Meeting Johanna

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*Comes out from behind couch*

Hey guys I'm really sorry, I've been dealing with some personal issues as well as exams but we should be back on track after this.

Shout out in the next chapter to who ever can find the Marianas Trench lyric in the story!

Also what was your favourite chapter so far?

Let me know in the comments!


After my rather unpleasant meeting with Mr.Snow I was brought back to my apartment in the tributes building to get ready for the Victors party. After locking myself in my room because I didn't want to see anyone on my floor my stylist came knocking on the door and told me I needed to get ready. I may or may not have told her to bite me.

So after this kicking and screaming match, which consisted of me doing the kicking and screaming, I finally struck a deal with the Capitolian woman to allow me to prep in the tribute prep room, which is where I am now.

"One final touch and were done!" Shrills the woman with unnaturally pink hair. She has given my face a more sculpted and sultry look, probably on the request of Snow might I add, and I am wearing a royal blue long gown where the bodice makes a deep-v and is made of a material shaped to look like a bunch of little flowers are forming it. My hair was done up in knot with some lose strands left to hang in front of my face.

"Yay." I say unenthusiastically.

"Now quick you don't want to miss your limo, if you arrive after 7, you'll miss the Victors arrival, which is a must see!" Says my stylist.

"I know," I say dryly. "I was the one entering last year remember?"

"Was it really only last year? You look so much older now! I just though because of the worry lines and the wrinkles-" With that I get up to leave and go find my limo.

"Ms. Jones you may enter limo number two to take you to the ceremony." Says one of the bellhops dressed in a suit. I nod. I make my way into limo two and sit in silence for the whole ride over.

As I exit the limo, I can't see anything, I'm being blinded by the flashing of cameras and all I can hear is people shouting my name. As I step out onto the red carpet I can see that there is a few other Victors that have yet to make their way inside talking to some of the people and reporters on the other side of the rope, so I decide to follow their lead.

"Octavia! Octavia!" I hear coming from a group of reporters that I make my way over to.

"Hello boys." I say nonchalantly.

"Ms. Jones is it true that your dating a person from the Capitol?" Says another.

"No, where did you hear that? Can't go believing everything you hear now can you?" And with that the reporter walks away as another aggressively moves to the front to take his spot.

"How do you feel about the statements that you made about your tribute before the games? Do you feel that it effected his game?" The reporter says.

"No." I say sharply.

"Can you confirm that you had sexual relations with your tribute?" At this my eyes widen and my mouth gapes, where on earth are they getting this stuff from.

I'm silent for a few seconds before my reputation is saved by a voice. "I think the real question should be whether or not she had sexual relations with me." I look up to see Finnick behind me who has placed a hand on my shoulder.

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