Party with Every Victor Ever (Almost)

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This is part of my first update hope you like it! Don't forget to comment, favourite and follow me if you like it!


Fallon has me dressed in a green mini dress, a slight variation of the one I had on during my interview with Caesar. Fallon says it's short enough to 'show off my assets, yet long enough to maintain my good girl rep' whatever that's supposed to mean. Either way, I'm grossed out.  I honestly don't even understand this Capitol fashion bullshit. I think most of the people here just look utterly ridiculous. In District 2, they teach us to look after and cherish our bodies, not to mutilate them by dying them different colours or injecting gold under the skin. 

I'm ushered into a limousine that will take me to the Victor party by a group of peacekeepers. My parents always told me that this was the highlight of my career—I think that was supposed to be their pathetic attempt at a pun— being at the centre of attention of the Capitols rich and famous, and officially joining the elite society of the Victors. The toughest club in all of Panem to get into. I should be happy I made my family and district proud, but honestly, these Games were never about them. They're about me. They didn't have to kill people or run a risk of dying, I did.

I snap out of my trance as the large stretch limo comes to a smooth stop. Smile, I think to myself. With a smile, they'll never see you cry. Paint on a face like the Capitol people do their makeup, smile, and act like nothing's wrong. 

I step out of the limo and hear people calling my name. Flashes are going off everywhere people screaming at me to look into their camera lens' so they can get a better shot. I oblige for a short while and stop to pose for some pictures.  I start to walk to the large hotel that has a red carpet set up leading to its main entrance. As I finally waking in the doors I breathe in a huge sigh of relief. My fellow Victors—fortunately not including my father and Grandmother Maggie as they're home doing a very important selection process for next year's Games, and unfortunately without my grandmother Sadie who has not come to these parties for years due to her old age— all stand up to applaud me. As soon as I walk in two Victors from District 1 approach me, Cashmere and Gloss. A small bunch of Victors begin to swarm around, presumably to talk to me. Maybe my loneliness won't last long, I think to myself. 

"Hi!" Cashmere says in a perky voice, and I begin to think that I'm talking to a slightly different version of Ruby. Her smile looks fake as hell. She's probably angry with me for killing her tribute, although she shows no signs of it. "My name's Cashmere but you can just call me Cash." Cashmere—or should I say Cash—extends her hand out for me to shake.

"Hi Cash, I'm Octavia, but you probably know that already," I say feeling embarrassed. Of course, she knows who you are idiot! Your face is all over the place!

"Well of course silly!" she says over-enthusiastically. I try not to let my eyes widen at the tone of her voice. Either it's all fake, or she's the most terrifying person I've ever met.  "We've only just met, but I feel like we can be good friends!" I give her a polite nod, but I honestly have no idea what to say to that.  "I can tell you the ins and outs of the Victor world, and who's in and out in the Victor world," she says the last part in more of a hushed tone. 

I give another polite nod and move on to speaking with Gloss, hoping that he won't be as creepy as I'm finding Cashmere. She seems nice, but too nice. Especially for a Career. 

Gloss is literally full of himself. He cannot stop talking about how I should maintain my fitness like he does even though the games are done, but of course, he adds I won't have "as good results" as him. Whatever meathead.

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