Inverse Betrayal

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That train ride home felt like it lasted weeks, in reality, it was only hours. I refused to talk to anyone on the way home, especially Brutus. All I did was look out the window and wonder to myself, as I usually do at home because yeah, I'm a loner. Do I like Finnick? That can't be. It would ruin our friendship. I don't want to ruin the only friendship I've ever had.

As I step off the train I see my dad waiting there for me, staring at me with a somber look. I grab my belongings and make my way over to him.

"Vee I-" he starts.

"Don't call me that," I snap at the old pet name that he gave me when I was a child. What makes him think that he has the right to waltz into my life and start throwing nicknames around.

"Octavia, it's your grandmother Sadie," he pauses to collect himself. " She's gone Vee she's gone." I can see slight tears beginning to well in his eyes.

"What? How?" I ask in disbelief. Gran can't be gone, I just got back.

"She died in her sleep during the games, the same night that our boy rep died," says my father, my heart slightly panging when he mentions the boy rep.

I can feel the hot tears welling up in my eyes. I never cry. But Gran is gone. I reach into do something that I haven't done since I was 4, I hug my dad. And I mean a real hug. This was the first time in years that I've hugged him and I wasn't forced to by a camera.

"Dad," I cry.

"I got you Vee, I got you," He says embracing the hug. "C'mon let's go to your house, I owe you a bunch of explanations and excuses."

So for the first time in a long time, I walk with my dad home.


We both walk into my house and take off our shoes and coats and place them on the hanger and make our way over to the family room. I turn the fireplace on.

"Dad where-"

"Vee I'm so sorry. For everything. For the training, for the games, for Gran, for ignoring you, for not being a good father and for not realizing that I needed to apologize until now."

"What-Why did you decide to tell me all this now don't you think you're a decade late or anything?" I say with tears still falling from my face but with more annoyance in my voice.

"I do but the death of you're grandmother made me see that I need to do the right thing. When I became a Victor and married your mother the whole world changed for me. My marriage was practically arranged by your other grandmother and the Capitol, but I was okay with it, your other grandmother was like my second mom so I thought it couldn't be that bad to marry your mom. But then I got sucked in. I forgot about my mom and I forgot about my values and morals that I had. I was swept into the mindset that a Victor could do whatever they please and that we needed to create a whole academy of winner, so I went along with it. But when the time came along for your mom and I to have a child your Grandma Sadie didn't want you anywhere near a training centre but your mom and I wanted a Victor, not a kid,"

I knew it.

"So we decide to completely cut off Grandma Sadie. I told myself that I was the best for you because I knew that the Capitol was going to pick you either way, but I was so selfish Vee and I'm sorry. So when you were at the minimum age for the academy I enrolled you so I could be around you more but that wasn't the case, I saw my little girl raised by other people and I'm sorry. I never told anyone this but when you left for the games I cried, and asked myself what I had let my little girl go off to do."

"What about mom? Does she feel the same way?" I ask.

"No Vee your mom is crazy. I think her mother, your other grandmother, pressured her so much into being a Victor, that when she came down with that sickness in her final reaping year she lost it. She's been trying to live through you Vee and I'm sorry I didn't try and stop her sooner, or when it actually mattered."

I sit there shocked about all that has been revealed to me. I don't know what to think. Can I forgive a man whose been a hollow shell of a father my whole life? Does he deserve to be forgiven? "Dad why didn't you just leave mom then?" I ask carefully.

"I tried, I really did I met this really nice woman named Seraphine and I was going to divorce your mother and marry her. But then your mom found out about us-"

"Wait you cheated on my mother?" I didn't like her but I'm not sure that she deserves this, especially since I don't really like him. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask through gritted teeth.

" Because your other Grandmother had Seraphine killed before we were supposed to run away together," he says with sadness.

"Why didn't you come to me about this sooner?" I ask.

"I'm sorry I know the timing is a little off," I give him a death stare. "Okay a lotta off but what I'm trying to tell you is that before Seraphine was killed she had a baby boy."

My eyes widen as I look up at my father. "I have a brother," I say without even realizing it.

"Yes, no one knows about him, but he trains at the academy as an orphan. He knows who I am and what I am to him but you're the only other person that knows and Vee, I told you this because if anything happens to me I need you to take care of him for me."

I feel my heart drop. So my father does feel love but not for me, for another child of his. His illegitimate one. "Whats his name and how old is he now?"

"His name is Cato, nine years old and he's training for the 74th Hunger Games."


Dun dun dun!!!!!!!!

What do y'all think of that? Interesting turn yes?

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