Act II: Finale

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Please note to those who have only seen the movies, this chapter will heavily rely on the books as the source material. As always, explanations of the differences will be in the endnotes.

Song for this chapter is "Tenacious Winners/Returning Home," by James Newton Howard. If you can listen to music while you read I highly recommend you do so this chapter!

Finnick's POV

I get back to my room after my interview and find Octavia waiting for me in my bed. The light of the television flashes illuminates her sleeping face. A banner runs under the Caesar Flickerman show, letting everyone know to tune into the finale tomorrow. Octavia must have fallen asleep as soon as she realized that Cato would be safe until tomorrow.

I try my best not to wake her up as I move around the room to get ready for bed, but as someone who's been in the Games, she's a light sleeper. As I get into the bed, I hear her start to stir and turn towards me. "What time is it?" she croaks.

"Twelve-ish," I say not too loudly.

She throws her arm over me and rests her head on my chest. "You had a good interview," she says.

Knowing a good chunk of my on-air time was dedicated to my 'dating life', I chuckle. "I ran into Seneca afterwards."

"Oh, and?"

"Creepy as ever." I briefly debate whether or not I tell her about what he said about the finale so as not to worry her further, but I quickly decide it's best to put everything on the table. Or at least most of it. "He's planning something big for the finale. Says he's got a 'trick up his sleeve'."

"Like what?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe he's going to carve his name into the forest," I joke. She gives a small chuckle and as it fades out I add, "Whatever it is, Cato can handle it. I believe in him. He's got the training."

The silence grows again, but it's not an uncomfortable one. A few minutes pass until she speaks up again, "Everything is going to change tomorrow."

"Not me, I'm not going anywhere," I say, stretching my arm underneath her to pull her in closer. I try to push away the thought that Seneca is clearly onto us, and with the interest he's taken in her—though I can see the appeal, believe me—makes me nervous.

The Capitolians seeing through our charade could make our relationship even more dangerous than it already is. Augustus' death makes it clear that they wouldn't hesitate to get rid of either one of us if we started to cause problems for them. It's not something to brag about, but I'm fairly confident that I make more money for Snow than Octavia does, meaning she would likely be the one they take it out on, not me like I would prefer. So I see Augustus' death as the threat it is; a collective warning to us all, yet at the same time, one custom made for each of us.

The message meant for me though is clear. Stay in line Finnick, or she's next.

Octavia's POV

It's clear to see that things are coming to an end. The lakes and rivers around the arenas were all drained overnight, forcing Cato and the Tributes from 12 to head towards the Cornocopia for one last stand. Knowing it's likely the last opportunity to use the Sponsor money, and thanks to Finnick's appearance last night we've had a nice last-minute top-up, I send Cato down a good breakfast.

The crowd outside has been restless since Seneca appeared on the Caesar show last night, telling everyone to tune into their televisions today because of the finale. Even though I have a distaste for the man and am thoroughly creeped out by him, I can always rely on his ability to turn attention back onto himself.

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