Act II: This Isn't a Kumbaya

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Call me the girl on fire, because this is my third chapter in the last 7 days! No song for this chapter, but if you're reading and it reminds you of a song, drop it in the comments! I'm always looking for new music!

Since the girl from 8 was hunted down on the morning of day 2, there's been no new deaths, no confrontations, nothing. Just sitting, watching, and waiting for something to happen. The people of the Capitol are starting to get bored, and that's never good. The only real action we have is tracking the Tributes' movements, recapping old events, and the conversations being had by the Career pack. Currently, there are no other alliances, so everyone who is not in the pack is off on their own. I find it a bit surprising because I thought that Thresh would at least be willing to team up with Rue. But I guess he doesn't want to be responsible or present for when she's eliminated. I can't say I blame him. Unlike Cato, I think he understands the gravity of having to see your district partner die. I don't have much room to talk since I killed mine, but we were the only two left, and I never liked him much anyway. Yet still, killing someone you've had to grow up with leaves you with some pretty wicked nightmares and daydreams.

I know that the Capitol citizens are getting antsy when Caesar starts to do deep-dive segments on the remaining Tributes and sending his crew to the Tribute Tower every once and a while to interview the Mentors.

During breakfast on day four, I go back to the apartment to eat in private and go through my notes. I keep a list of all the donations and who they've been made by so that I can keep track of who's feeling generous this year and who from previous years is yet to donate. Of course, I keep the Games on at all times, just to be ready to run if I need it. But judging by the map, none of the Tributes are even close to one another because the arena is so huge. Caesar starts on one of his deep dive segments just as I begin to dig into my pecan salad. "Now, it's time to do a deep-dive on one of our Tributes, Cato Smith. He's got three points on the board this year with one assist and one kill, putting him in third place behind Marvel and Glimmer. But don't forget, District 2 has a long history of pulling through in the end, and they have the most Hunger Games wins ever at a whopping total of 17.

Caesar takes a dramatic pause. "Now, as it was dramatically revealed to us a few mornings ago, Cato is actually the half-brother of the winner of the 68th Hunger Games, Octavia Jones, which makes him both the son of Victor of the 46th Games, Magnus Jones, and grandson of the Victor of the 13th Games, Sadie Stone." He takes a dramatic gasp for air. "That was a mouthful!"

"Indeed Caesar, Cato has the finest pedigree we've ever seen in a Tribute. And I can say that with absolute confidence," replies Claudius. "Let's take a look at the members of the Stone dynasty  in action." An animation pops up on the screen showing me, my father, my grandmother Sadie, and two young people, one boy and one girl, that I don't recognize. I sit towards the edge of my seat and squint at the television. Then I recognize the girl from the pictures in my grandmother Sadie's house. It's my aunt Lydia. And next to her is my uncle Garth.

"For those of you at home who need a refresher, from left to right here we have Sadie Stone, Lydia Jones, Garth Jones, Magnus Jones, and finally Octavia Jones. Three out of the five members of this family who have competed in these Games have become the sole Victors." Three of the images change as Caesar speaks to photos taken during our Victory ceremonies while the other two fade to a black and white version of the photo. Above each of our names is the number of the Games we participated in: so, 13, 35, 42, 46, and 68 respectively. "An entire sixty-percent. That is an impressive stat that Cato has working in his favour."

My mind is absolutely boggled. It feels strange that Caesar seems to know more about my aunt and uncle than I do.  I suppose that comes with the territory of being stuck in an Academy for most of your life.

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