Cards and Chance

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This chapter kind of stumped me but I finally got through it! As promised here is the mid week up date! For those of you who question why I go into so much depth about the casino and poker, those questions will be answered within the next chapter or two. This chapter kind of helps to set up what's going to be happening up until the 74th games, when all hell breaks loose as we know....

Anyways, suggestions are ALWAYS WELCOME, especially since I've been having writers block lately! So if you have any ideas at all let me know!


It's 7:59. I'm wearing a black ruffled dress that tapers from front to back with my hair pulled to my right side. Brutus left at 6 for a dinner with some of the careers, I didn't come out of my room until he left.

I look at the clock in the district 2 floor. It's 8. I hear a knock on the door and open it up.

"Right on time." I say cheerily.

"A gentleman's always on time." Finnick says winking. He's wearing a sleek black suit with a white cuffed shirt underneath. He holds his arm out for me to take.

We walk out the door to the elevator and he presses the lobby floor.

"So," he says slyly. "You ever play poker  before?"


We walk into the casino, which is evidently very close to the training centre, and of course all the Capitol frou-frous are staring at us. Some glare at me and some just scoff.

Finnick must've seen the questioning look in my eyes and says "They're all staring at you because you're with me."

"Oh." I say flatly. I still don't like any of them though. "So how do you play poker anyways?" I ask him, trying to change the subject.

"Well there's actually supposed to be two ways but the most popular here in the Capitol is Panem 5 card style. You get 5 cards dealt to you and you want to try and get 5 of a kind or a full house or consecutive numbers called a flush." He explains carefully.

"But what do the plastic coins have to do with it?" I ask still a bit confused.

"You bet more chips if you think you have the highest hand out of everyone, and if not you can just fold. Something that I think you will particularly like is the bluffing part, which is where you can trick everyone into thinking you have the highest hand and make them drop out even though you don't. Got it?"

"Enough to beat you." I tease.

"Good. Because I have a private poker table for you and I set  aside in the Great room." He smiles.

As we make our way over to the table I look to see tables upon tables of poker playing Capitolians, some with enormous stacks of chips others looking around nervously, holding only one or two chips in their hands.

"This is our table." Finnick says proudly as we reach it. He pulls out a chair for me to sit on.

Finnick takes a seat across from me and gives me a wild stare. "Ready to lose Ms. Jones?"

"Only of you are Mr. Odair." I return.
Game on.

"My full house beats your three of a kind so it looks like I win again." I say triumphantly.

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