Night That We (I) Won't Remember

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Special thanks to killp50 for the suggestions! This chapter is for you!


I made my way up to the 222nd floor and entered the ginormous suite that took up almost the entirety of the floor of the hotel.

I open the door with my key card and I see the massive regal red room with a huge open fire place in the middle. As I enter the room I look to see white rose petals on the bed in the shape of a heart and in the middle of it an envelope with Finnick's name on it.

I quickly stalk over towards the envelope and open it out of curiosity. As I unfold the letter my eyes begin to scan the page frantically.

To Mr. Finnick Odair,

Remember to do your service well tonight, the person you are with is very important. And do not forget, I have a meeting with someone tomorrow as you know, and would hope that you would not do anything to jeopardise it.

President Cornelius Snow

This is horrible! How long has Snow been holding me over Finnick's head for? I hear movement outside the room and out of reaction I take the note and throw it into the fire. I can't let Finnick see it or he'll push me away.

I quickly run over to the bed and lie down in the middle of the roses and strike the most ridiculous pose I can think of. As the door creaks open I see Finnick walk in, looking at the ground.

"Ceci-" He finally cuts himself off after seeing that it's me in the room and not Marty's daughter. "Tavia? What are you doing here!"

"Let's just say I made a deal and now your night is free." I reply slyly.

"What did you do?" He asks wryly.

"What do you mean? I made a deal at the poker table and I won the night with Finnick Odair fair and square."

He lets out a sigh of relief. "Phew! I though you killed her or something!" He says half jokingly.

"No, not this time." I reply sarcastically.

"So you wanted to spend the night with me then?" He wiggles his eyebrows teasingly.

"No, I just wanted the guys money but I got this instead. Bad deal if you ask me." I say while looking at my nails.

"Haha very funny." He says dryly. "Incoming!" He says running and then jumping onto the bed like a child would.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Well if you won this hotel room instead of money we might as well use it." He says curtly. I raise my eyebrow at the wording of his sentence and his eyes widen. "I meant like to actually sleep and watch television in not to like you know...."

The doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I shout. I open the door to see a bell hop with a tray of about four different wines and two bottles of champagne.

"Here you are mam, all of these are Panems finest." He bows and walks away.

I take in the giant basket and place it on the table. "Looks like we're going to have fun tonight."

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