The search begins

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__Sonic felt awkward as he walked behind Mario and Luigi. He could tell that neither of them completely trusted Sonic, and he didn't blame them. But he at least wanted to break the tension between them if they were helping him look for his friend. He started by carefully catching up to them and walked beside Mario. "So, we had a little bit of a rough start. Perhaps we should properly introduce ourselves?"
__Both Mario and Luigi looked at Sonic. They both seemed to look relieved as they nodded at the same time.
__"Sure," Mario began. "My name is Mario and this is my little brother Luigi. We're the heroes of this world."
__"Very nice to meet you both!" Sonic replied brightly. "I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm the hero of Mobius."
__"And your friend who we're looking for?" Mario asked.
__"Tails, as I've said, is my best friend," Sonic reminded them. "He's a yellow fox with two tails."
__"Two tails?" Luigi said in disbelief. "How does he have two tails?"
__"He was born with an extra tail," Sonic explained. "He's able to twist them like helicopter blades and fly."
__Sonic nodded. "He's also really smart as well as strong. He may be my best friend, but he's like my little brother, too."
__Mario smiled upon hearing that. "Ain't that sweet."
__"Is it just you and Tails?" Luigi asked.
__Sonic nodded but after thinking for a bit he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know actually. I don't remember if anyone else was with us before waking up here." He then groaned as he rubbed his head. "And this damn headache hasn't gone away yet. Guess I hit my head and that's why I don't remember anything."
__"Probably," Luigi said blandly.

__They had been searching the entire land around the castle, but they couldn't find Tails. Sonic was really disappointed. He had hoped to find his friend so they could both figure out how they could get home.
__"Sorry we couldn't find him," Mario said sympathetically.
__"It's all right," Sonic reassured. "He'll probably turn up soon."
__"Let's go back to the castle," Luigi suggested.
__When they got back to the castle Sonic noticed a short, old human sitting on the throne room floor. He had a large head, white hair strands stuck together and sticking up, and wore a lab coat and glasses with swirls in the lenses. The old man was surrounding himself with all these gadgets and gizmos while the princess, Toad, and Toadsworth were standing in front of the old man in confusion.
__"Um, Professor?" Peach said while trying to be polite. "Is all of this necessary?"
__"Of course it is!" The professor spat as he pulled out and old looking laptop from his bag. "If we're trying to find coordinates of another world, possibly of another time, I need everything!"
__Sonic carefully walked over to the professor and was baffled by all the unnecessary technology surrounding him. "Are you Professor E. Gadd?" He asked awkwardly.
__"I am," the professor said promptly as he began fiercely typing the keys on his laptop. He slowly stopped, though, as he looked at Sonic and let his laptop slide off his lap. He suddenly jumped up and started grabbing onto Sonic's arms and legs. "My word! What are you?"
__Sonic was very uncomfortable as the professor kept circling him and touching him. "Uh. I'm a hedgehog. What are you doing?"
__"Science!" Was the professor's only answer.
__Sonic then yelped as he felt the professor pulling on his tail. He acted immediately by turning to slap the professor's hand away and glaring at him. "Hey! Do not pull on an animal's tail! That sends all the wrong messages!"
__"My apologies," the professor said nonchalantly. He suddenly began walking toward Sonic, making him back up. "Say, you don't mind if I run some tests on you, do you?"
__"Uh, what?" Sonic questioned nervously.
__"Yeah! I need to know what you are!" The professor insisted. "I must have all your information!"
__"Oh! Let's start with something simple!" The professor pulled a cup out of nowhere and tried giving it to Sonic. "Would you be so kind as to give me a urine sample?"
__"No!" Sonic exclaimed. He moved away from the professor and ran right back to Mario and Luigi. "Don't come near me with that, old man!"
__"E. Gadd," Luigi muttered in embarrassment.
__"Professor," Peach said rather calmly. "This is not how we treat our guests."
__E. Gadd stood still for a few seconds before dropping the cup and making his way back to his gadgets. "Of course! Yes! We're trying to find another world after all."
__"Yeah, my world," Sonic said in annoyance.
__Mario had pulled on his cap and shook his head. "Aye yai yai."
__Peach looked at Sonic before looking at Mario. "I guess you haven't found his friend?"
__"'Fraid not," Mario sighed. "We might have to expand our search."
__"Argh!" E. Gadd groaned as he began slapping his laptop. "Why won't this work now!?"
__"Where's your portable lab with all your other computers?" Luigi asked.
__"I left that at the hotel with all the ghosts," E. Gadd rasped.
__Sonic felt his headache worsen as he looked at all the gadgets that surrounded the professor and were now plugged into the laptop. "What's with all of this then?"
__"I always use all this equipment when preforming experiments and research."
__"Isn't all of this excessive?" Sonic questioned. "You need to get with the times, old man. Everything is done on a single cellphone now."
__"Bah!" E. Gadd spat. "A cellphone isn't gonna fix whatever is wrong with this thing!"
__"Lemme see." Sonic tried keeping as much distance from E. Gadd as possible as he checked the laptop. But he didn't know what to check. "Never mind. Although, if we manage to find my friend Tails, then he should be able to fix it for you."
__Sonic then straightened as his head started aching and tried rubbing his temples. "Gr! Why is this headache so bad!?"
__"Hm?" E. Gadd stood up and grabbed Sonic's head. "Have you always had this little lump here?" He asked as he put a finger on the left side of Sonic's head.
__"No? What lump?" Sonic pulled away and started feeling the left side of his head and felt a little bump near his temple. "It must be just a bump from me hitting my head."
__"I don't think so," E. Gadd said slowly. "It felt like something was in there." He then grumbled. "If I could get my laptop working I could use my x-ray machine on you to know for sure."
__"Well, while you figure that out," Sonic turned to Mario. "You said something about expanding our search?"
__Mario nodded. "We could check Mushroom Pond. That's further down."
__"All right then." Sonic said before following Mario and Luigi out of the castle again.

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now