And They All Lived? Happily Ever After?

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I was buzzing after my time with President Snow. I mean he might be the head of the Capitol, the place that created the evil Hunger Games, but he saved Annie's life. On purpose. That has to count for something right? Not only that, but he's willing to allow me to become a citizen of the Capitol as long as I play my part. I mean, I was going to have to play that part regardless, but now I get the chance to keep my brother safe, Finnick safe, and god forbid I ever decided to have children they would be safe too.

I walk into the Victor party smiling at everyone. We were all being corralled into a room for Victors only, forced to wait for Annie to make her entrance to the room that contained the Capitol socialites before we were released to the jackals. Unfortunately for me, that means that I'm in a room full of Victors. Luckily, it's a big room because do they ever do anything small in the Capitol?

The Victors from District glowered at me with venom in their eyes. They knew that Annie was just another Victor who would align themselves with me so when the time came, more tributes would be aligning with District 2 instead of 1. As much as it mattered on the year and what was going on inside the arena, on the outside it's all a numbers game.

Before I get too tempted to push Cashmere into a shrimp cocktail, Johanna steps towards me smiling. She's wearing a beautiful brown dress with branches coming out of her hair in an ornate manner. She sips her drink and smiles up at me menacingly, "So, are you gonna tell me what was going on the other night?"

I choke on my own martini, and try not to laugh. "Well we kissed. I mean you already knew that."

"Yea but did anything come after that? Like what are you guys now? Because I can't handle the goo goo eyes and the will they won't they for another year."

I rolled my eyes. "We haven't gotten to talk about it yet, after my meeting with Snow and Annie being so unstable I haven't been able to talk to him yet."

Jo shoots me a glare.

"What? Why are you always looking at me like that?"

"Because your hands are shaking doofus."

I look down to see that my hands are indeed shaking. "Sorry I'm just nervous to see him, what if he—"

Jo interjects to shut down my self-doubt. "He's not going to turn you down. You're all he ever talks to me about. It's kinda annoying really."

I shake my head as I laugh along with Johanna. Sadly that joy doesn't last long because Cashmere begins to make her way over to me. Her shimmery and golden dress doesn't cover much or leave much to the imagination. She may be a bitch but that doesn't mean she isn't pretty. I suddenly begin to feel insecure in my long and flowing grey dress.

Jo must have sensed this because she adjusts the olive branch wreath on my head to give me assurance.

Cashmere walks up to the two of us and looks us up and down. "Hm, looks like you've cleaned up slightly."

Jo rolls her eyes and she takes another martini from the Avox with a tray behind me. "I see you haven't." Cashmere sends her a glare, but a wide eyed Jo is already making her exit as she downs another martini. I give her a mock glare but she flips the bird at me in return.

Great. She left me with Cashmere. But to be fair I wouldn't want to be in this conversation if I didn't have to.

Cashmere returns her attention to me begins to speak with a fake sweetness in her voice. "I'm so sorry to hear about Finnick and Annie hun. I know that you were close with him. Those interviews and all the gossip in the magazines and on TV must've been really hard for you."

I know she's trying to get under my skin. "No not really."

Cashmere looks bothered that I don't seem irritated. "Oh really? Well I feel bad for you either way. I mean on one hand you can't compete with the dead girl, but now? I'd probably wish she were dead instead you know."

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