A horrible turning point

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__Sonic rolled out of the way as Bowser charged towards them. Shadow and Silver did the same thing while Mario and Luigi jumped up. Mario had gone back while Luigi stomped on Bowser's head, smashing it on the ground. The koopa king roared as he lifted his head, causing Luigi to fall on the floor. He opened his mouth but Silver grabbed him with his telekinesis and threw him at one of the pillars. Both Sonic and Shadow curled up into balls and used their homing attack on Bowser. Shadow had hit him head on in the gut, making him turn away and facing his shell toward Sonic. Sonic had hit the spikes and immediately recoiled as he untucked himself and started rubbing his quills. "Shit! Those spikes are sharper than my quills!"
__Bowser got up and roared again as he smacked Shadow across the room. Silver was close and tried to grab him again only to be smacked away as well. Then Bowser glared at Sonic. Sonic stood up as Bowser charged once again, but Luigi had tackled one of his large feet which caused him to trip over. Bowser tried to stand but immediately fell again. Sonic looked and saw that Mario had grabbed onto Bowser's tail and slowly began spinning him around before speeding up and launching him back at his throne while saying "So long-a-Bowser!", which caught Sonic off guard since at first he thought he had said "So long gay Bowser!"
__While Shadow and Silver were regrouping Sonic had ran over to the Mario Brothers excitedly. "Holy crap! You guys mean business! That was awesome!"
__"Yeah, no kidding!" Silver grunted.
__"You definitely are agile for a couple of tiny humans," Shadow admitted quietly.
__Mario was scratching the side of his cheek in embarrassment. "It-a-nothing! We've only been doing this for more than thirty years."
__"I think you're exaggerating," Luigi groaned.
__Sonic chuckled. "Feels like we've been at it in our world for thirty years, too! Fifty in Shadow's case." Shadow was silent as he carefully shoved Sonic.
__They then got serious again as Bowser charged again, this time with Metal Sonic. Sonic immediately ran towards his robot duplicate while the others attacked Bowser. Sonic had butted heads and hands with the robot as they tried to push the other back. He allowed himself to back off and used his homing attack to throw the robot back at the device. This only allowed for Bowser Junior to throw a fire ball at Sonic with his wand. Sonic did feel the burning sensation on his chest but ignored it since he was used to it and ran to the koopa prince, to which he fled to his clown car in fear and started flying. "How are you not on fire!?"
__"At this point I'm basically immune! Same with Shadow and the electricity!" Sonic shouted before attacking the clown car and dropping the child. As Sonic stood before him Bowser Junior started trembling a bit.
__"I don't wanna fight you anymore! You weird animals have strange powers! It's not fair!"
__Sonic rolled his eyes. "Nothing's fair when it comes to a battle. That's called life. You'd do best to learn that now, little brat."
__"Don't come near me!" The prince shrieked.
__But Sonic shook his head. "I'm not gonna fight a child. You need to leave this battle to the grownups and stay out of this."
__Bowser Junior then smirked. "Oh, okay then." He then made a big inhale before screaming "Papa! This mean hedgehog hurt me!"
__Bowser stopped his pursuit in Shadow and roared "What!?" He then started charging towards the blue hedgehog again, shaking the ground as he did.
__Sonic flattened his ears as he tried to keep his balance while glaring at the koopa prince. "Now that's just uncalled for!"
__The prince had a smug look as he said "Nothing's fair when it comes to a battle" in a mocking tone before laughing when Sonic ran away from the raging koopa king.
__Sonic felt those large claws swipe at his feet before falling and skidding across the floor. Before he could get up he felt those same claws grab his legs and was immediately hanging upside down while staring at Bowser's face. "You dare touch my precious boy!?" He growled. "I'll show you!" He then open his large mouth as fire began to grow inside the back of his throat. Both Mario and Luigi tried to get to him but Metal Sonic tackled Luigi, leaving Mario to fight the robot. Sonic shut his eyes tight as he felt this intense amount of his against his face.
__"Blem!" Sonic opened his eyes and saw that Yoshi had his long tongue out and caught the fireball before it could reach Sonic. Yoshi then retracted his touch and proceeded to eat the fireball before burping out a puff of smoke. "Excuse Yoshi," he said shyly.
__Shadow then hopped up and did his signature kick to Bowser's head, causing him to fling Sonic as he fell. Shadow then caught Sonic and glared at him. "Speed," he growled. "Speed!"
__Sonic could only laugh at Shadow's annoyed face. "Then that makes everything too easy! Where's the fun in that? You always come to my rescue anyway."
__"Everytime you speak like that makes me believe you're not actually straight," Shadow said blandly as he dropped Sonic.
__Sonic grunted before rubbing his now sore butt. "Don't call me gay! You know it ain't like that!" He then stood up as the two hedgehogs exchanged dirty looks before smirking and turning away. "Even if I was you're way to stingy for my tastes."
__Shadow rolled his eyes. "You're so stupid." He then went and joined the battle again.
__Sonic was about to join in as well before he got to thinking. He watched as the Mario Brothers, Silver, and Shadow began fighting against Bowser and Metal Sonic, Yoshi still standing next to him as he watched for him to do something. Bowser doesn't know, does he? Otherwise why would he be helping Eggman? That old man is too good at deceiving others. I could turn this around right now. He giggled to himself before putting fingers in his mouth and whistling to Bowser who stopped and looked at him. "Over here, you disgusting lion-turtle!"
__Bowser roared as he ran towards him. Mario was about to pursuit when Shadow grabbed his arm and shook his head. "Move away, Yoshi," Sonic said quietly and waited for the yoshisaur to move away. As Bowser neared, Sonic brought up both his hands and formed a T. "Timeout!" Bowser's eyes grew wide as he skidded to a halt and stared down at him in confusion. Sonic then crossed his arms. "Do you actually know what's happening here, you're highness?"
__Bowser brought his head back. "What do you mean?"
__Sonic pointed towards Doctor Eggman and the doomsday device. "With that machine. Do you know what that thing will do?" Sonic then felt his heart sink as he heard it grow louder. Come on!
__"Erm... well... take control of the universe, right?"
__Sonic shook his head. "You're being used, Bowser. Eggman isn't interested in having this universe." He took a quick glance at Doctor Eggman and he could tell that even this human knew it would be better not to try and stop him. "Once upon a time, that was his plan. But after years of losing he's had enough. He wants to get rid of the universe and create a whole new one for himself, and he has the technology to do that. The only reason he's befriended you is because you're useful to him. Once he's accomplished this, he'll leave for a safe point he's made and leave all of us to perish."
__Everyone, including the CCO and minions, started murmuring worriedly to each other. Bowser carefully looked at Doctor Eggman before looking back at Sonic. "He wouldn't..."
__Sonic held up his hand to silence him. "Lemme stop you right there. You're a father. You have a responsibility to protect your son. Are you really going to put your trust in someone you don't even know who could potentially be a threat to your son?"
__Bowser had looked distraught before shaking his head and growling at him. "For all I know you could be deceiving me."
__Sonic didn't dare move a muscle. "I live on a firm belief on 'why lie when you could tell the truth?' So tell me, are you going to continue putting your trust in someone who's going to harm this world or are you going to believe the words of someone who's known that man his entire life?" Sonic watched Bowser fighting through his emotions and looked straight into his red eyes. "Are you willing to risk your son's life for a plan you're unsure of?"
__Something sparked in the king's eyes. They flashed a burning fire as he roared and glared at the doctor. "You! Have you really been lying to me all this time!?"
__Doctor Eggman sighed. "It'd do no good to deny it right now, even I know that."
__Bowser began bellowing as he started drooling from his sharp, angry teeth. "This will not stand! Minions! Attack him!"
__All of his minions began swarming towards him, but all Doctor Eggman did was shake his head as Metal Sonic flew back and launched its plasma beams, shooting at all of the minions to vanish into nothing. Once the robot was finished the doctor placed his hand on its head and began giggling. "I figured this would happen anyway. I made sure I did my research before coming to this kingdom, so I have plans for you." He pulled up the computer watch on his left wrist and pressed something. A large glass box with some black liquid flew over Bowser and Sonic's head.
__Sonic had a bad feeling looking at the black substance. There was something corrupted about it. Bowser was staring up at the box in horror as he slowly backed away, but the box followed. Sonic then looked around at everyone and started shouting. "Everyone move away! Move far!"
__The box opened and dropped the liquid, and by the smell Sonic knew this was some kind of black paint. He was about to ram himself against Bowser when the koopa king brought up his arm and swatted him away. As Sonic hit the wall he collapsed onto the ground and stared in horror as Bowser became submerged in black paint. Bowser looked at Sonic pleadingly as the paint covered his face. "Get my son out of here!" The paint had turned Bowser completely black, his hair now a blazing fire, and his eyes pure white. He let out a loud, monstrous roar as he grew bigger and retracted into his shell. The shell was huge, bigger than this castle. It spun around and surrounded the castle with black paint.
__"Oh no!" Mario shrieked. "Fury Bowser is back!"
__"Wah!" Bowser Junior fled and hid behind Mario. "Oh, Mario! Save my dad again!"
__Mario stared at the young koopa in shock as Kamek flew over to calm him down. "How!? We need the Giga Bells to purify him! We do not-a-have them nor do we have time!"
__Luigi started trembling as Princess Daisy and Gooigi joined him. "W-w-we're done for!"
__Gooigi lifted up its hand and waved. "Bye bye!"

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