Capitolian Magazine

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Where have all the Victors gone?

by Verena Blair & Renia Dunst<----- December 12, 74

Ever since Katniss and Peeta's monumental win, which we are still fangirling over by the way, we've noticed a sharp decline in the number of Victors arriving in the Capitol during the off-season. Frequent flyers like Octavia Jones, 23, are nowhere to be seen where others like Finnick Odair, also 23, and Cashmere Luster, 29, have been lacking (get our pun?) in appearances and are down in their number of visits by nearly half compared to this time last year. Inside sources theorize that a large argument happened involving most of the younger Victors (talk about a brawl!) at the end of the 74th Games, causing them to request to not have overlapping stays in the Capitol.

Some speculate Octavia is taking time to herself because of the recent loss (literally) of her brother, Cato Smith, 16, but with the alleged fight in mind, we find it interesting that this information comes at a time when known feisty-woman Octavia is suddenly a no-show. Whatever the reason for the lack of Victors, we're glad that we're at least still getting our daily doses of Finnick Odair!

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