Off With His Head

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I really want to power through the rest of this story that's been in my head sine 2015! It's going to be a little different (but no too much) than I envisioned but it will be finished and I will be proud of it none the less! Thank you to everyone whose stuck with me during all of these hiatuses <3
Also trigger warning: Graphic Death

Third Person POV

"Finnick!" roars a voice from out in the hallway.

"God not again," says Finnick under his breath.

"Finnick James Odair what have you done this time?" asks Johanna.

"I kind of kissed Annie-" Finnick is cut off by receiving a hard whack in the arm. "Ow."

"You idiot! Why would you do that?" questions Johanna aggressively.

"Well I didn't mean to," Finnick rambles. " It's just she was sad and I was trying to comfort her, and then she kind of leaned in. But it didn't last long! As soon as it happened and before I could realize Vee walked in-"

"Okay so why didn't you tell her that?"

Finnick's voice lowers for a moment out of shame, "Well I tried but she got all angry at me... and then I told her that she was like a Capitol girl."

Johanna, now brazen with anger picks up a paper program of tribute stats and rolls it up. She then begins to use it to hit Finnick in between words. "YOU. FREAKING. IDOT." She calms down slightly, enough to stop hitting him but not much. " Why would you do that? I mean just last week you came to me and was all like, 'Oh Jo I need help. I'm so in love with Octavia. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I want to have her children,'" she says in a mocking tone.

"Would you keep you're voice down about that please!" says Finnick looking around skeptically to make sure that no one else heard that. "And that is not what I said."

Johanna turns to him with a serious look on her face, "You said that you're in love with her. And then I said yea I can tell. And then you that you were already picturing what your children would look like. That they would have her eyes-"

"Okay, okay, I get the picture. I said I'm in love with her. Which I am. But I messed this up bad Jo, how am I supposed to fix this?"

"Well first of all, stop being stupid stupid," sasses Johanna. "Second I would find a way to make it up to her and apologize."

"But she won't even talk to me," whines Finnick.

"I'll help you with that, don't worry," replies Johanna. She raises her hand up for Finnick to high five but he flinches back.

"Sorry I thought you were going to hit me again."


Octavia's POV
I was currently watching the monitors even though it was late at night and most of the Victors were in bed. I was still up.  Finnick was still up as well, much to my own personal dismay.
Hours went by, heck I almost fell asleep once or twice. But when I heard a twig snap, I too snapped fully awake.
I quickly begin pressing random buttons to get a better look as to what's going on on the cameras. Then I finally find what I'm looking for. But I wish I hadn't seen it.

It's the careers sneaking up on Annie and her partners campsite. They hadn't quite reached it yet but would within the next minute or so. And then it would be game over for the sleeping beauties from four. I snap up into action and move over to where Finnick is. Fight or not, I liked those kids (even though they're not too far off in age from me). I don't want them to die, but I can't use my station or District 2 resources to help.
I quickly make my way over to where Finnick is  frozen as to what to do. His mind seems to be going a hundred miles a minute but he's not doing anything. So I decide to step up. I do well in stressful situations. Plus I've been in that spot before and had thought of a million things I wish I differently.
"Send in a package," I order Finnick as I lean over his chair.
"What do I send?" he asks panicked.
"Anything. You just need to wake them up," I reply calmly.
He then pushes a few buttons. Moments later a faint beeping sound can be heard and the two tributes from District Four shoot up.
Derrick grabs his spear and looks around wildly, motioning for Annie to hide. She doesn't question him and ducks into a bush.
Not too long after Annie hides, the career pack comes through the woods on the other side.
"Well, well looks like we found four," says the girl from one slyly.
"Where's you're little slut of a friend that's sleeping with her mentor?" asks the girl from two. I can see Finnick tense up at the comment.
"She's dead," lies Derrick. "She was that cannon that went off a few hours ago."
I could see that Derrick's wheels were turning in his brain. How to stay alive.
"That's too bad," says the male from one.
"I killed her," blurts our Derrick. "I thought the same as you. I wanted to get her out so I could get more sponsors. Let me join you and we can share the gifts."
"You killed her?" asks the girl from one in disbelief.
He nods.
"Wrong answer!" shouts the girl from two, swinging her axe and lobbing off Derrick's head. A second camera pans to Annie who is clearly sobbing and holding her hands over her mouth trying to not make a noise.
The girl from two goes to clean off her axe. "What I wanted to kill the slut myself," she says evilly.
"We could have used him," argues the boy from two. "Whatever let's just get out of here before the body starts to smell."
The careers begin to take off into the woods. "You know I was thinking we could set up camp right below the dam." says one in the distance.
Annie then slowly begins to rock around on the floor and sob. She then crawls over to where Derrick's body is and tries to do CPR on him. It's sad to watch as she gets blood all over her hands, pumping a dead body with no head.
"Oh Annie," I say in pity.
Annie then crawls away from the body and brings her hands up to put on her face. But as she raises them she stops to see that they're covered in blood and starts laughing. And then crying, while bringing her hands up to her face and in turn getting blood all over her face.
The red blood stands out as a strong contests to her fair skin. The whole scene is just so tragic.
"Finnick," I say trying to comfort him. I know that I we're in a fight, but with something so big I don't see how I can't be there for him. He's watching his childhood friend or, whatever, absolutely lose her mind. And it's heartbreaking.
Before I can continue Mags runs through the door and starts to talk to Finnick. I try to hang out by the exit of the room so I'm not invading their conversation. After a long while, Finnick leaves his station and Mags sits down at hers.
"I'm going to get some air." says Finnick. "We need to talk."
"Finnick, after all that I don't think now is the time to talk about-"
"No, nows the perfect time to talk." he replies sternly.

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