A stunning performance

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__Sonic, Tails, Toad, and the brothers were standing near a river. On the other side of the river was Goomba Woods. Sonic could only see the trees and mushrooms that grew there. Sonic watched as Mario, Luigi, and Toad simply jumped over the river. He didn't understand how they made the jump without even a running start. Tails looked at Sonic and shrugged his shoulders before twisting his tails and flew over to the other side. Sonic then sighed as he jumped up and dashed to the other side. Tails had to grab Sonic's hand to keep him from falling back.
__"Okay," Mario said as he began walking to the woods. "Let's start searching. Watch out for goombas and goomba towers."
__"Excuse me, what?" Tails tilted his head in confusion.
__"What are goomba towers?" Sonic asked.
__Luigi was the one to answer. "A goomba tower is a bunch of goombas stacked on each other."
__"They're really easy to beat, though," Mario added.
__"I figured," Sonic remarked. "The three I ran into just poofed after I use my homing attack on them."
__"Homing attack?" Toad asked.
__"It's one of my moves," Sonic explained. "I curl up into a ball, use my spin dash, and then I lock onto the target I want to attack before smashing against them."
__"Hm." Mario seemed interested by this.
__"Hey!" Tails was kneeling over some footprints. "I recognize these patterns. They're definitely from Knuckles's shoes."
__"Awesome!" Sonic said happily. "He's definitely been here then." He then looked at the brothers and Toad. "Check for more prints and big holes."
__"Holes?" They all asked in unison.
__Tails stood up and started dusting off his knees. "Our friend Knuckles sometimes digs holes in the ground to get around."
__"Knuckles is a red echidna," Sonic added. "he's got spikes on his knuckles, and has a white crescent on his chest."
__"He's also in need of anger management," Tails remarked with a smirk.
__"Yeah, freaking hot head," Sonic chuckled.
__Mario, Luigi, and Toad looked at each other in confusion before nodding and walking into the woods. Sonic and Tails followed after them.
__While they searched, Tails was asking Sonic questions quietly. "You've made new friends, huh?"
__"I don't know," Sonic mumbled. "I think they're just being friendly after I saved their princess."
__"You don't think they like us?"
__"Hard to say. They are good people. Mario there got me out of some water before we found you."
__They began searching the woods. Their plan was to split up and search around the perimeter before meeting again in the middle. Sonic hadn't seen any goombas for some reason. He supposed it was a good thing since they might have gotten in the way. When Sonic didn't find any traces of Knuckles in his part he began making his way to the middle.
__"Wah! Hey!"
__Sonic perked his ears. That sounded like Knuckles. He started running to the middle of the woods, but he didn't see anything.
__Mario, Luigi, and Toad then came running while Tails flew to him. They joined Sonic and began looking around.
__"We heard someone yelling," Luigi said.
__"It sounded like Knuckles," Tails added.
__"Yeah, I heard him, too," Sonic said as he continued looking around. "But I don't see him anywhere."
__"You little rat! Look up!"
__Everyone slowly looked up and gasped. There was a red echidna hanging down from the large tree with a rope tied around his leg. He was slightly swinging and looked very annoyed as he looked down at them. Mario and Luigi looked horrified while Sonic and Tails burst out laughing.
__"Are you serious, Knuckles?" Sonic shouted.
__"Dude, you didn't see that trap?" Tails continued laughing. "You never cease to amaze me!"
__"Just shut up and get me down already!" Knuckles growled.
__Sonic was giggling as he nudged Tails and pointed at Knuckles. Sonic and the brothers watched as Tails flew up to Knuckles and began untying the rope. Sonic was confused as to why Mario, Luigi, and Toad were backing away when Knuckles landed on top of him.
__"Ack! Get off!" Sonic yelled.
__"You deserve it!" Knuckles retorted.
__Sonic got up and forced Knuckles off of him.
__"Oof! Hey!" Knuckles growled.
__Sonic stuck out his tongue before getting up to run from Knuckles. Sonic was laughing as he ran around a tree and kept outmaneuvering him.
__"Stop hiding behind that tree and let me punch you in the face!" Knuckles yelled, yet a smile was forming on his muzzle.
__Sonic looked at Knuckles and chuckled. "Yeah, very convincing."
__Tails suddenly tackled Knuckles. "Knuckles!" He cheered.
__Knuckles began laughing as he shoved Tails off of him and stood up. "Hey, lil' dude!"
__Sonic then ran over and wrapped his arms around both of them as they continued to laugh. "Man, I love you guys!"
__Mario, Luigi, and Toad looked confused. But they smiled anyway seeing the mobians laughing and smiling.
__Sonic then pulled away from his friends and got serious. "Knuckles, have you seen Amy?"
__Knuckles crossed his arms and smirked. "You mean your girlfriend?" He teased.
__Sonic flattened his ears and felt his face heat up as he glared at Knuckles. "She's not my girlfriend!" He hissed through gritted teeth.
__"Oh really?" Tails asked sarcastically with this smug look on his face.
__"Yes!" Sonic growled. He continued to growl as Tails and Knuckles began making kissy faces and smooching noises. "You assholes! I oughta beat the shit out of both of you!
__Mario then began coughing loudly to get Sonic's attention. He crossed his arms and narrowed an eye at him, as if telling him to get back on track.
__Sonic sighed and looked at Knuckles. "Seriously, Knuckles. Where's Amy?"
__Knuckles shrugged his shoulders. "How should I know? I just woke up here."
__"Do you not remember anything at all?" Tails asked.
__Knuckles shook his head.
__"Dammit," Sonic rasped.
__"We should head back to the castle," Mario said. "The sun's already setting."
__Suddenly they were surrounded by a herd of goombas and goomba towers. Tails and Knuckles moved closer to Sonic as the goombas were closing in.
__"What the heck are those things!?" Knuckles asked.
__"Goombas apparently," Tails concluded.
__"Welp," Sonic sighed. "here we go again."
__"Oh no, no, no, no," Mario interrupted. "You're our guests in this world. Allow us to see to this."
__"Heh?" Luigi looked at Mario. He then leaned back and sighed as Mario eyed him. "Okay."
__Toad began shaking in fear as he ran over and grabbed onto Sonic's leg. "Don't let 'em near me!"
__Sonic just groaned as Tails and Knuckles laughed at him.
__The brothers both jumped into the air and began hopping on all the singular goombas. Each one poofed as they were stomped on. As for the goomba towers, they simply punched and kicked the bottom goombas to push them out of the stack, and when the top goombas hit the ground the brothers stomped on them. After the last goombas were gone, Mario and Luigi backed flipped and landed on the ground next to each other.
__"Tada!" They cheered.
__"Huh." Sonic was intrigued with their battle style.
__"Bouncy bunch," Knuckles muttered.
__"Let's go!" Mario said as he began walking.
__Sonic then motioned to his friends to follow as he ran after Mario and Luigi.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now