Treading on dark territory

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__They were close to entering the Darklands; the border was just barely in sight. Sonic noticed Mario hurrying over to the front, so he made sure he stopped to signal the others to stop and look. Mario had stood onto a boulder and looked around at the group. "We are nearing the Darklands now. This is where things become a bit more difficult. If we continue like this, then we'll be noticed for sure." He then looked down at Sonic and nodded.
__Sonic nodded back and raised his hand up to get everyone's attention. "We'll be dividing into five groups. The Mario Brothers will be leading one group while the princesses, Toad, and Yoshi lead their own."
__"Wait, Toad?" Knuckles questioned.
__"He knows his way around more than you do," Sonic responded bitterly. He then cleared his throat and continued. "All right, Amy, Cream, Gemerl, and Big. You guys will be Peach's group. Mighty, Ray, Vector, and Charmy. You'll join Daisy. The Babylon Rogues will join Yoshi. Knuckles, Rouge, and Omega will join Toad. And Finally, Tails, Shadow, Silver and I will join with Mario and Luigi. Everybody clear?"
__Once everyone understood Sonic gave his okay. "Then let's move!"
__After everyone was in their separate groups, Tails was handing out communicators to all of the group leaders. Once he was done they all set off to the Darklands border.
__When they made it to the border Mario and Sonic made sure to go over the plan with everyone one last time before the groups set off on their own. Sonic and Tails stayed close to the Mario Brothers while Shadow stayed further back from Silver. Sonic and Tails were mainly examining Luigi. They learned from Professor E. Gadd that what he was wearing was called the Poltergust G-00. It was mainly used to stun ghosts and suck them into the vacuum. There was also a green substance in the Poltergust G-00. That apparently could create a gooey clone of Luigi that also attacks ghosts. Sonic wasn't all too interested, but he could tell Tails was very eager to see that contraption in action as both of his tails were swaying rapidly.
__Shadow suddenly stopped. His ears were twitching as he looked around.
__Mario noticed this and stopped as well. "What's the..."
__"Sh!" Shadow cut him off. He then suddenly ran over to Sonic, grabbed his arm, and ran into cover behind some trees with the others not hesitating to follow.
__When they ducked down Sonic yanked his arm away and glared at Shadow. "I'm not still defenseless!" He hissed.
__Shadow's only reply was putting a finger over his mouth.
__Everyone was carefully peeking through some shrubs to see what was coming. To Sonic's surprise it was actually Bowser Jr. in his clown car. He was mumbling to himself.
__"I can't believe Papa's making me hunt down stupid Super Stars for that old man!" He grumbled. He then flew over to a Question Mark Block and punched it. The block turned brown and out came a star with black eyes. Bowser Jr. was barely able to catch it in his little hand.
__"Young Prince!" A magikoopa came flying on his broom stick and went to joing the young koopa. "You were supposed to wait for me before setting out!"
__Bowser Jr. huffed. "Who's cares? I'm the Koopa Prince. I don't have to do what you say, Kamek."
__The magikoopa name Kamek had sighed while rubbing his temples. "So help me, Junior! I did not raise your father to be where he is now and be forced to help raise you, too, just to have you keep acting like a brat!" He then glared at the prince. "You will do as you're told!"
__"No! Papa is the only one allowed to order me around!"
__Kamek then smirked. "Then I suppose I can go tell your father right now that you're misbehaving... again." He then started flying back where he came from.
__Bowser Jr. was slightly shaking for a bit before flying after Kamek. "No, wait! Don't tell Papa! He'll be real mad!"
__Sonic waited for a while before standing up. "There's our quick way to the Dark Kingdom."
__"He's gathering these Super Stars for Eggman, no doubt," Tails infered. "He's taking advantage of this world's powerful resources."
__"Then we don't have any time to waste, do we?" Silver was generally asking.
__Mario began walking towards where the koopas left. "C'mon, Luigi!"
__Luigi slumped as he reluctantly followed after his older brother. Sonic decided to walk over to Luigi and grinned. "Come on, Luigi. Are you really that scared? It's an adventure! It's all just fun and games for us. Where's you fighting spirit?"
__Luigi groaned. "It's there. It just doesn't wanna come out."
__"Then make it come out!" Tails said as he joined them. "It's not always about just fun. Adventuring with others makes your bond stronger with them! Don't you like that at least?"
__A small smile formed on Luigi's face. "Yeh."
__"Then get the blood pumping!" Sonic encouraged. "Time to get excited!"
__"Feel the rhythm!" Tails added as he started shaking his hips.
__"You feeling it yet?" Sonic asked while he slightly danced as he walked.
__Luigi snickering and he, too, started dancing with them. "Yeah I am!"
__"Wooh!" Tails led Luigi over to Mario while they continued to have their fun. Mario had glanced at Sonic and smiled.
__Sonic smiled back when Silver was next to him. "You're even more optimistic than I am," he admitted.
__Sonic just rolled his eyes. "We gotta have each other's back, you know."
__Silver nodded. "Of course. It's just barely anyone has your amount of joy."
__"Ah pfft!" Sonic and Silver began laughing awkwardly. Sonic then looked back at Shadow. "Dude, come on! Get in on this!"
__Shadow shook his head. "Joy is a contagious disease. I want no part of it."
__"You're literally the definition of kill-joy," Sonic grumbled.
__Shadow formed a tiny grin as he looked away. "I try."
__Sonic tittered. "You can be funny when you wanna be!"
__Shadow then immediately frowned. "Shut up!"
__Everyone froze and looked as a white ghost with a long tongue appeared. It was giggling as it spun around. "I must tell the king!"
__But before the boo could fly away Luigi flashed a colorful light at the ghost. The boo struggled to get out of the light but it soon was stunned. Luigi then ran up and started sucking up the boo's tongue. The ghost was trying to pull its tongue away, but Luigi pulled with all force and began slamming it against the ground fiercely. He continued this over and over again until the boo gave up and was sucked into the Poltergust G-00.
__Sonic was smiling awkwardly. "Damn, Luigi! You got some stored up anger or something?"
__"Oh, yeah!" Luigi continued his little dance.
__Sonic then looked at Shadow who did not look impressed in the slightest. He went over to Mario as they continued on. "Feeling a little better about this?"
__"Mmhm!" Mario nodded. He then looked forward. "The castle is not-a-much farther now." And the group continues in silence.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now