Act II: District 2's At It Again

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HUGE SHOUTOUT to ParadoxicalMoose for all of their help with this series! I forgot to put their @ in the last chapter! Everyone go check out their page!

I wait for the signs of who might be coming through the door. Either District I'd be glad to see, a best friend or a boyfriend, either one was family, either one was home. The large number of Capitiolians at the station, a crowd that seems to grow larger every year, must be the reason for the hold-up. Probably because they were waiting for Finnick. They love him here, sometimes a little too much.

Yup, I decide. It's definitely Finnick's fault the trains are delayed.

A few minutes go by, and I look at the time. If 7 and 4 didn't come soon, we'd have to go upstairs to watch the Reapings because we wouldn't want to keep the kids up too late.

Soon shouting can be heard from outside the lobby, flashes of light pour in from the frosted windows. We couldn't see the source of the flashes since they didn't want people to be able to see in or out, but I didn't need to be able to see to know what was going on.

My brother and Clove look at the four of us mentors in confusion.

My brother turns to me. "What's going on out there?"

I can see Enobaria rolling her eyes and Brutus chuckling to himself. They know whose coming. Agustus, on the other hand, doesn't know about my relationship but definitely knows who is coming through the door. What can I say? We careers tend to idolize other careers when we're training, and Augustus was definitely a fan of Finnick's.

A smirk grows on my face. "The help has just arrived." I stand up from the couch I'd been sitting on, and so do the other mentors in anticipation of another team walking through the door. Cato and Clove look so confused and are still sitting on the couches, not understanding what's happening.

I go to stand in front of our cluster of seats and couches to ensure that I can be seen from the doorway.

The shouting and flashes grow wilder for a moment, and soon we can see peacekeepers struggling to usher several people in through the revolving door.

I try not to laugh.

A man trips on the door frame, but recovers. Once he stands up, a few other people file in behind him, and he catches a glimpse of my face for the first time.

"Looks like 2's at it again, staying up to wait for me to grace them with my presence," shouts Finnick across the lobby. I can see Enobaria face-palm at the statement in my peripherals. Finnick turns to talk to his group from District 4 but makes sure that we can still hear him at the same time. "Just between us, I'm pretty sure they've got their own shrine of me in their centre or something."

Cato's jaw drops. "That's Finnick?"

I can't help but laugh at my brother's remark. I think Cato only saw Finnick as this huge and intimidating guy because he'd just watched his games. He didn't realize that Finnick tended to be a big goofball most of the time.

Not replying to my brother, instead choosing to let him stir in his existential crisis, I call over to Finnick. "Why don't you come over and socialize?"

Finnick says something to his group, and judging on the fact that they all move for the elevators afterwards, he must've told them that he'd meet them upstairs.

Since I'm standing a bit in front of the chairs, Finnick meets me first. He stands exceptionally close to me, towering over me intimidatingly.

I smirk up at him. We both know that we can't be open with our relationship out here, but that didn't mean that we couldn't banter. "I thought I smelt stale seawater."

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