Violent Closure Part 2

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Part Two!!!!!!!


She won?" I ask in shock. There had been so many tributes left when I passed out earlier this week, but now there all gone. Johanna Mason won.

For some reason I feel a strong connection with Johanna. She provided me with closure for my tributes death, and she got revenge for him too.

Now that Johanna's won I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel like I can put this death aside and move on.

"...and the interviews are supposed to be tomorrow morning because she's still in good shape." Says Finnick. I have no idea what he's talking about.


"I said Johanna's interviews are tomorrow morning because she pretty much escaped without a scratch." He replies evenly. "Were you even listening to what I said?" He questions with his eyebrows raised.

"Umm I was just thinking about what I have to before I leave the Capitol." I lie. Then I remember, I really do have something to do tomorrow, I have to meet with president Snow.

"What do you have to do Tavia?"

"I have a meeting with er-" Finnicks head snaps up and looks deep into my eyes, the concern on his face evident.

"Snow?" He finishes, with a bit of anger and realisation in his voice. He looks at me with wide eyes. "He can't get you too, what ever he says don't do it."

"Don't worry," I say because I'm honestly not worried for one reason. "Snow threatens people who are close to you, but that's the thing, he's got no leverage on me."

He looks kind of sad that I said that. But I'm convinced that saying that to him in the middle of a heavily recorded room, Snow will leave Finnick alone when I talk to him tomorrow.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" He asks changing the subject.

"Like go out? In the Capitol?" I question confusedly.

"I know, you like games of chance and strategy right?" Finnick asks intently.

Yeah I guess..." I reply wearily.

"Good meet me tonight at 8. Wear something nice. We're going to the casino."

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