Talking Bodies

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Next chapter up, let me know what you think and give me suggestions!

There are going to be a large time jump after this Games FYI.
If you like Fantastic Beasts/ Harry Potter fics check out my new story "Catch Me if I Fall"!

Once we reached the roof Finnick and I sat down on the ledge like we did so often.

I don't know what's gotten into Finnick or why he thinks that now is a good time to talk about our fight; when his tribute has been killed and Annie has gone into a mental breakdown, so I try to diver the conversation. "So what did Mags say?"

"We sent her a letter to try and calm her down," he says playing along with my small talk.

That doesn't last long though because the tension becomes too thick for my comfort and I speak up, "Look Finnick-"

Finnick starts to speak with a bit of a panicked undertone, "No let me go first. I'm sorry Vee. For calling you a Captiol girl. I was angry, and just so far off on that comment as well. You're nothing like them. You're the kindest, sweetest person I've ever met."

His voice softens a bit more, "And if that moment in there showed me anything, it's that you never know what's going to happen. We need to make these moments count. Which is why this stupid little fight of ours can't go on. We don't have the luxury of time. Which is why I can't hold it back any longer. I'm in love with you. I am completely head over heels for you."

I am stunned. I have no idea what to say to Finnick. Just a few hours ago I hated his guts. Minutes ago I was watching the person who kissed him go off the rails. And now? I'm confused. "Finnick this is just the shock talking," I try to reason. Seeing Annie like that must have set him off, I try to tell myself. I can't let myself fall again, I can't afford it.

"No it's not," he says sharply. " If anything I'm thinking clearer than ever. I should have told you the moment I realized it myself. But seeing Annie like that was awful I thought I was going to lose my childhood friend. But then I got thinking in my mind, what it would be like to lose you. And that was 100 times worse."

"Finnick," I say at a loss for words. "I..." I have no idea what to say. What do you say to someone that you have feelings for, but was mad at hours ago, but is now confessing their love for you?

"Look, Vee you don't have to feel the same. But Mags always told me to watch out for someone; that the person you're meant to be with will creep up on you. And you crept up on me. Slowly, and then all at once. I know you probably don't feel the same but I needed to tell you that," Finnick says confidently. I step towards Finnick still at a loss for words, and he begins to make his way towards the exit as he has said everything he wanted to.

And then I find them. "Who said I don't feel the same?"

He stops dead in his tracks and turns around, "What?"

"I said," I say clearing my throat. "Who said that I don't feel the same as you?" I then begin to tease him slightly, "God Finnick you run away after telling girl you love her and don't even give her the chance to respon-"

Before I can even finish my word, Finnick's lips crash down onto mine as he gently cups my face. The moment is electric. I have never had a kiss that I felt so much emotion and spark, until now. All of the emotions I had felt just seconds before melted away, they seemed distant. All I can feel is the swell in my heart and the euphoria of our lips locking. After what feels like years, but was probably only seconds, we break apart.

"What was that?" I say in a dazed voice, not daring to break eye contact or move from him still so close to me.

"Well mostly that was to shut you up," he laughs, making me grin.

"Well you might want to hear what I have to say now," I say before taking a deep breath. "I love you Finnick Odair. You pulled me out of the dark after my games. I was lost. And you found me. Literally, on that roof. At first I thought that the way I felt for you was normal. But there's nothing normal about your heart breaking into a million pieces at the thought of you with someone else. There's nothing normal about being so drawn to a person, that you feel incomplete without them. I love-"

Before I can say those three damn words, the door to the roof swings open to reveal Johanna. "Hey guy— oh my god am I interrupting something?"

"This better be important Jo," whispers Finn harshly.

"Octavia President Snow wants you at his mansion. Everyone's looking for you. And Finnick, Mags needs your help with Annie."

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