Pre-Games Games Part 4

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Today was last day of training. I've only been making small talk with Finnick and have mostly been talking to Percy.
Right now the four of us are on the couch waiting for the scores to be read.

District 2 female with a score of ten." Says Ceasar as Magnetas face flashes on the screen.

"District 2 male with another score of 10." Percy's face flashes on the screen.

I notice that Finnicks tributes get and 8 and a 9 respectively, which I'll go congratulate him on later, and that the girl from 7 gets a 2, one of the lowest scores I've ever seen.

"I'm going to go congratulate everyone." I say to Brutus as I head to the front door and put on my leather jacket.

"Alright." He replies from over the couch.

I step into the elevator and press floor 4. I may have forgot to mention that by everyone, I actually meant just Finnick. I walk out of the elevator and knock on the door.

To my dismay, the escort answers the door.

"Hello Miss Jones, may I help you?" She asks politely.

"Uh, yeah was looking for Finnick." I say awkwardly.

"Oh sorry dear he's out right now, can I take a message?" She says remorsefully.

"Can you just tell him that I stopped by?" I ask.

"No problem dear." She says closing the door.

After not seeing Finnick last night, I have even more questions for him, like why won't he tell me?

All these questions are giving me a headache, and on top of that I have to worry about Percy's interview that's coming up in less than 20 minutes.

I begin to pace back and forth backstage, waiting for Percy to come out of the dressing room.

Just then Percy emerges from the dressing room. He's wearing a blue suit and a white shirt.

"Looking good." I say. Percy spins around to show off his whole suit.

I put my hands on his shoulders and look up into his big blue eyes. "You're gonna do great." I say.

"I know." He replies, looking into my eyes. Percy places his hands on my arms. "You're more nervous than I am." He laughs.

"I know, I know." I say, I probably am worrying too much.

In the hall I hear someone clear their throat, Percy instantly jumps away from me.

"Hello Finnick," Says Percy flatly. He begins to walk down the hallway towards the main back stage area. Finnick watches as Percy passes him.

"Percy." Says Finnick matching his tone. Percy turns back and looks at him questioningly.

Finnick turns to look at me giving me a stern look.

"What?" I spit out. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"No but you were this close to doing something wrong." He says holding up his hand to display "this close".

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