Reuinited and back at it again

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__Sonic followed Mario and Luigi down the river, which was leading them to Mushroom Pond. Mario and Luigi were able to tell Sonic a few things about their world. Sonic now understood who Bowser was and his son along with all of his minions. He knew what goombas, koopas, boos, and shy guys were; Bowser's main minions. Now Sonic wanted to run into these minions to see what they looked like. He wanted to ask some tips about how they usually defeat them when they saw the Mushroom Pond right in front of them. Sonic was amazed by how big Mushroom Pond was. It looked really clean and beautiful.
__"All right," Mario began. "Let's split up and search the pond." He began to walk when Luigi grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
__"Wait. What is that?" He was pointing at a small island at the other side of the pond.
__Sonic looked at what Luigi was pointing at and squinted his eyes. He saw something yellow lying down on the island. His eyes grew wide and he gasped.
__"Is that him?" Luigi asked.
__Sonic didn't answer. He used his super-speed and ran for the island, leaving the brothers to hold their caps to keep them from flying off and staring after him in surprise with their mouths wide open. Sonic was near the island, but there was water between them. Since it didn't look that deep, Sonic figured he could walk through it. He looked to his right first and saw that Mario and Luigi were running along the pond, trying to get to him. Sonic took this time to step into the water and began slowly walking through. The cold sensation made Sonic uncomfortable as he tried to push through.
__He was only several feet away from the island when his feet slipped and he sank into the water. Holding his breath, he tried flailing his arms and legs in an attempt to push himself up, but to no avail. He was about to curl up into a ball so he could simply launch himself out of the water when he felt someone grab him. He saw that it was Mario as he swam to the surface. Sonic immediately gasped for air when his head was out of the water. Luigi was already on the island, so he grabbed Sonic's hand and helped him get on the island with Mario simply walking around him.
__"You can't swim?" Mario asked while he took his cap off and began wrinkling the water out of it.
__Sonic was panting. "Nope." He then began shaking himself to get the water off him, making Mario and Luigi block their faces to avoid the water splashes. Sonic's fur was now a mess, but he didn't care. He could clearly see now that the yellow figure was his friend Tails. He made his way over to him and sat down on his knees. Tails was lying on his back and breathing slowly. To the left of his head was a big yellow device, which Sonic knew was the Miles Electric. He looked back at Tails as Mario and Luigi walked up to him and began shaking the fox.
__"Yo, Tails," he said urgently. "C'mon, man. Time to get up."
__Tails did not budge, yet a quiet groan sounded from him.
__Sonic tittered as he continued to shake him. "Wake up, Miles." He then started chuckling when Tails's hand raised up and covered Sonic's mouth.
__"Don't say my real name," Tails groaned, keeping his eyes closed.
__Sonic moved Tails's hand and rolled his eyes. "Get up already!"
__Tails slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sonic as he struggled to sit up. He then let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes. "Jeez. How long was I asleep for?" He blinked a few times before looking at the brothers in confusion. "Who are they?"
__"Mario and Luigi," Sonic replied. "Listen, lil' bro, do you remember what happened?"
__Tails looked at Sonic. "What do you mean?"
__"We're in another world," Sonic explained. "The only thing I remember was that we were together."
__"Another world? Not again." Tails whined. "Well, I kinda remember us being with some of our other friends as well. I think... we were on some kind of adventure or whatever. I don't completely remember."
__Sonic put a hand on the fox's shoulder and nodded. "That's fine. That's more than what I knew." He then looked at the Miles Electric. "Wait, wouldn't that have something?"
__Tails grabbed the Miles Electric and tried turning it on, but the screen remained dark. "It's needs to be recharged."
__Sonic stood up and helped Tails on his feet. He then looked at Mario. "Shall we head back?"
__Mario nodded. "Let's-a-go."
__"What's with these two?" Tails whispered to Sonic as they began walking.
__"I'll explain on the way," Sonic said.

__Sonic tried his best to stifle his laugh as he saw Tails's annoyed and unamused expression as he looked at E. Gadd's equipment. E. Gadd was still struggling with his laptop and he looked mad about it while Toad and Toadsworth seemed interested. Mario and Luigi were standing by the princess.
__"You managed to find your friend!" She infered happily.
__"Who are all these people?" Tails asked.
__Sonic wrapped an arm around Tails's shoulders and pointed at everyone as he said their names. "That's Professor E. Gadd, that's Toad and Toadsworth, you already know the brothers, and that's Princess Toadstool."
__That's when the princess shook her head. "Princess Peach is fine. It's nice to meet you, Tails."
__"You, too," Tails replied awkwardly. He looked back at E. Gadd and narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing?"
__"Trying to get this thing to work again!" E. Gadd spat.
__"Oi!" Tails rolled his eyes. "That thing is old. We have a better chance of finding our world's coordinates if we use my Miles Electric and connect it to all these other machines you have for some reason."
__E. Gadd set the laptop down and looked at Tails suspiciously. "Really now?"
__Tails nodded as he pulled out his device. "Got a USB cord? It needs to be charged first."
__E. Gadd went through his bag and pulled out a cord. He motioned Tails for the Miles Electric as he plugged the cord into and outlet and then plugging the other end in the the device. The screen then turned blue as it showed the battery starting to charge.
__"Hey!" Tails whipped around and pulled both of his tails out of Toad's hands. "Don't just pull on them!"
__"Sorry!" Toad apologized, though, he didn't look sorry at all.
__Sonic giggled before he felt his head aching again. "Argh!"
__"What's wrong?" Tails asked as he grabbed Sonic's head.
__"I've had this headache since I woke up here," Sonic explained. "E. Gadd says it feels like there's something in this lump here." He pointed at the little bump near his temple.
__"Holy crap," Tails mumbled. "There might be."
__"By the way," Sonic changed the subject. "You said we were with some of our other friends. Do you remember who we were with?"
__Tails pondered for bit before answering. "Not everyone, but I know for sure Knuckles and Amy were with us."
__"Knuckles and Amy?" Sonic repeated.
__"Does this mean we need to continue searching?" Luigi asked tiredly.
__"Let's look in Goomba Woods," Mario suggested.
__Tails narrowed one eye. "Goomba Woods?"
__"Yes, yes, go," E. Gadd said as he began preparing his other machines. "It's going to take me a while to set all this up."
__"I'd like to come along," Peach said brightly.
__Toadsworth suddenly bounced up and began panicking in place. "Absolutely not, Princess! You just came back from Bowser Jr.'s clutches! You mustn't risk leaving the castle so soon!"
__Peach sighed. "All right. Toad, you go with them then."
__Toad began bouncing up and down. "Yay!"
__Tails had his eyes narrowed as he turned to look at Sonic. He looked annoyed.
__Sonic could only laugh awkwardly in response.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now