Start of the end

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__Bingo. Sonic glanced back at Mario and pointed his thumb to the doomsday device as it grew brighter. "Can you get another Super Star?"
__Mario had straightened before grabbing his chin. "There are many Question Blocks around here, but it's entirely chance based. There's-a no guarantee we can..." He stopped when Bowser Junior started tugging on his sleeve and looked down at him. The young prince had two Super Stars in his hand.
__"I have these two left..." he said quietly.
__Mario grabbed the stars and tossed one over to Luigi before looking back at Sonic. "You want us to destroy those shields, yes?"
__"Just the one with the Chaos Emeralds," Sonic explained. "That's our main focus." He then looked at Shadow and Silver. "It'll be our time to shine. We have to absorb those Chaos Emeralds and do our thing."
__"While freeing Dulcy," Tails added. "Eggman still has the remote and we don't know what other defenses he has on that thing."
"That won't be a problem," Sonic responded confidently. "The emeralds will respond to us over that machine anyway."
__"How the heck does that work?" Princess Daisy asked.
__"The Chaos Emeralds are all powerful and sacred," Knuckles explained. "Just like the Master Emerald, they can see into your heart and mind. At the moment they're just being used as a power source. If they sense Sonic, Shadow, or Silver near them, then they will favor their power to them."
__"This is the smartest you've ever sounded," Rouge teased while Knuckles growled at her.
__"All right, let's..." Sonic was cut off when the sky turned black. Suddenly Bowser's shell moved over behind the castle, sunk down, and disappeared into the black paint. Then out of the black paint Fury Bowser had risen. He let out an earth shattering roar before shooting out giant red fireballs towards the castle. Sonic flattened his ears and started backing up. What are...?
__"Quick! Behind the pillars!" Mario shouted as he grabbed Princess Peach's hand and ran. Everyone quickly acted and ran in different directions behind different pillars.
__Sonic made sure to grab Cream and Cheese before running with Amy and Gemerl among some others behind the closest pillar. The fireballs landed close to them, but they disappeared when they came in contact in either the floor or walls.
__"This is bad!" Bowser Junior was with Sonic cowering. "This isn't like Lake Lapcat! We don't have a lot of cover to hide in and Papa knows we're still here!"
__Sonic carefully took a peek past the pillar and saw that Fury Bowser was not stopping. "Dammit! We're sitting ducks! It'd do no good having Mario and Luigi trying to get to the machine in all this."
__At the next pillar over Shadow was looking at Silver. "I'm going to need you to..."
__Suddenly a bright light flashed from the sky, causing Fury Bowser to stop and back away as he tried to look away. The ball of light was descending from the sky until it landed on the floor, followed by a bunch of chubby looking stars. As the light vanished, a beautiful woman with blonde hair and wearing a long light blue dress appeared. Her one eye that wasn't covered was blue and she held a star-shaped wand in her left hand. Fury Bowser had glared down at the woman and roared, but the woman pointed her wand and shot out a large beam at his face. She then looked around at the stars that surrounded her. "My dear luma children, help keep the beast at bay." All of the stars spun as they charged at Fury Bowser. While they distracted him the woman looked as Princess Peach and Daisy ran over and hugged her tightly.
__Sonic looked as Bowser Junior bounced excitedly. "It's Princess Rosalina! We're saved!"
__"Princess Rosalina." Sonic remembered the argument the two princesses had over Princess Rosalina providing aid to their quest. It would appear now that this princess had decided that the end of the universe was enough for her to come down to them to help. He let go of Cream and walked out as the Mario Brothers went to join the princesses with Shadow and Silver quickly following after. The sorceress was exchanging greetings with the brothers before she looked down at Sonic with a smile.
__"You must be Sonic the Hedgehog. It's an honor to finally meet you." She greeted happily.
__Sonic perked his ears. "You know who I am?"
__"I know who everyone is. I've even met with Tikal from time to time."
__Sonic was taken aback by this but he shook the thought away and looked at the brothers. "Back to business. You two need to do your thing with the Super Stars and destroy that force field. It won't be necessary but Shadow, Silver, and I will cover for you." Lots of robots stood ground once again. This made Sonic groan as he looked toward everyone else. "You guys stop the other robots, especially you CCO agents!" Sonic then shyly looked at Princess Rosalina. "Erm. You do whatever you see fit, I guess."
__"You do not have to worry about me," Princess Rosalina assured him. "I will be helping my luma children fend off Fury Bowser." She then started floating and just like that flew over to join the Lumas.
__Mario had his Super Star ready as he looked at Luigi. "Are you ready? You do not have time to be worrying about the universe ending."
__Luigi made a big inhale and exhale before pulling out his Super Star and nodding. "Hm!"
__Mario and Luigi both absorbed their stars and their bodies began glowing in multiple flashing colors. It was then looking at them in this form that Sonic realized that this looked similar to his old Hyper Form. The two then began running straight for the machine. Robots would try to stop them but Sonic and Shadow kept the robots away until Silver grabbed the two with his telekinesis and carried them quickly to the force field. All of their comrades were out in the battlefield once again, keeping all of the robots at bay. When the Mario Brothers reached the force field they pressed their hands on it and tried pouring all the power they had into it. The Chaso Emeralds started glowing brightly as Dulcy crouched and screamed. The machine was using their powers to try and cancel out their invisibility. Sonic figured that Shadow and Silver could handle the robots on their own and tried to get close enough to absorb the Chaos Emeralds when something tackled him and knocked him over. He looked up confused when he thought it was Metal Sonic and quickly become shocked. This robot looked like Metal Sonic but it was green and resembled someone else too familiar to Sonic. Sonic felt really annoyed as he looked back at Doctor Eggman. "Oh come on! You can't use Metal Scourge when Scourge isn't even here! At this point you're just trying to get attention!"
__The doctor laughed maniacally. "I wasn't going to risk losing Metal Sonic to stop you, so I used the next best thing!"
__Sonic growled as he glared at Metal Scourge. "I'd rather fight the real Scourge than you, cheap knockoff!" The two then began fighting.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now