Victory Tour with my Escorts Raging Hormones

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This is part of my first update hope you like it! Don't forget to comment, favourite and follow me if you like it!

It's been almost six months since the Victors party. When I got home I went straight to my room at the academy, cleaned it out and moved into my new house at the very end if the street right next to Grandma Sadie.

She was relived when I came home and slowly has been getting better. She can now clean, cook and go shopping for groceries like she used to. When I got back she asked me how the food was, how the people were. I told her I saw Mags and her recent Victor Finnick. She said he was "very good looking" which made me laugh. She has a bit of dementia but the doctors say she improved when I came back from my games.

I am currently walking over to Grandma Sadie's house with some berries from the market. I walk into the front door and shout "Gran I'm home!" I know it's not my home but it sure feels like it sometimes.

"Oh hi dear." She says walking down the stairs.

"Hey Gran, what are you watching?" I ask, peering into her family room to look at her TV set.

"Watching one of the old games, they're on rerun because your victory tour is coming up." Replies Gran. The houses in the Victor village got the same stations that ran in the Capitol, and for some reason watching kids getting killed once a year isn't enough so they play old games in the meantime. Gran has a habit of watching the games over and over because she still thinks that I'm in danger of the games, always looking to find strategies for me.

"Oh, cool which one?" I ask.

"I don't remember, uh, it's the one with the really young guy and he's, uh, blonde I think, yes blonde." She recalls.

"The 65th?" I question.

"Ah, yes that one!" She exclaims. "The winner was, um, Floppy Air, no, Fishsick, no, Fin.... Finnick Odair! See this old geezers still got it!" Says my grandma.

"Yes grandma you still got it." I say. Sitting on the couch with her.

"How could I forget, Mags was raving about him last time, oh Finnick is so smart, oh Finnick is so intelligent, did you know Finnick was the youngest to win his games? It was like he was her own grandchild." Scoffs Gran. "But you can't blame her, when I met him he was a true gentlemen, and you don't meet many of those anymore."

"That's sadly true." I sigh.

"Well, ready for you Victory tour tomorrow?" She says changing the subject.


I start the Victory tour in District 12, then went to 11, 10, 9, and so on until District 4, which was where the train was currently heading. In the outer districts it was smaller and they weren't as into the games as District 2, never the less I didn't like it there very much and am very happy that we are going to District 4.

I'm walking back to my compartment when I look out the window and see a vastness of blue, and I'm not talking about the sky, it's all water. Then it dawns on me; I've only heard stories about this before, this is the ocean, which can only mean.... Then I see it. A sign that reads "Welcome to District 4".


"C'mon dear, we have to have you set in your hair and makeup by 2 and have you do your speeches by 3." Says my stylist Fallon as we step off the train.

"Wait, what time is it now?" I ask.

"One fifty," she says checking her hologram watch. "why?"

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