Act II: Norrmalmstorgssyndromet

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I know this title does resemble a key-board smash, however, there's a hidden meaning behind it that pertains to this chapter, and I didn't want to be too obvious about it. Can you find it? Hint: It's not English.

Thanks to my new beta for all their help!

I'm looking for a new face claim, and I'm going to adjust the weight of the character because 13-year-old me did not know what an appropriate weight was for that height and body type. So please leave some face claim suggestions!

Also check out this manip that was made for me on tumblr! If you want to make a manip for this story I'll post it with credit!

And as always leave any suggestions down below or in my PM box!


I groggily open my eyes. That was definitely the best sleep I've had in weeks. I turn to look at Finnick, who is still asleep. He looks so peaceful; there's no smug grin or fake smile anywhere in sight. It's just him.

Sometimes I can't even believe that he loves me. The girl born and bred a monster --from District 2 of all places-- is the same girl that this kind-hearted beautiful soul from the ocean is in love with.

If only he knew the deal I made with Snow. Or maybe I should say deals because there are so many conditions I have to meet. Saying that he wouldn't be happy is an understatement, judging by his distaste for me trying to win his nights back. He wouldn't like that I made a deal to get into the Capitol. He would hate that I didn't tell him about any of this. And worst of all, he would despise me for dealing with Snow.

Before I can dwell any longer, his eyes flutter open. He carefully reaches out to touch my arm. "It's actually you. I thought I dreamt it all again."

I chuckle. "Glad to know that your standards are low: girlfriend must not only be real in dreams."

His face drops into an un-amused glare, and point's his finger at me. "Whatever mood was just going on, you just killed it. Now I know this isn't a dream because usually in my dreams this is the part where--"

I shove him lightly. "For my own sanity, please don't finish that sentence." We both laugh at our antics and get out of bed, preparing for the day. I shower first and then go over to pick out my clothes for my meeting with Snow. I want something that screams 'power'.

I pick out a couple of outfits and lay them out on the bed, trying to decide what to wear. Then I see, in the back of the closet is a white power suit. Snow's signature colour. It would be a subtle nod to him that I think he would appreciate.

I pick it up and examine it. It's everything I want. I want to be like him. Snow. Untouchable.

I'm scared out of my thoughts when the bathroom door open's up and steam floods into the room. Finnick, a man with a constant flare for the dramatics, steps out in nothing but a towel. I try to not let my eyes ogle at him too much, even though he's my boyfriend, I know I don't want to feed his ego.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop staring at my chest, my eyes are up here," he says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes. Yup, I am dating a man with seaweed for brains, just like Johanna suggested.


I stepped out of the car in front of President Snow's mansion, wearing the white power suit and with a white flower brooch. I wanted to show President Snow that I was loyal to him, even in the subtlest of ways. It was especially important this year because of Cato going into the games. If I messed up this year, then Cato won't make it through the first night of the games.

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