A stressful situation

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__"He's going to be okay now, right, E. Gadd?" Luigi's voice had asked.
__"He should be," the professor rasped in a slight exhaustion in his voice. 
__"Why was no one else watching him!?" Amy had snapped. "You all know how reckless he is!"
__"I told him to watch his surroundings," Shadow muttered.
__Sonic groaned slightly from everyone talking very loudly. He only felt like sleeping at the moment. "You guys are too loud," he growled quietly. He then woke up when he suddenly felt himself being lifted.
__"Sonic!" Amy was holding Sonic in a sitting position. "Are you okay!?"
__Sonic was rapidly blinking his eyes and started rubbing them. "My eyes feel like they're on fire," he groaned. He noticed that he was sitting on a table. He then recalled what had happened outside with Metal Sonic and felt the side of his head. Instead of a bump where the dormant plutonium was supposed to be there were stitches. 
__Professor E. Gadd had walked over to Sonic and began speaking. "You had all that blood from your wound go into your eyes. And I'm afraid the plutonium is gone."
__"Sonic, what happened?" Tails had asked.
__Sonic looked at Tails and sighed. "Metal Sonic was there. He somehow backed me up in a corner and stole the plutonium."
__"So Eggman has the plutonium!?" Knuckles exclaimed. "What the hell, Sonic!? You're supposed to be better than that damn robot duplicate! How could you let him beat you like this!?"
__Sonic groaned and glared at Knuckles. "Shut up! Something is weird about Metal Sonic. He somehow got so much power. But I don't know how or when."
__Luigi looked really guilty as he took his cap off and looked down at his feet. "You had to save me from that robot..."
__Sonic then scoffed. "Don't start feeling guilty. You're lucky it was me that got hurt and not you. You would not have been able to handle those overpowered plasma beams."
__Luigi stayed silent.
__Blaze was standing close by. She had her arms crossed and her tail was slowly swinging back and forth. "What are we supposed to do then?"
__Sonic felt his legs tingling and went to stand on the floor. "I'm not sure." He then looked around and perked his ears. He saw a red and black armadillo, a yellow flying squirrel, and a large green crocodile who was accompanied by a purple chameleon and a young bee. He gasped. "When did you guys get here!?"
__The armadillo had his arms crossed. "Apparently you've been out for a few hours. The five of us were dropped off here sometime after you got fixed up."
__"Where have you guys been then?" Sonic asked.
__"Mighty and I have been stuck at this place called the Frosted Glacier," the flying squirrel replied.
__"And we managed to meet up with them after we left Acorn Plains," the crocodile added.
__Sonic let out a sigh of relief and nodded. "Good to know you guys are back. Now we just need Silver and the Babylon Rogues."
__"This isn't good," Princess Peach said worriedly. "Since we basically know that Bowser is working with Eggman, and he got the mutated plutonium, I can only fear the worst."
__"Everything's fine right now," Shadow muttered in annoyance. "He's still trying to figure out how to use the plutonium."
__"That was back on Mobius," the purple chameleon pointed out. "With more help he might have already."
__"Bowser is-a not so smart to that degree," Mario added in disappointment. "He only has his size and strength to compensate for it."
__"There you go," Shadow eyed the chameleon and watched him roll his eyes.
__"Well, this certainly is quite the pickle you guys are in," Princess Daisy giggled. "Guess I'll have to stick around and help."
__Princess Peach started shaking her head. "I cannot ask you to do that, my friend."
__But Princess Daisy smirked. "You don't have to! I'm not leaving!"
__Sonic then remembered something and looked at Mario. "What was that when you were fighting?"
__"Hm?" Mario looked at Sonic.
__"You were wearing a raccoon suit, your brother suddenly could create fire, and Yoshi there grew wings," Sonic reminded. "What was that about?"
__"Ah. We used Power-Ups. That's all," Mario said nonchalantly.
__"What are Power-Ups?" Sonic asked.
__"Inside those yellow blocks they hold random items that give us a boost of power," Mario explained. "Different Power-Ups give you different powers. For example: the Fire Flower gives you the ability to throw fireballs. The Super Leaf adds flutter to your jumps and you can swat your enemies with your tail. And the Wings, or Yoshi's Wings in this case, allow him to fly. There are many others. I'll tell you about them later."
__Sonic's ears twitched with interest. "That kinds sounds like out wisps back home. They sometimes give me a boost of power as well."
__Mario just grinned.
__"Guys," Tails interrupted. "We need a plan. Now."
__"All right, bud," Sonic said with a higher pitch in his tone.
__"We need to figure out what Eggman and Bowser are doing," Tails explained to everyone. He then looked at Sonic. "You're the leader, aren't you? What do you suggest we do?" He asked sarcastically.
__Sonic pondered for a moment before speaking. "We need someone to sneak over to where they're at and tell us what they're doing." He then looked at the chameleon. "Epsio, you're the only ninja here, and Blaze, your just as great. I'd be at ease if it was you two."
__Espio nodded. "I knew you'd suggest us. But where are they supposed to be?"
__"Most likely at Bowser's castle," Luigi stuttered. He was shaking a bit.
__"Right, you'll need someone to go with you who knows where to go," Sonic muttered. "Mario, do you have any friends who know how to stick to the shadows?"
__Mario nodded. "We have Captain Toad."
__Sonic frowned. "Another toad?"
__Mario started giggling. "He's a great adventurer; he's exceptional."
__Sonic had doubt, but he agreed. "All right then."
__"I'll go ahead and prepare some walkie-talkies," E. Gadd exclaimed and ran over to his bags. He began pulling things out and throwing them. "This way they can tell us what the baddies are doing right at the moment."
__"Cool." Sonic then strained as he pressed his hand over the stitches. "Shit! This better not get in the way."

Mario and Sonic: Super Eclipse and DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now