The first taste of war

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__The Mario Brothers and Toad were quickly leading Sonic, Amy and their newly rescued friends into the Mushroom Kingdom. When they entered the castle Big was heaving a bit as he placed his hands on his knees and leaned forward with Froggy trying to balance on his head.
__"Ya'll were going too fast," he panted.
__"Sorry, Big," Amy said as she put her hand on his arm. "We had to be quick."
__"Where is Cream?" Gemerl asked Sonic with impatience. 
__"She's in the throne room," Sonic reassured it. "Shadow's been watching her and Cheese."
__Gemerl was motionless. "You let that black hedgehog watch her!?" 
__"Cream is fine!" Amy smirked. "Shadow would never hurt her, Gemerl."
__"Yeah, come on Ge," Sonic said as he began walking. "She'll be happy to see you."
__Everyone started walking into the throne room. All of their friends were still working on the portal and E-123 Omega's core processor. Shadow was leaning against one of the pillars with Rouge while Cream was sitting in front of them with Cheese while reading a book. When they all saw Sonic walk in they perked up in excitement. Cream and Cheese looked up at Gemerl and immediately ran over to hug it.
__"Gemerl!" Cream cheered. "You're okay!"
__"Chow chow!" Cheese was flying around the robot in circles.
__Gemerl had gently put one of its hands on Cream's hand. "Have you been harmed in anyway?"
__Cream shook her head. "I'm completely fine, Gemerl."
__Amy had walked over to Shadow and grabbed his hands. "Thank you for watching her, Shadow!" 
__Shadow pulled his hands away and snorted.
__Sonic had flattened his ears and groaned before perking up and looking at Big. "We're still trying to find everyone else. But we've been working on Omega's processor and a portal to get home. Do you feel like you can help?"
__Big slowly looked at the commotion before looking back down at Sonic. "I don't think so. I'm not good with tech stuff. Can I go fishing instead? I wanna see some fish from this world."
__Sonic had narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Uh..." He looked at Mario who nodded before answering. "I guess. But have someone go with you."
__"Yoshi can go with him," Mario said. "He likes fish."
__"Yoshi!" The green yohisaur hopped up immediately and followed Big out of the castle.
__Tails had stood up and motioned to Gemerl. "Gemerl! Perfect! You can help me fix Omega's core processor faster!"
__Gemerl had led Cream and Cheese over to the sleeping robot and began helping Tails with whatever he needed.
__Sonic could only sigh as he followed Mario and Luigi over to Princess Peach, who looked really excited.
__"Ah, Sonic!" she said in excitement. "Great news! I got calls from a few other nations who have met the Chaotix and Mighty and Ray. They'll be on their way here soon."
__Sonic smiled. "That's amazing!"
__Peach then frowned. "Although, there's still no sign of those Babylon Rogues or your friend Silver."
__"We'll find them soon," Sonic said while trying to hide his disappointment.
__"Sonic," Mario began. "You said you had a theory?"
__Luigi had tilted his head. He was eager to hear what Sonic had to say.
__Sonic looked around the room before back at Mario. "Both Eggman and the CCO are working with Bowser."
__"What!?" Luigi exclaimed.
__Nearly everyone had gasped in surprise and confusion as they stopped what they were doing.
__"What do you mean?" Princess Peach asked worriedly.
__"One of those agents told me that an old man had told them that we colorful creatures were dangerous and needed to be captured," Sonic explained. "And if they trying to hide all of this from Mario and Luigi, then it's possible that this Bowser guy has something to do with this as well."
__Mario and Luigi were looking at each other while Princess Peach looked at Princess Daisy.
__Mario then looked at Sonic. "Why would Eggman want to work with Bowser?"
__Sonic didn't have an answer.
__That's when Shadow walked over and stood next to Sonic. "Who's Bowser?"
__"He's the bad buy in this world," Sonic told him.
__"He's very powerful!" Toad shouted as he began hopping up in down. "He's got really hot fire powers, can shake the world with a single foot, and all of our power-ups can make him even more powerful! Like a titan!"
__Shadow had his eyes narrowed. "Eggman is probably using all of his powerful traits to benefit himself. This isn't the first time he's done this."
__"But benefit from what?" Sonic asked.
__"Eggman never finished his doomsday device," Shadow explained. "We got to him too quick. He's most likely trying to finish now."
__"He won't be able to, though," Sonic pointed out as he pointed to the bump on his head.  "I have what he needs."
__Suddenly there was loud screaming coming from behind them. Big and Yoshi were running in while a herd of toads followed after them. The toads were terrified.
__"We're being invaded!" they kept shouting.
__Sonic, Shadow and the Mario Brothers were the first to start running against the horde. They were being followed by Yoshi, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, and Blaze. Tails and Gemerl stayed behind to continue working on E-123 Omega while Big and Cream waited with them. 
__They got outside and saw the commotion that was happening. There was a mix of robots and Bowser's minions heading towards the castle. 
__"I was right," Sonic muttered.
__The Mario Brothers and Yoshi immediately ran into battle.
__Sonic examined the enemy first before looking at his friends and shouting "Attack!"
__They all started running. Rouge and Shadow were flying, Knuckles was gliding, Amy had her Piko Piko Hammer out and was running with Blaze who was already forming fire, and Sonic ran ahead of the group and used his homing attack on the first enemy he came across. Mario and Luigi were jumping on top of the minions, Yoshi was sticking his tongue out and eating them, Amy and Knuckles were using their brute strength against the robots, Rouge was mainly relying on an aerial attack, Blaze was throwing fire, and Shadow mainly used his speed and Chaos Force to obliterate his enemies. This continued for a long time.
__They seemed to be winning as the number of robots and minions began to decrease, but then more started coming out of nowhere. Most of them were getting tired of fighting, except for Sonic and Shadow of course. Mario and Luigi had to back away from battle and ran over to the floating yellow blocks. Sonic stopped to see what they were doing. The brothers chose their own blocks and jumped to bash their heads against them. An orange flower with black eyes came out of Luigi's block while a brown leaf with the same eyes came out of Mario's. They seemed to have absorbed both of their items. Luigi's hat and shirt turned white while his overalls turned green and he was creating fire balls. Mario was suddenly wearing a brown raccoon suit and began flying. When Yoshi saw the brothers, he too went to break a yellow block. He got a pair of white wings, which then appeared on his red back and he began flying.
__"Whaaaaaaat?" Sonic was really confused.
__"Move!" Shadow had tackled Sonic before a robot could shoot him. He then sat up and shot a Chaos Spear at the robot and blew it up. When he stood up and helped Sonic stand he glared at him. "Watch your surroundings, idiot!" he growled.
__Sonic snorted. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I got it."
__Shadow then turned as more enemies started coming. "They just keep coming!"
__"The others won't be able to keep up," Sonic said as he saw that Rouge and Amy were slowly backing off and that Knuckles and Blaze were starting to slow down. 
__"Why do they have to act weak now?" Shadow growled.
__Sonic glared at Shadow. "They are not weak!" he yelled.
__They both turned to the castle doors as Tails ran out and cupped his hands around his mouth. "Everyone get down!" 
__E-123 Omega was then stomping on the bridge as Tails got out of its way. It examined what was going on before turning it's hands into guns and shooting all the robots and minions. Sonic and all of his friends quickly got out of the big robot's way as it continued to shoot. The Mario Brothers and Yoshi were very confused. Rouge and Shadow immediately went to join it. Gemerl, Cream and Cheese had come out as well and ran with Tails into battle. Princess Peach along with Toad, Toadsworth, Princess Daisy, and Big and Froggy stood at the entrance to watch what was happening. 
__Sonic then went back to fighting with everyone. Tails was flying and picking up robots before smashing them against the ground while Cream started jumping on top of some goombas. Gemerl stayed near Cream as it launched the missiles out of its chest at the robots and minions.  
__After many long minutes, Mario and Luigi lost their power-ups as the robots shot at them while Yoshi's wings just disappeared as if it had a time limit. They immediately began fighting normally again. 
__While Sonic was fighting he saw something familiar. Among the robots was a blue robot that looked almost exactly like Sonic. The robot was looking around. It suddenly landed it's red eyes on Luigi who was slowly getting close to it. The blue robot had tackled Luigi and pinned him to the ground and watched as he began yelling and squirming.
__"Luigi!" Mario tried to get to his little brother but he was then surrounded by more robots.
__Sonic started running. "No you don't!" Sonic rammed himself against the blue robot and watched as it stood back up. "Picking on a human, Metal Sonic? I thought you had better class than that."
__The robot called Metal Sonic ran towards Sonic with its hands out. Sonic stayed in front of Luigi as he ran to it and interlaced his fingers with its claws to keep it in place. They were struggling to push the other down. Sonic had to look behind him at Luigi who had sat up and looked up at Sonic.
__"Go help your brother! I got him!"
__Luigi nodded and stood up. "Thank you, Sonic!" He then ran over to help Mario.
__Sonic had a sinking feeling as he heard a familiar reeeeeeeeeeee. By the time he looked back at Metal Sonic he was hit by a plasma beam and knocked back. Sonic felt a hot, burning sensation throughout his body as he tried to stand back up. With Metal Sonic flying towards him, Sonic took off running. He knew he would be able to shake off the pain after a few seconds. He just wanted to get Metal Sonic away from everyone else. After he felt a little better he turned around and used his homing attack on his robot duplicate. The robot retaliated by using its own homing attack. The two continued this until Metal Sonic was the first to back off and readied another plasma beam as Sonic was about to attack it. Sonic was shot once again, this time right on his legs. Sonic collapsed on the ground and felt immense pain in his legs. This beam was much more powerful than the last one. 
__What!? Where did Metal Sonic get this much power!? Sonic thought frantically as Metal Sonic began walking towards him. Sonic could barely feel his legs as he tried to get back up. As Metal Sonic got closer Sonic began to scoot away. He knew if he kept his distance he would be able to have enough time to get up and run again. 
__Something had made Metal Sonic stop, though. Its red eyes started to calibrate something as it stared at Sonic. Sonic knew what it was doing.
__Sonic covered the bump on his head and tried to get up before Metal Sonic could get to him. But by the time he managed to stand up and start running, Metal Sonic quickly flew over and brought up its right arm. Sonic couldn't move fast enough with his legs still burning and screeched in agony as Metal Sonic struck the side of his face with its metal claws. Sonic had fallen on his side and felt his eyes sting while warm blood began to spill. He looked up and saw that Metal Sonic had the container of the mutated plutonium and flew away before all that he saw was red. His eyes stung really bad. 
__"Hey! They're all leaving!" Luigi cheered.
__"But why are they leaving?" Tails said in confusion.
__There was a short silence.
__Amy then gasped. "Sonic!" she shrieked.
__Sonic twitched his ears and tried lifting his body up as he heard everyone running up to him. He was blinking rapidly in an attempt to see. "Guys... what's happening...?" he croaked. "I can't see..."
__"We need to get him inside! Now!" Mario had shouted.
__Someone had picked up Sonic and started helping him walk. Sonic could feel a ring on the wrist and hair on the chest and knew it was Shadow who was helping him. When Sonic stumbled someone else went to help Sonic walk as well. He knew it was Tails. Sonic's head and legs were stinging very painfully as they made their way into the castle. Metal Sonic... took the plutonium. 

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