It's only the beginning

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__Sonic was forced to stay in the castle while some of his friends grouped up and left with the Mario Borthers, Yoshi and a bunch of toads to search for Silver and the Babylon Rogues. Sonic would have preferred to go with them, but Professor E. Gadd decided against it since he just got his stitches and his legs were still weak at the moment. He had to stay with Tails, Cream and Cheese, Gemerl, Big and Froggy. Tails and Professor E. Gadd were working around the portal as usual while Gemerl waited with Cream and Cheese near it in case they needed its help. Big and Froggy were just sleeping in one of the chairs. Sonic had kept the walkie-talkie with him so he felt like he could do something instead of just sitting around.
__Princess Peach and Princess Daisy were talking privately while Toadsworth stayed close to them. They seemed to be arguing as Princess Daisy was slightly flailing her hands while Princess Peach shook her head.
__When the arguing continued Sonic decided to carefully make his way over to the princesses and went to interject. "What's going on?"
__That's when Daisy scoffed. "All I suggested is that we ask Princess Rosalina to help us with this whole conflict."
__"We mustn't disturb her with our problems," Peach argued. "Her job, her mission is to protect the cosmos and her lumas. She must not be distracted with something we can handle on our own."
__"If she has to protect the cosmos, then she has to help protect our Mushroom World, too!" Daisy pointed out harshly. "I'm all nonchalant and everything, but I for one don't want to take any chances!"
__"Who's Princess Rosalina?" Sonic made sure to ask quickly.
__Princess Peach cupped her hands in front of her and looked at Sonic with a smile. "Princess Rosalina is the guardian of the cosmos and her dear luma children. She's an old friend of ours."
__"What's a luma?"
__"The lumas are star-like creatures in space," Peach explained. "They are Princess Rosalina's adoptive children."
__"So is she some kind of goddess?" He asked carefully.
__Princess Peach tilted her head. "Well... not technically. But she is immortal and has eternal youth."
__"She's a celestial sorceress," Daisy added with her arms crossed. "A very powerful one at that. Her main abilities consist of magic, force field generation, levitation, and teleporting." She then eyed Princess Peach. "And we could use her help!"
__"We seldom ask her for help if not at all!" Peach retorted. "We mustn't now!"
__Sonic flattened his ears while he awkwardly watched the princesses continue their argument once again. He tried to get their attention when he heard the walkie-talkie click. This got the princesses to stop arguing as he held it out for them to hear.
__"We're nearing the Dark Land now," Espio said quietly.
__Sonic pushed the button as Princess Peach leaned it.
__"Already?" She asked in surprise. "How did you get there so fast?"
__"We had to carry Captain Toad here while we ran and jumped across the trees," Espio explained.
__Sonic then brought the walkie-talkie to his face as he pushed the button. "That's great. Keep us updated when you can. Blaze and Captain Toad, you guys make sure you stay hidden." He waited for their confirmation before setting the walkie-talkie down. He looked at the princesses before they could argue again. "Personally I would probably hold off on asking Princess Rosalina to come down and help until we actually could use her help. I mean, obviously you gotta let her know just in case..." he trailed off awkwardly as the girls looked at each other as if they were trying to agree with their eyes.
__Princess Peach then sighed. "I suppose that is best. But hopefully it shouldn't be bad enough to have to come to it."
__"Yeah," was all Daisy said.
__"Toadsworth," Peach started, causing the old Toad to straighten. "Contact Princess Rosalina about the current situation and that if it comes to it we'll be needing her assistance."
__"Right away my princess!" Toadsworth exclaimed as he rushed out of the throne room.
__Sonic took this time to get away from the girls and he went to sit down next to Tails on the ground, who was messing around with the Miles Electric.
__"You're really good at handling women aren't you?" Tails asked with a smirk.
__"Shut up!" Sonic groaned. "Women still frighten me."
__"Can't imagine why," Tails muttered sarcastically.
__Sonic then looked at Tails. "So, how are those coordinates coming along?"
__"Not soon enough," Tails huffed.
__"Shouldn't you have recognized them by now?"
__"Our world's coordinates are different depending on which other world in another universe and time we're in," Tails informed. "So there's basically no point if we'll always be found in a new world."
__Sonic stifled a groan. "Right..."
__"But besides that, the portal still needs to be tested," Tails added. "E. Gadd said he'll try going to another world they've been to, to see if it works while I do my thing on the Miles Electric."
__"That's nice." Sonic then yawned before dramatically leaning on Tails's shoulder to annoy him, which made Tails groan.
__"Bruh, get off!" he said as he shuddered his shoulders to get Sonic off of him.
__Sonic could only laugh as Tails resorted to trying to push him off each time he leaned back on.
__"You're literally annoying and stupid!" Tails mocked with a smile.
__"You're the one who wanted to be friends with me," Sonic reminded.
__Tails then managed to push Sonic down on his side before returning to his Miles Electric.
__Suddenly the large portal started making loud noise, bringing everyone's attention as Sonic sat up. Professor E. Gadd was typing coordinates on the pad and waited as a portal opened in the machine. He stood in amazement before trying to stick his head in.
__"Hello?" His head disappeared in the portal while his body was still visible to them. He suddenly jumped. "Oop! Excuse me ladies!" He then pulled his head back in as a towel flew out of the portal and slapped his face. He took the towel off his face as he turned off the portal and made a weird face. "Oh la la!" He giggled.
__"Ew." Both Sonic and Tails were disgusted while Cream and Cheese were also giggling.
__The professor then cleared his throat as he fixed his collar. "So the portal does work in bringing you to another world. But it can't bring you to any specific location; it'll take you somewhere random in the world."
__"We're fine with that," Sonic assured him. "Wherever we end up in our world we can just call one of our airships to take us home."
__"Then we can worry about sending Blaze to her own zone and Silver back to the future...again," Tails muttered.
__Things were going great so far. Espio's group were off to a great start, the others were out looking for the rest of their people with help and protection, they had some backup, and the portal was working well. But it was still only the beginning.

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