The start of a plan

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__As Sonic put pressure on the stitches in his head, everyone was staring at him, waiting for him to continue explaining what they needed to do. It was proving difficult for him, though. He didn't know anything about Bowser or his kingdom. He didn't even know what he looked like. He could only guess based on when he saw Bowser Jr. when he tried kidnapping Princess Peach. The pain he was feeling in his head and legs weren't helping him either.
__Everyone then turned their attention to Toadsworth when he came back in the throne room. He was followed by another red toad who was wearing some kind of adventure gear. "My friends," Toadsworth began. "I present Captain Toad, one of our bravest of the bunch."
__Captain wore a big smile as he waved. "Hello!"
__Sonic tried to hide his disappointment as he turned to Espio and Blaze. "Well, there's your guide."
__Espio and Blaze both looked uncomfortable as they looked at each other.
__Captain Toad walked up to the chameleon and cat and saluted to them. "Pleased to meet you two! I'm here to help lead you two to King Bowser's castle! I promise I won't let you down!"
__Blaze just smiled. "Well... thank you very much."
__"There is a problem, though," Captain Toad said reluctantly. "I am unable to jump because of this heavy backpack. But I cannot afford to take it off during our journey, so you might have to carry me if it comes to it."
__"Great," Espio sighed.
__"All right, here's your walkie-talkie," E. Gadd said as he gave it to Blaze.
__"While we're still working on a way to get back home, we need to learn more about them in order for me to actually develop a plan," Sonic groaned. "I know that's not what any of you want to hear, but that's how it is."
__"Praise the hero of Mobius!" Knuckles blurted in sarcasm. 
__Amy had eyed the red echidna before she tightened here fist and punched him in the stomach, causing him to grip his stomach and fall on his knees. "Now there's no need to be rude!" she snarled. "We're in another world; this is hard for all of us!"
__Knuckles kept hugging his stomach as he glared at Amy. "What the hell!? You didn't have to hit me!"
__"Tough!" Amy huffed. She then walked over to Sonic and gently grabbed his face as she smiled. "You don't need to worry. We will get through this. We always do!"
__Sonic smiled back. "That's right." He then frowned when he saw that everyone was giving him a smug look. This made him pull away from Amy and clear his throat. "Anyway, how's that portal coming along?"
__"We're nearly finished making it," Tails informed. "But the hard bit of finding our world's coordinates has yet to come."
__Sonic then brought his attention to E-123 Omega. "Good to have you back with us."
__The big robot was motionless. "This world is full of confusing things."
__Sonic stifled an awkward laugh. "We haven't noticed," he grinned. He then looked back at Espio. "Whenever you're ready, go ahead and set off."
__Espio nodded and motioned to Captain Toad. "Lead the way," he said reluctantly.
__Captain Toad's smile grew bigger as he began marching out of the castle with Espio and Blaze following after him.
__Knuckles was standing tall again as he crossed his arms and looked at Sonic. "What do we do until then?" he asked with a narrowed eye.
__"Well we still need to find Silver and the Babylon Rogues," Sonic muttered, "so there's that."
__"How about we just get Silver and go home?" Knuckles suggested sarcastically with a smirk.
__"Sounds like a plan," Tails said unenthusiastically.
__"Unfortunately, we can't," Sonic groaned. He then began to ponder for a bit. He recalled Silver's telekinesis. Perhaps his ability would be of great use in this world. It would keep all the annoying enemies at bay while they dealt with Eggman and Bowser. Not only that but in this strange world (after fighting with Metal Sonic with its unusual boost of strength) they needed more power. Perhaps Shadow and Silver could aid him in whatever troubles lay ahead.
__"I would like to find Silver sooner," Sonic announced to all his friends. "We could use his help greatly in this world."
__"So running fast, teleporting, fireballs, and deadly robots aren't enough?" Charmey whined.
__Shadow made his way over to Sonic, making everyone fall silent, and crossed his arms. "You said Metal Sonic seemed much stronger?" He asked.
__Sonic nodded. "And it's definitely not Neo Metal Sonic. I don't know where he got all that power."
__Shadow then silently looked over at Mario. "What are your most powerful sources here?"
__Mario was caught completely off guard when Shadow spoke to him. "Hm," he grabbed his chin and looked down. "There are many things, but I believe our most powerful item is the Super Star. It grants you temporary invincibility if you use it."
__"There we go," was all Shadow said before he went to join Rouge and E-123 Omega.
__"So Metal could've had this Super Star?" Sonic questioned.
__"Maybe," Mario said nonchalantly.
__"So we need Silver's psychic abilities?" Mighty asked.
__"Not just Silver's," Sonic replied. "but perhaps his, Shadow's, and my natural link to Chaos Energy."
__"So you three are taking the lead again?" Knuckles infered.
__"Team SSS rises again!" Tails sarcastically cheered.
__"What?" Both Sonic and Shadow said in unison.
__Sonic then shook his head. "Anyway, for now we really need to find the rest of our friends. That comes first."
__Charmey suddenly flew over to Sonic's face. "An expedition!" He shouted in excitement.
__Sonic grabbed Charmey and set him down. "Yeah, exactly."
__Mario then cut in. "Some of us will have to go with you then. You don't know the world well and we want to make sure the CCO don't capture some of you again."
__"It's just adventure after adventure after adventure!" Luigi groaned.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now