Understanding... then what?

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__Tails was analyzing Sonic's head with his Miles Electric for any traces of the mutated plutonium in his system. Luckily there was none. He set the Miles Electric aside and posed as someone very upset. "I'm sorry to say this, Sonic. But you're dying today." A slight smile formed on his white muzzle.
__Sonic snorted. "Fuck off." He lightly pushed the fox away. "I'm all good?"
__Tails nodded as he rubbed his arm. "Yeah, you're fine." He then smirked as Sonic started to walk away. He brought up his foot and lightly pushed the back of Sonic's knee, causing him to stumble and land on that knee. "You're legs aren't, though!" He teased.
__"All right, c'mere!" Sonic got up and ran after Tails. He grabbed the yellow fox and began to noogie him as they started laughing.
__"No! Stop it!" Tails tried to pull out of Sonic's grip. But Sonic ended up losing his balance and fell on his butt, still holding Tails.
__"Yeild, fox boy!"
__Sonic giggled as he let go of Tails and watched him stand. "Still think my legs aren't fine?" He asked with a smirk.
__"You always heal fast anyway," Tails huffed.
__Luigi came over to Sonic and Tails with a smile. "You two are absolutely adorable!"
__Sonic snorted and shook his head. "You should see us when we're mad at each other."
__"I ripped out a bunch of his fur and quills!" Tails said while wagging both of his tails in excitement.
__"Yeah, and that hurt like hell!" Sonic snapped. "They took a long time to grow back!"
__Tails's only response was sticking out his tongue.
__Luigi sat down next to Sonic. "You really are like brothers. You said you had a brother?"
__Sonic nodded. "I have an older twin sister and a younger twin brother. Manic's the street thief so Sonia and I get on to him a lot. He's actually green like you."
__Luigi tried not to laugh. "How convenient."
__"I assume you and Mario get into mischief?" Sonic asked sarcastically.
__"Yeh. I try not to, but Mario sometimes forces me to adventure out with him."
__"Yeah, he told me about how he's pushing you since you couldn't yourself."
__"That... is correct, yes," Luigi admitted shamefully. "I'm not as brave as him."
__"Tails ain't any better!" Sonic eyed the yellow fox with a smug look.
__"Ha ha ha!" Tails laughed sarcastically. "Look at me! I'm still afraid of lightning!" He then eyed Sonic back. "At least I'm not afraid of a one foot deep pond."
__"Oi!" Sonic barked.
__Knuckles was then carefully sneaking up on Tails. When he was right behind the fox he grabbed him and started to shake him a bit. "Stop making fun of each other!"
__Tails was caught off guard by this. "Hey! Put me down!" He got out of Knuckles' grip and turned to face him. "Man, Sonic's got a better grip than you!" He teased.
__Knuckles popped his neck. "Wanna bet?" He then got ready to run.
__Tails began to run with Knuckles chasing after him. They were both laughing. Sonic was laughing, too, as he watched while Luigi was trying to contain his own laughter.
__"You're all hopeless." Sonic heard Shadow mutter.
__Sonic then stood up. "All right, all right. Let's calm down..."
__Tails tripped Knuckles and the echidna accidentally knocked Sonic down. Tails flattened his ears and whistled as he left the scene.
__"Ah shit!" Knuckles got up and immediately started running.
__"Get your ass back here!" Sonic started running after Knuckles and tackled him.
__The two began to rough house, causing Amy to come over to intervene. She pulled on Sonic's ear and one of Knuckles' quills to get them to stop. "Ladies! Ladies! That's enough!"
__"Ack! Amy let go!" Knuckles pleaded.
__Amy let go and watched both of them rub where she had pinched. She rolled her eyes and mumbled "...boys," before walking away.
__Jet was laughing. "Have to have your girlfriend order you around now, slow poke!"
__Sonic growled. "Don't you fucking start with me!"
__"You all seriously need to stop!" Amy snapped. "We're in a castle, and you're setting a horrible example to Cream and Charmy!" She then pointed to the kids as their stared at them in disappointment while shaking their heads. Even Cheese looked disappointed.
__"Think of the children!" Storm mocked before he started giggling with the other rogues.
__Amy scowled as she pulled out her hammer and threw it at Storm's face. She smiled sweetly as she watched him tumble backwards. "Oopsies." She then led the kids over to the portal.
__Sonic then sighed. "We'll tear each other a part before we get home," he groaned.

__All of Sonic's companions spent the day training and preparing for invading Bowser's Castle. Sonic, however, was sitting on the castle bridge in silence while holding the walkie-talkie. Despite his fast healing, he was still warned to rest his legs and not overwhelm them. It annoyed him that he was feeling useless at the moment. He couldn't even run around the island just to have fun.
__Mario ended his conversation with Princess Peach, whom were standing in front of the castle doors. He looked over at Sonic and went over and sat on the railing next to him. He smiled. "Lonely?"
__Sonic rolled his eyes, yet a small grin formed on his muzzle. "Just sittin' still... doin' nothing." He watched as Tails and Knuckles started sparring with each other in the distance. "I don't like doing nothing when there's stuff to do, like right now."
__"Well, you do need those legs of yours back at-a perfect condition," Mario pointed out.
__"I know. I'm just restless. That's all." Sonic held up the walkie-talkie. "At least I got something to do once it's done."
__Mario was silent for a bit. He was looking at all the mobians and robots before looking back at Sonic. "What's your world like?"
__Sonic perked his ears. "My world?" Mario nodded. "Um... well..." Sonic set the walkie-talkie aside while slightly kicking his legs. "As Amy said before, mobians live together with humans. But there are some cities and towns that just have one or the other. We get along, though. Like we're just one race."
__"Do humans and mobians ever get together?"
__"Sometimes. It depends on what you're into."
__"Do you like humans?"
__Sonic tried his best not to scoff. "No. Not my kinda thing. But I still have many human friends.
__"Anyway, some of the wild landscapes back home are kinda like the ones here, but they're less cartoony."
__Mario narrowed an eye and tilted his head. "Cartoony?"
__"Like an animated show," Sonic said. "It was a little nerve-racking at first, to be honest."
__"Do you also get little enemies roaming around?"
__"It usually depends on what Eggman is doing. It's mainly robots. But this one time he let out a metal virus that was infecting every living being and turning them into what I called zombots." Sonic snorted before shaking his head. "You could call us robots at the time. It was complicated."
__"We?" Mario leaned back.
__Sonic grinned awkwardly. "I got infected towards the beginning of it. But I never completely turned since my speed kept pushing the virus back until I turned super and used the Warp Topaz to send the virus to the sun."
__"Super? Warp Topaz?"
__"The Warp Topaz was some weird gem that could open portals like our Warp Rings. But it was more advanced and unstable." Sonic then looked at his friends. "Turning super... we have Chaos Emeralds back home. They're our most powerful sources. When I have all seven of them I can absorb them and gain all kinds of limitless power. So far only Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver and I have been able to turn super that we know of. Although, Blaze, in her zone, has Sol Emeralds that can turn her into Burning Blaze, which is kinda like a super form."
__"Your world sounds... less kid friendly..." Mario chuckled.
__"We've read some of your books in those guest rooms," Sonic remarked. "Your world is kinda messed up, too."
__"Well, one thing's for sure, I prefer my world."
__Sonic nodded. "I prefer my own as well. It's home."
__Mario and Sonic whipped their heads to see what was going on in the distance. Everyone stopped what they were doing to see as well. There were more robots coming over the mountains yet again. Both Mario and Sonic groaned, "aw dammit..."

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now