It's super sonic!

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__Sonic kept his hands up, making the seven Chaos Emeralds circle around him, Shadow, Silver, and the Mario Brothers. Silver, using every strength he had left, stood back up and forced his barrier to push the giant fireballs back at Fury Bowser before it disappeared. It was now or never. The Chaos Emeralds spun faster and faster, creating a bright golden ring around them. Soon they suddenly vanished. Mario and Luigi both looked confused. Sonic then brought his hands back down as the golden light appeared around them. Sonic felt his quills forming up and saw that his blue fur was now yellow and overflowing with power. He felt relief come to him as he felt the wound on the left side of his head close and heal, clearing away all the blood. The same thing happened to Shadow and Silver, leaving the brothers to stare in awe and unease. Suddenly they, too, began to transform. Both of their brown hair and mustaches had turned to gold and were no longer smooth against their heads but slightly longer and spiking all over. Their eyes changed from blue to red and their overalls also became gold. Everyone around them was either staring in excitement or fear.
__First things first, Sonic made sure to use his power to nullify the force field around the doomsday device. Once it was down Tails, the Babylon Rogues, and some CCO agents rushed over and began to do their thing.
__Fury Bowser let out a monstrous roar as Dulcy and Princess Rosalina made their way towards him. He created another giant fire, even bigger than all the others he had made, and threw it down to the castle. Mario and Luigi looked scared until Sonic simply pointed his palm toward it and unleashed a power beam of Chaos Force. The bright light shot out and hit the fire ball, stopping it in its tracks. Then it simply just vanished, leaving no trace that it ever existed. Sonic grinned at Mario as he began to float, Shadow and Silver quickly following his lead. Sonic then titled his head and closed his eyes as his smile grew bigger. "You leading the way, or what?" He asked Mario.
__Mario looked really happy and excited as he immediately learned how to fly with his newly discovered power. Luigi reluctantly followed after him until they were at the same level as the hedgehogs. Mario then mirrored Sonic's pose. "Let's-a-go!"
__The Mario Brothers quickly flew up towards Fury Bowser. Sonic felt the adrenaline kick in as he and the other two hedgehogs followed after them.
__Ahead of them Dulcy and Princess Rosalina were circling Fury Bowser. The princess, alongside her luma children, were out maneuvering the giant monster's arms. Dulcy on the other hand flew down towards his feet without his knowledge. Still circling around him, she made a big inhale and began to breathe ice out through her nose. She made sure to move quickly in order to form a big enough ice to limit his movements. Once all of his legs and tail were submerged in ice Dulcy made sure to retreat back to the castle. Princess Rosalina followed suit with her lumas.
__Super Mario then flew ahead with his right fist ready. As he got closer and closer to Fury Bowser's face, he struck him with full force. This caused the monster to fall back, break the ice and injuring his legs and his shell landed in the lava of black paint. Super Mario did a little happy dance in the air before flying straight for Fury Bowser's stomach. But the monster was already getting up and managed to move his hand fast enough to swat Super Mario away. Super Silver quickly grabbed him with his telekinesis before Super Mario could hit the black paint.
__As Fury Bowser stood back up, both Super Sonic and Shadow made their move. They swiftly and quickly flew around the beast, making him circle around impatiently to try and grab them. Both held their hands out to him and shot out a powerful beam that made Fury Bowser shriek, a screech so bad that the super hedgehogs flattened their ears and backed away upon instinct.
__The Super Mario Brothers immediately flew toward Fury Bowser and started throwing a bunch of golden fireballs. The monster continued to shriek as he tried evade the blasts before shooting a giant fireball at the brothers. Super Mario managed to get out of the way, but Super Luigi got hit. Super Mario looked horrified before the fireball vanished with Super Luigi holding his arms out to it. The two then began to advance with Super Shadow and Silver doing the same.
__Super Sonic was about to do the same when he heard Tails scream.
__"Sonic! We're too late!"
__He stopped in his tracks and looked down at the device in horror. Something opened at the top while Tails, the Babylon Rouges, and the CCO agents ran away from the machine. Judging by all the cut wires Super Sonic could tell that they did deactivate it, just not in time. A giant black glowing orb (more so like a black hole) shot out from the doomsday device and was growing bigger and bigger. Super Sonic quickly moved out of the way and watched the black orb take place in the sky and start sucking everything in. He acted quickly by holding his arms out and used his power to try and pull the air from it. Super Silver went to help him while the Super Mario Brothers still fought Fury Bowser.
__The black orb continued to grow bigger and stronger. Super Sonic, keeping his hands up, was frantically looking until he saw Super Shadow fly towards him. "Shadow! Stop time!" This was something he knew only Super Shadow could do.
__Super Shadow nodded before raising his hands in the air. He began to release a bunch of chaos energy before shouting "Chaos Control!"
__In an instant everything fell still and quiet. Super Sonic and Silver stopped what they were doing and dropped their hands in relief. The Super Mario Brothers stopped as well and joined the hedgehogs.
__Super Luigi, like always, started to freak out. "W-w-what is-a going on!?"
__"Shadow has the ability to stop time when he's in this state," Super Sonic replied as he laid on his back in the air with his arms wrapped under his golden quills. "He only uses it whenever we really need it; that's like... now." He then got serious again as he fixed his posture. "Silver and I can extract that black paint out of Bowser. You guys need to figure out how to get rid of that black hole."
__Super Mario turned to look at the black orb and grabbed his chin. "I think I got it!" He held out his hand and a Supar Star with flashing colors appeared.
__"Woah!" Super Luigi looked down at his brother's hand with amazement. "How'd you do that?"
__Super Sonic smiled. "As of right now you can turn your thoughts into reality. I'm actually really surprised you figured that out already," he added to Super Mario, rather impressed by his quick learning.
__Super Mario shrugged his shoulders. "It just felt like I could... so I did it!"
__Super Luigi held out his hand and there appeared another colorful Super Star. "Yay! I did it!"
__"Get moving already," Super Shadow grumbled to the Super Mario Brothers. "I'll be backing you two up."
__The two brothers looked very excited as they flew up to the black orb, Super Shadow following close behind.
__Super Sonic and Silver nodded to each other before flying down to Fury Bowser, who was stuck with his feet on the ground and his right hand close to the ground as he leaned forward. The two hedgehogs made room for themselves before holding their hands up as they began the extracting. Slowly, but surely, the black paint made itself visible as it escaped from Fury Bowser's body in one giant strip that would split into two. Each of the smaller strips would make their way to the hedgehogs and start circling them. This continued until Bowser was finally back to his smaller, normal self (only he was floating in mid-air). The two hedgehogs then made sure that all the black paint, including the one surrounding the castle, dissipated before quickly flying to join the others.
__Super Sonic saw that Super Mario and Luigi were powering up their flashing Super Stars while Super Shadow kept a distance from them as he lent them some of his power. He and Super Silver flew over to Super Shadow's side and began to lend the brothers their power, too. It's now or never.
__Super Sonic was hopeful.
__As the flashing Super Stars were powered up, the two brothers absorbed their stars and they grew immensely in size. So much so that it even made Super Shadow flatten his ears. The Super Mario Brothers then began flashing in colors as well. After looking at each other and giving each other fist bumps, the two flew up to the black orb and grabbed it with their hands. A bright golden light escaped from their hands as they struggled to destroy the black orb. Eventually as the two stopped flashing and shrank back down to normal size, the black orb was destroyed.
__Super Sonic felt really excited as he started throwing himself up further in the air. "Hell yeah! We did it!"
__Super Silver sighed with relief as he began sinking (apparently without knowing it). "Finally! It was a good thing Shadow stopped time."
__Super Shadow grabbed Super Silver's arm and pulled him back up to his level. "It's done now. But we can't relax yet."
__"Why not?" Super Luigi asked as he and his older brother flew back to them.
__Super Sonic crossed his arms as he looked at where the black orb used to be. "If I remember correctly... Even though it's gone, once time starts again there's going to be an after math. Most likely there's still gonna be some powerful suckage for a few seconds. But you guys can deal with that." He then looked at Super Shadow.
__As the others backed away, Super Shadow lifted his arms up and yelled "Chaos Control!" Then time started again.
__Like he predicted there was a powerful force still pulling things in. Super Silver quickly put a giant force field around the entire castle while the Super Mario Brothers used their power to nullify the remaining force.
__"Wha? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Bowser started falling.
__Super Sonic immediately turned to flew over to Bowser and managed to grab his left arm before he hit the lava below them. The Koopa King looked shocked and confused before looking at Super Sonic. The hedgehog made a big grin before flying him back into the castle ground. Super Sonic lowered Bowser down gently before landing down in front of him. Then the other supers came down next to them. When Super Sonic made sure they were all there he held up his hands. In a couple seconds the five of them detransformed and all the seven Chaos Emeralds appeared and started circling them slowly. Sonic lowered his hands down and looked up at Bowser.
__The Koopa King seemed aloof as he stared down at the group. "What happened?"
__Sonic looked at Mario, but the short human just smiled and nodded. He then looked back up at Bowser. "Well, you became a giant of some kind and started attacking us long enough for the machine to activate. But we were lucky enough turn super as you just saw. Shadow stopped time and the Mario Brother's saved the entire multiverse."
__Sonic turned his head when he felt Mario put his hand on his shoulder. The human's smile grew bigger. "We saved the multiverse!"
__Sonic started chuckling as he wrapped his arm around Mario. The two began laughing together as if they were old friends.
__Sonic then stopped. "Wait..." He turned to the force field that Doctor Eggman and Metal Sonic were still in. The two of them were standing very awkwardly. Before Sonic could say anything else, he was interrupted.
__"PAPA!!!!!" The young Koopa Prince was running to his father.
__Bowser showed a slight smile as he leaned forward and held his son in an embrace. The two giggled as the rubbed their cheeks together lovingly. Sonic was actually touched by this before he saw the anger in Bowser's eyes. He carefully set his son aside as he glared at Doctor Eggman. "YOU!" He roared.
__"Don't," Mario groaned. "Even-a-you can't break that."
__It took just now for Sonic to realize that Amy was slowly walking over to the force field. Doctor Eggman looked at her with this smug look.
__"What do you think you're going to do, girly?" He asked mockingly. "Even your admirable strength can't break this."
__Amy popped her neck before she pulled out her hammer and set it down beside her. She smirked. "I've been saving up my own quote on quote psychic abilities. Plus..." Amy began taking off her bracelets. She held them beside her before dropping them. They fell quickly and smashed the floor, leaving large cracks as they sunk deeper and dust flew.
__"Wahaa!?" Luigi exclaimed.
__Sonic looked at Luigi. "Oh! You thought those were bracelets? No. No. Those are weights. Very heavy. Even I can't carry them. She's about to go Rock Lee on his ass."
__Amy grabbed her hammer and began to spin it gracefully and fast as if it were a simple baton. The hammer then began to glow as she swung the hammer behind her head. Doctor Eggman began to move behind Metal Sonic as Amy struck the force field. The whole thing shattered and the hammer kept going until it smashed into the ground and made a large hole.
__Doctor Eggman was knocked down from the impact as he stared at the pink hedgehog. "You crazy vermin! You almost hit me!"
__Amy was humming as the hammer disappeared and she started slipping her bracelets back on. She then grinned at the evil genius. "Well that was the idea."
__"Do you even intend on doing anything, you stupid girl?" Doctor Eggman continued to mock.
__Amy glared down at him before magically pulling out a deck of cards. "Fine then. Let's see what your future holds now." She began shuffling her cards before randomly pulling three from the deck. She held those three in the other hand and began to examine. "Hm. You're about to be scared for your life it seems."
__A loud roar came with heavy stomps as Bowser charged for Doctor Eggman. The human screamed for his life before Metal Sonic stood in front of him and started to prepare its plasma blaster. Bowser stopped in front of the robot as fire began to form each time he exhaled angrily.
__This was when Tails finally stepped in between them and looked up at Bowser as the other mobians surrounded Doctor Eggman and Metal Sonic. "Sorry. He's our responsibility. We'll be the ones to deal with him when we get home. So go ahead and calm your spiny butt and back off. "
__Bowser continued to bellow as he slowly turned and walked back to his son as Kamek flew over to their side and began bowing.
__Amy was still fiddling with her cards. "My vision was correct as always!" She gloated. "Anyone else want their future told?"
__Toad began hopping up and down, his shoes squeaking. "Ooh! Me! ME!"
__Yoshi was bouncing as well. "Yoshi!"
__Sonic watched Knuckles hit Metal Sonic in a place that caused the robot to shut down before it could release its plasma beam. Silver had went over and picked up both of them with his telekinesis and began talking with the others about what to do. The CCO agents were grouping themselves together. Princess Peach was with them. The humans were apologizing for their involvement and vowed to take more care with their company in order to protect civilians. The princess seemed convinced so there didn't seem to anything to worry about.
__Sonic then flattened his ears and carefully looked as Bowser looked down at him. The beast continued to bellow before closing his eyes. "Thank you."
__Sonic's ears perked back up as he held back a sigh of relief. "No problem. Always happy to help."
__Bowser Junior was standing beside his father with Kamek behind him. The magic koopa was motioning to the prince to do something. The young prince grumbled a bit before looking at Sonic. "Yeah... thanks for saving my dad... I guess..." He then started stomping. "But you're still ugly and stupid!" He stuck his tongue out before retreating with Kamek.
__Sonic jumped as Bowser began laughing. "That's my boy!"
__"Mario!" Princess Peach called as she walked over to the red plumber. Mario nervously looked up at the princess as she carefully pecked her lips on his cheek. The plumber's face grew red as he removed his cap.
__Bowser growled as he began to stomp away. "You all better be gone by the time I wake up from sleep."
__"Luigi!" Princess Daisy called. "Get your fine butt over here already!"
__Luigi took off his cap as well as he walked over to the princess. Princess Daisy began giggling as she grabbed the green plumber in a noogie, which he wasn't expecting, but he laughed happily anyway.
__Sonic was about to smile when he suddenly got tackled. He wasn't surprised in the slightest. Amy was hugging Sonic tightly and rubbing her cheek against his. "Jeez, Amy!"
__Amy giggled as she pulled away. "You owe me a date when we get back home."
__Sonic felt his face heat up as he looked away. "I said I'd consider it! It's not definite that I'd actually do it!"
__"Tsundere!" Tails and Knuckles shouted in unison.
__Sonic glared at them as his face got even hotter. "Shut up! I am not!" Amy then brought her face to Sonic's and lightly kissed his cheek, causing his anger flush away. He turned to look at her as she stood up and ran over to hug Cream and Cheese. He couldn't help but smile at this.
__"I saw that smile." Shadow said as he helped him stand up.
__"No you didn't!" Sonic hissed as he pulled away.
__Shadow rolled his eyes. "You'll proclaim love for a brother, but not a woman?"
__Sonic growled as he tried to playfully punch the black hedgehog. Shadow quickly dodged and let out a quiet titter as he walked toward Rouge and E-123 Omega. "Ha! I heard that laugh!"
__"No you didn't."
__Sonic then remembered the Chaos Emeralds. He silently called them to him and called Knuckles over. The echidna walked over to him and called the emeralds to himself. "You got them?"
__Knuckles nodded. "Of course I do..." He looked as Rouge started slowly walking towards them. "I see you, Rouge! Don't touch the Chaos Emeralds!"
__Rouge started pouting. "Can't I have just one? They're just too gorgeous!" Shadow walked by and pulled on her tail, making her yelp. "Ow! Hey!" She turned and glared at him. "Why would you randomly grab a woman's tail that hard!?"
__"Equality," was all Shadow said.
__Rouge snorted. "Fine."
__Sonic looked over as Tails and the Mario Brothers joined them. Tails took a quick hug from Sonic before Knuckles picked the fox up and sat him on his shoulder. Sonic looked straight at Mario and Luigi as he brought up a fist. The brothers smiled as they brought up their own fists and bumped his.
__"All right everyone!" Princess Rosalina shouted while waving her wand in the air as her luma children danced around her. "I shall bring us all back to the Mushroom Kingdom!"

__"There we go! The portal is up and running!" Professor E. Gadd said happily as he backed away from the portal.
__Doctor Eggman was still in Silver's telekinesis. He stared at the portal, very much unamused by it. "It took you this long to create a portal back home?"
__No one responded.
__"As soon as we get home we must start up work as soon as possible!" Vector said to Espio and Charmy. "We fell behind since we've been here, so we gotta pick up the slack! You ready?"
__The three of them put their hands in the middle before shouting "Team Chaotix!" as they threw them in the air.
__"Can we hurry this up?" Jet asked. "We got some treasure to steal."
__Ray was sitting down as he yawned. "I just wanna relax when we get home."
__Mighty placed his hand on the squirrel's head. "Me too."
__Cream and Cheese were hugging Blaze with Gemerl standing close by. "It's going to be a long time before we see you again." Cream said sadly.
__Blaze smile as she pulled away, keeping her hands on the rabbit's shoulders. "Yes, but it'll definitely be worth the wait next time. You'll see."
__"And I have to go back to my future at last," Silver spoke out. "Hopefully no other disaster forces me to travel back in time again to fix it."
__Big was looking around. "Where's Froggy?" He turned around to start looking, the tailed frog hanging off the back of the big cat's head.
__Shadow was scanning the area before looking at Rouge and E-123 Omega. "When we get back I'm taking that week long vacation."
__Rouge nodded. "Me too."
__"Affirmative." The big robot added.
__While the other mobians gathered themselves, the entire Mushroom Kingdom were waving and saying their goodbyes to Princess Rosalina and her Lumas as they started flying. "Farwell everyone, and take care!" She then flew into the sky, her children following after.
__Princess Peach, Toadsworth, and the Mario Brothers walked over to Sonic. All of them were smiling.
__"We will miss you greatly," Princess Peach said calmly. "We will never forget you and what you've done for us."
__Sonic returned the smile. "Same for us. We wouldn't even be here without you guys. Thank you." He felt someone hug his legs and looked down to see that Toad was crying.
__"I'm going to miss you so much! I'll never forget how we first met!"
__Sonic just continued to smile as he put his hand on Toad's head. "I'll miss you too, little dude. Ow!" Sonic looked and saw that Professor E. Gadd had taken a piece of his blue fur. "Dude!"
__The professor placed the fur in a plastic bag as he looked at Sonic. "Apologies. Science will not remain silent. Alsooo..." Professor E. Gadd pulled out a cup and smirked.
__"You keep that cup away from me, old man!" Sonic said promptly as he backed up to Tails and Knuckles. "No more science!"
__The professor just chuckled as he threw the cup behind him.
__Mario then walked up to Sonic and held out his hand. "This isn't goodbye. We will-a-see each other again."
__Sonic grinned and took his hand. "Yeah, you're right. See you guys later." Mario then pulled Sonic into a hug. The hedgehog hugged him back and pulled away after three seconds. He began waving to the sea of toads as he looked at his friends. "Let's-a-go!"
__"Hey!" Mario shouted.
__Sonic just started laughing as he lead his friends through the portal and were finally home after such a long adventure.

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