Act II: Just Another Morning on Floor 2

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Thank you all so so much for 200k reads. Never in my wildest dreams did I think the story would hit that mark. I remember being so excited when the story hit 100 reads, and thinking that was amazing! Imagine how 15 year old me would react to this!

Waiting for 12 to arrive is always the most painful part of the pre-games. Everyone is confined to the Tribute Tower, and the tributes aren't allowed to interact until the Tribute Parade. Once that is over tonight, us mentors will be free to interact with sponsors, and the tributes will be allowed to talk with each other and start to form alliances.

The parade will enable me to start pulling strings behind the scenes and allow for Cato and Clove to try and work their magic in front of them. Honestly, I think they're looking forward to their "tribute re-makes", not that there's much for the assistants to do considering both Cato and Clove are very well kept. Although, I'll be the first to admit that the waxing hurts like a bitch. But I'm not going to tell them that.

Since we're not allowed to use the training levels just yet, and since I'm not allowed to use them at all, Cato and I are practicing in the living room. We've pushed aside all of the couches and tables to make a clearing on the floor. We've thrown the cushions onto the ground, something Fallon will not approve of or appreciate, to make sure that we don't get injured.

The cushions are so thick that the ground is now a bit bouncy and slippery, but it makes it all that much more fun. Cato and I pace around one another, waiting for the other to make the first move.

I flinch, trying to psych Cato out, but he doesn't buy it. Deciding to use his non-response against him, I drop to the ground and try to somersault past him, so I can go at him from the back.

Cato looks at me in confusion but then sees what I'm doing. He flips around and makes sure to cover himself, so I can't attack him from the other side. Dang it. For a split second, I chose not to stand up, staying in a crouching position while I try to figure out my next move.

Before I can think of what to do, Cato sweeps my feet from out under me. I'm completely flat on my back on the floor. Cato makes use of his surroundings and throws a large cushion on top of me. I try to get up but I feel a heavy weight on top of my, and I can guess that Cato is sitting on me.

I start to try and wiggle my way out, not wanting to give up yet. Cato only laughs at me from atop the pillow. In my defence, he's six foot two, and probably close to two hundred pounds.

We hear a knock on the door, and I quit struggling and let my head flop to rest so I can see the door, albeit it's upside down for me.

"Come in," Cato and I call simultaneity.

The door opens, and I see Finnick walk in the door. He politely closes the door behind him, "Hey guys, what's.... oh my god, what are you doing?" says Finnick once he noticed that not only was our room torn apart, but Cato was sitting on me, while I was sandwiched by cushions.

I give a small wave.

Finnick looks at both of us in bewilderment. "It's 7 in the morning."

Cato and I look at each other for a moment, not getting what he was trying to say. "And...?"

Finnick looked like he was trying to figure something out. "Wait, what time do you two usually get up?"

"Five thirty," we both answered.

"Okay, never mind then. But can I ask, what's with the pillow fort, and why are you sitting on her? I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it, just curious," adds Finnick sarcastically.

Cato laughs. "We were practicing. And she lost."

I roll my eyes. "I let you win, I didn't want to hurt you."

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