Maybe not so different after all

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__Tails and E. Gadd were currently trying to find the coordinates of Mobius with all their gadgets. Both have concluded that this could take maybe a few days or more. Then they would work to create a machine that would open a portal that the mobians could use to get home. Sonic was a little anxious but he figured that would give them time to find the rest of their friends that are lost in this world. He was also a little upset with Mario, but he tried letting it go as best he could. He knew better than to criticize another person's beliefs. 
__Right now Sonic was at the front of the castle, near the entrance. He was leaning his head out of an open window. He was enjoying the soft breeze blowing against his face. He was also watching the clouds slowly moving across the sky. It still weirded him out that some of the small clouds had faces, but he figured it was something that was normal in this world. He even brought his attention to the floating blocks around the castle. He didn't know what they were for, yet he had a weird urge to go out there and hit them. He had no idea why, though. 
__Sonic twitched his ears when he heard someone walk to him and turned around. Amy, Cream, and Cheese had came to join Sonic. Sonic put on a smile as he pulled away from the window. "What's up?"
__"Cream wants to explore the place," Amy said brightly. "Toad said you've already seen most of the place so I wanted to see if you could take her."
__"Uh, sure," Sonic replied awkwardly. "You don't wanna come?"
__Amy shook her head. "I'm helping Tails and E. Gadd since we can't really rely on Knuckles with him moping about the Master Emerald."
__Sonic chuckled in response. "Yeah, all right." He kneeled down on one knee and looked into Cream's eyes. "You ready to go?"
__Cream nodded excitedly. "Uh-huh! Cheese is ready, too!" Upon saying that Cheese began flying around in circles in excitement. 
__"Wait," Luigi had come walking over as Sonic stood up. "With CCO knowing what you guys look like, it's better to have one of us near you. I can go with you. I won't get in your way."
__"Cool. Thanks," Sonic said awkwardly.
__"Don't stray too far from them," Amy told Cream before walking back towards the throne room. 
__Luigi led Sonic and Cream out of the castle. They began to walk around the grass and headed towards Mushroom Pond. Cream was looking around in awe with a big smile on her face while Cheese was flying around them and picking random flowers before giving them to Cream. Luigi was looking at Cheese before looking at Sonic.
__"What is that thing?" He asked.
__"Cheese?" Sonic looked at Cheese and grinned. "Ah. He's a chao. We have a lot of them on Mobius. They usually live in ponds. They're kinda weird, but you gotta love 'em."
__Cream was already weaving the flowers that Cheese had given her as she began to speak. "You can actually make chao evolve depending on how you raise them. I decided to keep Cheese neutral because I thought he looked perfect already."
__"I don't really get it, but cool!" Luigi tittered. He then frowned as he looked at Sonic. "I really want to apologize for Mario. He has the best intentions at heart, though."
__"Don't worry about it," Sonic muttered. "We're used to fighting humans and you're not. There's nothing wrong with either side."
__"Mario is just really overprotective with the castle and the citizens," Luigi explained. "He's only fought monsters in order to protect them and have them live normally."
__"I get it," Sonic replied. "I've devoted my life to protecting my world from evil." He then sighed. "Although, not a lot of people seem to like that that's my main focus. I've ruined two relationships because of it."
__Cream suddenly started pulling on Sonic's glove fiercely. "That's not your fault. Sally understands that now, and Fiona was already bad. She was the one who cheated on you."
__Sonic smiled. "I know. It's just hard for me to ever settle down when no one else understands my morals."
__"Ms. Amy understands!" Cream blurted out.
__Luigi smirked. "Yeah. I can see she really likes you."
__Sonic narrowed his eyes and grumbled. "It's not like I want to be a relationship right now anyway, especially after past experiences. I want to focus on fighting Eggman. Plus, I'm still young and I want live the way I want."
__"Wow," Luigi looked amazed. "You're younger than me and you've got it all figured out."
__"What about you?" Sonic changed the subject. "You have some kind of ties with this Princess Daisy?"
__"Oh," Luigi looked ahead and cupped his hands behind his back. "We're not really together, but we do like each other."
__"What she like?"
__"Eh, she's a sassy tomboy," Luigi mumbled. "But she's still a little feminine and really likes flowers."
__"Sounds like a keeper," Sonic teased.
__Luigi only responded by laughing. 
__Something hard suddenly hit Sonic's head. 
__"Ow!" Sonic stepped back and started rubbing his head as he looked at what hit him. It was a sapphire prism of some sort. "What the?"
__"Sorry about that! Could you toss it up here?"
__"Huh?" Sonic looked up, causing the others to look, too. There was a white female bat flying over their heads holding a small sack of what Sonic assumed was holding more gemstones. A big smile formed on his muzzle as he shouted "Rouge!"
__"Heh?" Luigi looked at Sonic in confusion.
__Rouge flew down onto the ground and grabbed the sapphire. "Nice to see you again, blue boy."
__"We've only been in this world for two days and you're already making off with their jewels," Sonic said a smirk.
__"Well, you know me," Rouge responded smugly. "But don't worry. I didn't steal these. I just harvested them from caves."
__"Ms. Rouge!" Cream immediately hugged the bat with Cheese.
__"Hi, hon," she replied as she rubbed Cream's head.
__"Another one of your friends?" Luigi asked Sonic.
__Sonic nodded. "This is Rouge. She's a government agent in our world."
__"So we are in another world," Rouge concluded.
__"You found that out already?" Sonic asked sarcastically.
__"Well, Shadow figured it out."
__Sonic frowned. "Shadow's with you!? Where is he?"
__Rouge shrugged his shoulders. "We decided to split up. We woke up in another island. It was this weird place that was like a half fiery, half snowy mountain."
__Luigi pondered for a bit before he straightened. "That's Mount Pajamaja! It's all the way across the Oho Ocean! Did you fly all the way from there!?"
__Rouge nodded. "It was a little tiring, but I managed."
__"Why did you split up?" Sonic asked.
__"We were looking for Omega," Rouge explained. "We remembered that he was with us before, so we decided to split up to look for him." She then put the sapphire back in her sack. "As you can see, I got a little sidetracked."
__"Who's Omega?" Luigi asked.
__"E-123 Omega is a rogue Eggman robot that fights with us," Sonic explained. "You'll often find that Rouge, Shadow, and Omega are working together."
__"I remember you talking about Shadow," Luigi said.
__Sonic nodded and looked down at Cream. "Do you still want to explore?"
__Cream shook her head. "The others need to know we found Ms. Rouge."
__Rouge looked at Sonic. "Oh! Is Knuckles with you? I need to show him what a real treasure hunter looks like."
__Sonic smiled. "Yeah, he is. But he's moaning about not being with the Master Emerald at the moment."
__Rouge frowned. "Aw man! This would have been the perfect time to snatch the Master Emerald!"
__Sonic began laughing before in turned awkward. "Oh, I wish you were joking." This earned a worried look from Luigi.
__Everyone then began making their way back to the castle.

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