."
__"What's the CCO?" Shadow asked.
__"Chaos Containment Order," Luigi replied. "They're an organization that captures dangerous creatures that get too close to human civilizations. They now think you and your friends are one of those creatures."
__That's when Shadow looked at Sonic. "What did you do this time?"
__Sonic straightened. "Why do you think this is my fault!?"
__Shadow narrowed an eye and tilted his head.
__Sonic flattened his ears and looked away. "I attacked one of their guys." He then looked at Shadow before he could respond. "But they had Amy and Cream captured, and I wasn't about to let them take our friends away!"
__Shadow then nodded. "Okay."
__Yoshi had his attention focused on Cheese. "What is that thing? Can Yoshi eat it?"
__Cheese looked terrified as he flew into Cream's arms. "Chow! Chow! Chow!"
__"No!" Cream shrieked. She then ran behind Shadow.
__"Chao are not food!" Sonic retorted. 
__Shadow turned around to check on Cream behind him.
__"Oh. Okay then. Yoshi will behave." Yoshi then sat down. 

__It was night time. All of the toads were carrying E-123 Omega into the throne room. Tails and Professor E. Gadd were against the wall messing around with their gadgets. Amy and Knuckles were trying to help them in anyway they could. Sonic assumed Rouge was sleeping in one of the guest rooms. Princess Peach was sitting in her throne with Toadsworth standing next to her. When they all saw the group walking in they stopped what they were doing and went to meet them. The toads had set the robot down and went on their separate ways around the castle, except for Toad. 
__"Shadow!" Amy greeted. "You found Omega!"
__Shadow did not acknowledge her as he went to stand next to E-123 Omega.
__Amy then crossed her arms and snorted. "How does a mature hedgehog like you not know his manners?"
__"I do know my manners," Shadow responded negatively. "I just choose not to use them for you guys."
__"Hmph!" Amy looked away.
__Tails had walked straight to E-123 Omega and examined it. "What happened to Omega?"
__"He's missing his core processor," Shadow explained. "I couldn't find it anywhere on the Island we were in, so you have to fix him."
__"Again!?" Tails groaned. He then tried push the robot, but couldn't. "Knuckles..."
__Knuckles had walked over to him and picked up the robot before setting it down in a sitting position. "There you go."
__Tails opened the robot's chest and revealed the empty cavern where the core processor was supposed to be. "It might take me a few days to make him a new processor, which means it'll take even longer for us to get home."
__"Nonesense!" E. Gadd exclaimed. "We'll still be able to do this by our calculations. We have more people to help us both."
__"I suppose," Tails mumbled.
__"Oh, and before I forget!" E. Gadd started going through his bags and pulled out a container of medication. He then gave it to Sonic. "These will help with your reoccurring headaches. I made them myself."
__Sonic took the container from him and nodded. "Thanks, old man."
__"Jet lag?" Shadow asked.
__Sonic shook his head and pointed to the bump on his head. "I've got the mutated plutonium in my head. It's been giving me headaches."
__Shadow's eyes grew wide. "Eggman's plutonium's in your head? Why don't you take it out?"
__"It's in a container," Sonic argued. "Plus, it's dormant."
__"You're so stupid!" Shadow growled. "You could die if that container opens inside your head!"
__"Anyway," Sonic changed the subject. "Do you remember anything from before we came here?"
__Shadow continued to growl, but he nodded. "Of course. We were all looking for Eggman's new base to stop him from making this dangerous nuclear doomsday device with that mutated plutonium.  But something happened while we were fighting all of his robots with the Chaos Emeralds. Then we ended up here."
__"Of course it's the Chaos Emeralds," Knuckles groaned. "When is it not?"
__"Do you remember who we were all with?" Amy asked.
__"Yes." Shadow began naming everyone. "The Chaotix were with us and Silver came back from the future to help us while Blaze came from her zone. We forced the Babylon Rogues to help us, too. There was also Mighty and Ray. Cream was accompanied by Gemerl. And even Big was following us with his frog."
__"Froggy," Sonic corrected.
__"Gemerl!" Cream gasped. "That's right! He was supposed to stay by me and Cheese to protect us like mother told him to!"
__"How did we convince the Babylon Rogues to help us?" Tails questioned. 
__"By telling them there wouldn't be any treasure nor riches for them to steal if our world was destroyed," Shadow said with a frown. 
__"So, that's thirteen friends plus Eggman to find," Sonic concluded. "and I have to make sure Eggman doesn't get this plutonium in my head."
__"Why don't you take it out of your head?" Shadow asked again with a scowl.
__Tails then smirked. "Someone's too scared of a scalpel!" He mocked.
__"Shut up!" Sonic barked.
__Yoshi looked down at Toad in confusion. "Yoshi's very confused."
__"Don't look at me for clarification," Toad muttered. "I wasn't paying attention."
__"Well, we found one of your friends," Peach told Sonic. "Princess Daisy called and said she found a purple cat."
__"Princess Blaze!" Cream cheered.
__Peach nodded. "They'll be here in the morning. In the mean time, you should all get some sleep." She then looked down to her steward. "Please show everyone to the guest rooms."
__"Yes, my princess." Toadsworth bowed before leading everyone to a hallway.

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