An unsettled crisis

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__Everyone was sitting on their chosen seats in the princess's pink bus. Mario and Luigi were sitting in the front seats on the left side of the bus while Toad sat in the driver's seat. Two other toads had joined them; a blue toad and a yellow toad. The blue toad was on the floor where he would push on the accelerator and brake if the red toad told him to. The yellow toad was sitting in the front seat on the right side of the bus next to the brothers. Sonic was sitting in the very back on the right side of the bus, looking out the open window as the wind blew on his face. He didn't mind driving like this, but he would've much rather run to the city. 
__"BRAKE!" Toad had yelled.
__As the blue toad slammed on the brakes, the bus started to turn fiercely. Mario, Luigi, and the yellow toad were prepared as they hung on tightly to their seats. Sonic, however, was not prepared. He hit his head on the seat in front of him, which made him curl up into a ball on instinct. He was then flung out of the window and began rolling on the ground. He heard a bunch of people gasp and quickly untucked himself. He shook his head before looking around. He was sitting at the entrance to the city, where lots of humans were crowding around and staring down at Sonic. Sonic felt awkward as he stood up and flattened his ears. "Uh... Hi?"
__The humans looked concerned as they began whispering to each other.
__"What is that thing?"
__"Is it an alien?"
__"Wait, is it one of those colorful animals that the Chaos Containment Order is talking about?"
__"You think so?"
__"Does that make that thing dangerous?"
__Sonic began to slowly back away, not taking his eyes off the gossiping humans. Jeez. I prefer the humans back on Mobius.
__"Someone call the CCO then!" One of the humans shouted.
__"Sonic!" Mario shouted, making the blue hedgehog turn to look. Mario, Luigi, and the three toads were running up to Sonic. When Mario was in front of Sonic he began eyeing Sonic from top to bottom. "You okay?"
__"Oh yeah!" Sonic said confidently. "I've jumped out of a helicopter hundreds of feet in the air and lived."
__"How?" Luigi asked in disbelief.
__"I tore off a piece of the helicopter and used it to skate down the road," Sonic said with a big smile. He then frowned and turned to look at the other humans as they continued to whisper. "What's up with them?"
__"You're just new to them," Mario assured him as he began walking. "Come on. We got work to do."
__Sonic was about to follow when he felt Luigi grab his shoulder. "You sure you're okay?" He asked.
__Sonic smirked and rolled his eyes. "Yeah. You wouldn't be surprised if you've seen the countless times I've fell from the sky. I even fell down from space and survived landing."
__Luigi tilted his head. "You're like my brother then."
__Sonic started giggling before he felt the three toads pushing him to follow after Mario. Sonic tried not to look at the humans when they caught up to Mario. He made sure to lean closer to Mario. "Do you know what CCO is?" He asked.
__"CCO?" Mario pondered before nodding. "Chaos Containment Order: they're this new organization. They vowed to keep cities and towns safe by capturing any of Bowser's minions or other dangerous creatures that get too close to them."
__"I heard some of those humans saying to call them," Sonic told him. 
__"Oh. Again, you're new to them," Mario reminded. "They don't know if you're a threat or not."
__"Well damn," Sonic rasped. "That might be bad. The last thing I need are people hunting me down... again."
__"I wouldn't worry about it," Luigi interrupted. "As long as they see we're together, they won't think you're dangerous."
__"Yeah, because if you were, then we would have already taken care of you," Mario remarked with a teasing smirk.
__Sonic scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. Neither of you could handle my speed."
__"Oh?" Mario began giggling. "I bet we could."
__"Pssh! Nuh-uh! Not even the Ultimate Lifeform himself can defeat me!" Sonic gloated.
__That's when Mario looked confused. "The Ultimate Lifeform?"
__"Shadow the Hedgehog!" Sonic responded brightly. "My favorite rival! Besides my evil counterpart and my robot duplicate, he's the only one who can catch up to me."
__"Evil counterpart and robot duplicate?" Luigi repeated.
__"My evil counterpart Scourge is from another zone and my robot duplicate is a robot Dr. Eggman made," Sonic explained. He then smiled. "Both want me dead!"
__"Who's Dr. Eggman?" Toad asked as he bounced next to Sonic.
__"He's the main villain in my world," Sonic sighed. "The man has I.Q. over three hundred, has a whole robot army, and horrible plans for my world."
__"We certainly have similar lives," Mario remarked brightly.
__"Yeah!" Luigi said. "You and Mario even have love interests!"
__Sonic felt his face heat up as he faced Luigi. "What are you talking about!?"
__"Well, Mario has a thing for Princess Peach," Luigi began as Mario nodded. "and you're friends said you had a girlfriend, didn't they?"
__"Amy's not my girlfriend!" Sonic said promptly. "She's just a friend who I care about! There is nothing between us! She's just lovesick!"
__"Right, sure," Luigi said sarcastically. "Sounds better than Mario's relationship with Princess Peach. Mario and Bowser tried proposing to her at the same time and she rejected both of them."
__"Luigi!" Mario hissed.
__Sonic calmed down as he crossed his arms. "Well, that's what to be expected I guess."
__Luigi continued to smirk. "At least Mario isn't afraid of commitment."
__Sonic stopped walking, making everyone else stop, and slowly looked at Luigi. "I'm not afraid of commitment," he remarked slowly. "For your information, I've had two other girlfriends before."
__Luigi just giggled as he and Mario continued walking. "Let's focus and check out the place."
__Sonic began muttering to himself in annoyance as he followed after them.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now