Differences are a pain

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__When they reached the castle entrance Sonic carefully stopped the bus and set it to park before turning off the ignition. He sighed and tried resting his head on the wheel when he hit the horn and jumped back as it sounded. He then groaned as he started rubbing his temples. I should've stopped and had someone else drive, he thought to himself.
__Cream had stood up from her seat and walked to the front of the bus next to Sonic and Toad, who was still sitting on the dash. She was looking at the castle in awe as Cheese joined her and did the same thing. "What is this place?" She asked Sonic.
__Sonic set his hands down and looked at Cream with a gentle smile. "This is the Mushroom Kingdom. We'll be staying here a while until we find everyone else." Sonic suddenly felt worried. "Cream, your mother wasn't with you, was she?"
__Cream shook her head. "I don't remember much, but I do know when we were leaving, Mother had stayed home."
__Sonic nodded and looked as Amy stood up. "Do you remember who else we were with?"
__"Not off the top of my head," Amy replied in disappointment. "But I do remember that there were lots of us aaand... we were trying to find Eggman's new secret base."
__Sonic perked his ears. "New secret base? Why?"
__But Amy shrugged her shoulders, signifying she didn't know.
__Sonic sighed and stood up. "Welp, let's get in the castle already."
__Sonic was the first to exit the bus. He helped Cream and the three Toads step out of the bus and watched Amy and the brothers set out. Sonic avoided eye contact with Mario as he did. He could tell Mario was upset with him.
__Amy had grabbed Cream's hand and walked over to Sonic. "You okay, Sonic?"
__"Do you even need to ask?" Sonic replied with a smirk.
__Amy smiled and giggled before following Mario, Luigi, and the toads.
__Sonic looked around before following after them into the castle. The toads were leading them all to the throne room. As usual, everyone was in the throne room. Princess Peach was sitting in her throne with her steward next to her while Tails and Professor E. Gadd were messing around with all the machines with Knuckles standing in a corner and watching everything. Cream and Cheese looked very happy as they headed straight for the middle.
__"Tails! Mr. Knuckles!" Cream cheered.
__Both Tails and Knuckles smiled happily as they ran over to hug Cream. Knuckles even picked Cream up and began laughing as Cheese circled him. Amy immediately ran for Tails and they hugged each other tightly. Sonic smiled as he walked up to them.
__"You actually found Amy and Cream!" Tails inferred happily. Cheese suddenly began nudging him in annoyance, making Tails laugh. "And you, too, Cheese."
__"Where were you girls?" Knuckles asked as he set Cream down.
__"Both Cream and I woke up in the woods close to the city," Amy explained. "We decided to go to the city and look around, but the humans for some reason didn't recognize us and called an organization called CCO."
__"What?" Tails looked very confused. "What happened?"
__"They got the jump on us and put these weird rings on us that prevented us from using our abilities. Luckily for us, Sonic knocked out the guy who kidnapped us and broke the rings."
__"But..." Sonic cut in. "These CCO agents are saying we colorful animals are dangerous and now they're gonna want to capture us if we're seen."
__"People want to hunt us down again?" Tails whined.
__"So, what's going on here?" Amy asked Sonic.
__"We're not on Mobius," Sonic said blandly. "We're in another world."
__Amy groaned. "Great!"
__Princess Peach had stood up from her throne and walked over to the group. "Mario, did you find out anything?"
__Mario slowly shook his head. "Nothing. There was no information about any particular humans working with Bowser."
__"At least you found more of Sonic's friends."
__Mario narrowed his eyes. "In a savage way towards humans," he muttered.
__"Ah fuck," Sonic groaned.
__"Sonic!" Amy hissed and pinched Sonic.
__"Ow!" Sonic glared at Amy before slowly looking down at Cream. "Oops. Don't repeat what I say, Cream. Especially not to your mother!" He said promptly. 
__Cream smiled and nodded.
__"What's Mario talking about?" Peach asked Sonic.
__Sonic flattened his ears and avoided eye contact. "This CCO agent had Amy and Cream stuck in a van. I pulled him out of the van and attacked him."
__"What!?" Peach gasped.
__"You didn't just attack him," Mario added bitterly. "You smashed the door on his head."
__"It only knocked him out!" Sonic replied promptly. "And that guy was choking Amy in front of Cream! I did what I had to do!"
__"I don't know how you do things in your world," Mario began. "but here we don't make humans our enemies no matter what."
__Sonic felt mad as he narrowed his eyes and tightened his hands into fists. "It wasn't me trying to make enemies!"
__That's when Tails stood next to Sonic and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know Sonic has the tendency to act without thinking, but you should understand that he was protecting our friends. We sometimes have to make hard decisions. We would prefer not to attack living things that aren't robots, yet sometimes we have to in order to protect the people we care about."
__"But to have you attack the humans in our world is... unacceptable!" Mario retorted. 
__Amy snorted. "Wow. At least the humans in our world know and respect equality."
__"What do you mean?" Peach asked Amy.
__"On Mobius, mobians and humans live together," Amy explained. "Sure there's the slight discrimination in between every now and then, but we treat each other as equals."
__"Equality has nothing to do with this!" Mario hissed. "We're supposed to keep our humans safe from Bowser and his minions. That's our role. We do not get involved in their troubles and let them live as normal people."
__Sonic sighed and rolled his eyes. "There is no point arguing with you. To me, it doesn't matter how you want your humans to be uninvolved in your lives. What matters is that I keep my friends and family safe."
__"You would hurt innocent people?" Mario mocked.
__"Are you kidding me?" Sonic growled.
__"Mario, stop," Luigi said as he pulled his older brother back. "What would you do if you saw another human attacking the princess?"
__Mario looked at Luigi. He was silent for a bit before he sighed, but he didn't say anything.
__"I'm very sorry," Peach apologized as she bowed her head to Sonic. "This is bad news for you and your other friends if the CCO is going after your people." She then straightened and looked at Toadsworth. "Send a message to our allied nations and inform them about humans working with Bowser and for them to keep an eye out for colorful animals. If they do come across these mobians they need to report back to us so we can confirm if they're with Sonic. Make sure to contact Princess Daisy of Sarasland first."
__Luigi perked up. "Daisy? Ow!" Mario had elbowed Luigi.
__Toadsworth nodded before leaving the throne room. The blue and yellow toads followed after him while Toad stayed with the group.
__Sonic sighed in relief. "Thanks, Princess. We really owe you one."
__"Don't you worry about it," Peach responded brightly. "You saved me from Bowser Jr. It's the least I can do."
__"Ah, Sonic!" E. Gadd suddenly exclaimed. "The x-ray machine's on now, so we can check what's in your head!"
__Amy looked at Sonic in confusion. "Something's in your head?"
__Sonic pointed at the small bump in his head. "It's been giving me a headache since I woke up here."
__While E. Gadd started preparing the x-ray machine, Amy carefully grabbed Sonic's head and examined the bump. "Does it hurt?"
__"Not really," he assured her. "It's just the headache."
__"Come, Sonic," E. Gadd said while motioning him to come to the machine.
__When Amy let go Sonic walked over and stood behind the x-ray machine. E. Gadd pushed a button that turned on a bright light that blinded Sonic. As Sonic rubbed his eyes the light moved up and down a few times before the x-ray started beeping.
__"Fascinating," E. Gadd whispered.
__"What?" Sonic asked.
__"There's some kind of device in your head," Tails answered.
__"What!?" Sonic was about to move when E. Gadd started making weird noises.
__"Don't move yet! Let me screenshot it!" He pushed another button and then motioned Sonic to come.
__Sonic walked around the machine and looked at the image. E. Gadd was zooming in on Sonic's head where the small device was in. It was a small cylindrical container of some sort. E. Gadd grabbed Tails's Miles Electric and began examining the device. He then gasped.
__"My word! There's some mutated plutonium in that thing!"
__"Plutonium!?" Sonic repeated in shock.
__"Mutated plutonium," the professor corrected as he continued to examine the device.
__"What's plutonium?" Cream asked.
__Tails began explaining. "Plutonium is a very radioactive chemical. People use them to make nuclear weapons. It's very dangerous, especially if you inhale it."
__"There's a mutated version stuck in my head!" Sonic shrieked. "We're past inhaling it!"
__"Not so fast," E. Gadd interrupted. "The container is sealed tight and the plutonium is dormant. You're safe. As long as it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, nothing can go wrong with it."
__Amy then gasped. "That's it!" She shouted. "That's what Eggman wanted!"
__Everyone turned to Amy in confusion.
__"What do you mean?" Sonic asked.
__Amy began rubbing her temples as she tried explaining. "Uh... Eggman was trying to build something dangerous and he had that thing in his possession. I don't know how it got stuck in Sonic's head, though."
__"This is something Eggman wants," Sonic murmured to himself.
__"So," E. Gadd said as he pulled out a scalpel and scissors. "Would you like me to cut it out of your head?"
__"No!" Sonic backed away from him and placed a hand over the bump. "It's fine."
__"But, Sonic..." Tails said.
__Sonic shook his head. "If we were with Eggman, then he must be here, too. We can't risk him getting his hands on this thing."
__"You want to keep a radioactive chemical inside your head?" Knuckles questioned.
__"Like the professor said, it's dormant and in a tight container," Sonic pointed out. "All I basically need is medication for the headache. Whatever it takes to keep this away from Eggman."
__"I've got some medication that will work for you," E. Gadd said brightly.
__"Great." Sonic then looked at all of his friends. "So Eggman is definitely here, too. When we figure out how to get back home we need to find Eggman and make sure he comes back home with us."
__"You want him to go back with you?" Toad asked.
__"He's our enemy, not yours," Sonic said. "He belongs on Mobius just like us." He eyed Mario as he said that.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now