Pre-Games Games Part 2

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Sorry for the late update guys!!! Happy Halloween!!!

Anyways as promised here's the new chapter!

Please please please comment on what direction you want the sorry go as I have hit a bit of a road block, you will get HUGE mentions!!!
  Today is the day when the pre-games action officially begins here in the Capitol. The outer districts such as District 12, will arrive sometime today because they're a lot farther from the Capitol than we are.

  I roll over in my bed to look at the clock. It's 12:36! I can't remember the last time I slept in this late.

  I quickly get out of bed and throw on a grey loose shirt and black yoga pants. I practically dash out my door and see that everyone else is having lunch already.

"Morning princess." Says Brutus, clearly amused that I messed up and slept in.

"Thanks for waking me up." I say, already pissed off.

"The kids are about to go down for prep, do you wanna go stake out the other kids getting off the train while they're there?" He asks, completely ignoring my last comment.

"Yeah sure why not." I say loudly.


   After staking out the other tributes a couple hours as they entered the building with Brutus, which was completely boring by the way, being here at the tribute parade will be the most exciting thing I've done today by far.

Currently Brutus and I are waiting down at the parade launch for Percy and Magenta to show up in their costumes. From the far corner of the chariot holding area I can see two figures, dressed in the long drapes of a roman God and goddess with golden olive branch crowns, make their way towards Brutus and I.

"You look great!" I say, mostly directing the comment towards Percy and not Magenta.

"Thanks." He says, clearly still not sure about his choice in outfit.

"It's fine," I say, moving towards him so only he can hear. "they love this sort of stuff."

"They have a strange taste in clothing that's for sure." He chuckles. I put both my hands on his shoulders and look up into his big blue eyes.

"You're going to do great." I say. "Just remember to smile, smugly might I add, and wave. Oh and try to make it look like this is all a waste of your time, like you have something better to be doing."

"I actually have something better to be doing." He comments.

"Then show it." I say, and with that our little group chat is over. He begins to walk over to his chariot to mount it. I pat him on the back as he walks away. "Go get'm tiger!" I say.

He looks back at me giving me a embarrassed glare.

"C'mon keep your character!" I whisper harshly. He turns forewords and then back to face me again, this time he has a flirty look on his face and he's biting his lip. I burst out laughing. I honestly can't remember the last time I laughed this hard with anyone other than Finnick.

I look up and Percy's still laughing on his chariot. My loud cackles have also drawn the attention of every mentor and tribute alike. I straighten up and immediately stop laughing, and so does Percy.

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